有多年來為台灣電影推廣付出無限心力的 #饒紫娟 將繪畫帶進羅浮宮的畫家郭彥甫Yen Fu和庭庭伉儷(還有可愛小狗MiMi)、我們的百科全書智庫Jimmy Wang、廉政愛民,美麗聰慧的台北市議員黃珊珊、名編劇製作人陳慧玲、周迅代表人 #陳輝虹、設計師導演Wang Chihpo王志伯、還有我們的小畫家李囍Allisha Lee、來自西雅圖唱作俱佳音樂製作人POLO Wang-Lau、演藝跨界最佳幕後推手好夥伴Clean Hsieh謝克林...
We are very honored to have spent a wonderful evening with very talented people!!
The great @Jennifer Jao who has spent much of her time supporting the taiwanese film industry!!
The amazing artist Kuo Yen Fu and his lovely wife Ting Ting, and of course their cute dog Mimi, also had the time to join!
Our encyclopedia, Mr. Jimmy Wang, the beautiful Taipei City Council Vivian Huang, the multi-talented screen writer and producer Ann Chen, the insightful Chen Hui Hong (who also happens to be the marvelous Zhou Xun's representative), designer Wang Chi Bo, our rising painter Allisha Lee, our strong partner Clean Hsieh, and composer/producer/audio artist POLO Wang-Lau from Seattle, all joined our rare evening!!
I am soo blessed to gather with my like-minded friends from all around the world!!!
An amazing evening!!!
Vicky MeiMei Chao