#Opinion by Mr. Tregunter|"When bond yields rise, bond prices fall. Over the past 10 years, people buying US, European and Japanese government bonds have made gains most of the time. This is because the respective governments have played the role of a last buyer. Consequently, the bonds could hit a record high not long after having set a new record, while the bond yields could become negative after hitting zero. Since governments sought to rescue the economy through quantitative easing, two problems have arisen. First, the moral boundary of free market economy has been removed, as governments eventually will intervene to maintain market order. Second, quantitative easing is like drug abuse - when the size of debt grows, higher interest rates become less acceptable, or governments may go bankrupt. Therefore, short sellers of government bonds are never in a hurry. They know governments will eventually make a move, and they will make big gains."
Read more: https://bit.ly/3tyXnYh
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mr removed app 在 Charles Mok 莫乃光 Facebook 的精選貼文
【唔好跪!去信Tim Cook要求蘋果取消將 HKmap.live下架之決定】
就應用程式 HKmap.live被蘋果公司從應用商店移除,我今日已向蘋果公司CEO發信,反駁App Store移除應用的理據,信中力陳用戶使用該應用程式的即時資訊,以避免受到警方濫用武力清場所傷害,要求蘋果取消將程式下架之決定,不要因為害怕中國施加壓力而自我審查。
【Charles Mok urges Apple to stand up against Chinese influence and reverse the ban on HKmap.live】
To contest the decision made by Apple to remove the app used in Hong Kong protests, hkmap.live, I issued a letter to Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc. to request for the app to be restored on App Store. In the letter, I explained that users in Hong Kong rely on the app to avoid potential conflict zones, protect themselves against tear gas and other police weapons, and to plan their transport routes accordingly. I urge Apple to uphold free expression and other human rights, and not become an accomplice for Chinese censorship and oppression by 'succumbing to China’s influence like other American companies'.
10 October 2019
Mr. Tim Cook
Chief Executive Officer
Apple Inc.
Dear Mr. Cook,
Re: Removal of ‘HKmap.live’ app from App Store
The app ‘HKmap.live’ which was previously available on Apple App Store was removed by Apple, citing App Store Review Guideline that the app “solicit, promote, or encourage criminal activity”. The app provides real-time location of public activities in Hong Kong and the location of law enforcement officers. This information is consolidated from users and public sources such as news and social network.
As a user of the app, and as a citizen of Hong Kong, I am deeply disappointed with Apple’s decision to ban the app and would like to contest the claims made by Hong Kong Police Force’s Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB).
There are numerous cases of innocent passersby in the neighbourhood injured by the Hong Kong Police Force’s excessive force in crowd dispersal operations. The user-generated information shared using HKmap.live in fact helps citizens avoid areas where pedestrians not involved in any criminal activities might be subjected to police brutality which many human rights organizations such as Amnesty International have observed. Users are merely sharing location information with the app to arrange their own transportation route and protect themselves from indiscriminate use of tear gas and confrontations.
As clearly demonstrated in the user reviews, HKmap.live helps HK residents, journalists, tourists etc. identify ‘danger zones’ and avoid being hurt by tear gas, rubber bullets, baton, bean-bag rounds and water cannon that the Hong Kong police claims to be ‘minimum force’, and get real-time updates of public transport, who rely on the app to avoid being harassed and beaten up by police for no reason.
If sharing information on a real-time basis equates to encouraging criminal activity, social network app, the same standard should also be applied to review social media apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Telegram and Instagram, where people share similar information in real-time.
As a long-time user of Apple products and services, I highly appreciate that Apple has been championing freedom of expression as one of the corporation’s tenets. I sincerely hope Apple will choose to support its users and stop banning HKmap.live simply out of political reason or succumbing to China’s influence like other American companies appear to be doing.
We Hongkongers will definitely look closely at whether Apple chooses to uphold its commitment to free expression and other basic human rights, or become an accomplice for Chinese censorship and oppression.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Mok
Legislative Councillor (Information Technology)
Hong Kong