#歌單三十天2018 ‧ 15
#想給另一半聽的歌 ‧ おちゃんせんすぅす
THE (2014)
中嶋イッキュウ vocal & guitar / キダ モティフォ guitar & chorus / ヒロミ‧ヒロヒロ bass & chorus / 吉田雄介 drums
Authorized music content.
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅大象體操Elephant Gym,也在其Youtube影片中提到,黑夜籠罩之後,熟悉的日常逐漸褪色。 清楚地感覺到自己正穿越扭曲的時間與畫面, 在那裡,我遇見另一個你,比記憶中更加鮮明, 也遇見另一個我,比想象中更加勇敢, 一起往規則改變的未知前進。 睜眼的那一刻便越過了黑夜。 --------- 大象體操2021年度單曲《穿過夜晚》,創作始於與日本樂團toe...
「japanese math rock」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於japanese math rock 在 話梅鹿 - Prune Deer Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於japanese math rock 在 大象體操Elephant Gym Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於japanese math rock 在 Prune Deer Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於japanese math rock 在 EDEN KAI Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於japanese math rock 在 japanese math rock to listen while strolling around ... - Pinterest 的評價
- 關於japanese math rock 在 Japanese Math-Rock Band Lite - Facebook 的評價
japanese math rock 在 KbN Facebook 的最讚貼文
電子後搖、實驗金屬,還是後金屬搖滾?無論你想將什麼標籤貼在MAYBESHEWILL身上,他們都能旋即以不同的音樂姿態予以反擊;說他們是打破巢臼藩籬、革新後搖、金屬音樂的藝術價值,都不算過譽。或許,後搖滾(Post-Rock)、金屬(Metal)以及數學搖滾(Math Rock)都有其規律、規範與演練上讓人詬病的反覆數據,但MAYBESHEWILL不至於屢犯此錯、他們同中求異,不受歷史軌跡的牽引與控制,在眾多受到後搖音樂感染的Instrumental樂隊之中,他們是孤傲、不汲汲於悲壯的一群。
我們幾乎還搞不清楚MAYBESHEWILL隊名到底怎麼唸?究竟是否意味著May Be She Will的同時,已難逃被「Not For Want Of Trying」轟炸的命運,此曲來自樂隊2008年獲得各方媒體盛讚的首張大碟。樂隊來自英國內陸工業大城萊斯特(Leicester),由兩位大學同窗Robin Southby、John Helps於2005年組成,隔年便推出首部自製作品『Japanese Spy Transcript』;後來獲得諾丁罕獨立廠牌Field的賞識於底下陸續發表了『Not For Want Of Trying』(2008)、『Sing the Word Hope in Four-Part Harmony』(2009)、『I Was Here For a Moment, Then I Was Gone』(2011)等三張大碟及數支單曲,同時也被帶到日本XTAL廠牌底下,普遍受到當地樂迷的喜愛。
MAYBESHEWILL不開口唱歌、純粹Instrumental Rock形式,雖非受到典型後搖音樂的影響,音樂中卻能經常凝聚出Mogwai、Sigur Rós以及65daysofstatic等百家形態;與曾經造訪台灣的65daysofstatic一樣擅於通過電子音樂節拍來強化吉他riff的空間律動感,卻又沒有65daysofstatic過份依賴電子效果的問題。歌曲「To The Skies From A Hillside」、「Critical Distance」皆有流暢的旋律主軸、搭配古樸、堂皇與華麗的配樂伴奏。音樂通過耳際、欲自形成畫面,這就是MAYBESHEWILL可以完全放棄以Vocal作為宣洩主線的原因。
[ PutsSound 13 ] MAYBESHEWILL台北演唱會
日期 : 2012/06/12(二)
時間 : 19:30 OPEN / 20:00 START
會場 : THE WALL LiveHouse公館 (台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1)
票價 : 預售1100元、四人套票4000元(限THE WALL公館店頭及專人面交取票) 、現場1300元
售票點:THE WALL店頭(可刷卡)、THE WALL官網、小白兔唱片行師大店
面交專線: 0927-568100阿便、0912-349108阿議
4/1(日)當天於PutsSound攤位購買PutsSound 13(MAYBESHEWILL/KbN)門票,每張特價900元,只限一天,不限張數!!!
japanese math rock 在 話梅鹿 - Prune Deer Facebook 的最讚貼文
話梅鹿黑膠推出預告 🇫🇷
終於公佈了!在法國廠牌 Specific Recording 的邀請下,我們將合作推出樂隊的首張黑膠唱片。
Specific Recording將同時協助我們把專輯推廣至歐美不同地區,而我們亦會預留限量的唱片在亞洲地區發售,詳情請留意我們之後的公佈。
Specific Recording:
Considering Hong-Kong's actual political context, we are more than proud and happy to collaborate with post-rock stalwarts PRUNE DEER for the release of their latest EP. The four musicians brilliantly prove that this genre of music can still be exciting in 2019, mixing your usual post-rock influences with a healthy dose of math-rock (the Japanese way) but also ambient atmospheres and bits & pieces of field recordings, turning the 7 tracks composing Insufficient Postage into a one-of-a-kind audio experience.
180g white one-sided vinyl. Out in December.
japanese math rock 在 大象體操Elephant Gym Youtube 的精選貼文
大象體操2021年度單曲《穿過夜晚》,創作始於與日本樂團toe在疫情期間舉辦的線上合作演出。與toe的團員討論後,取樣其經典曲目 "Two Moons" 的木吉他音軌重新創作,除向喜愛的樂團致敬,也以大象體操的器樂特色詮釋夢境虛實交雜的獨特場景,為探討夢境作為主題的下一張專輯揭開序幕。
“Go Through the Night”
When the night fell, the familiar daily life gradually faded.
I could feel the passing through distorted time and picture.
There, I met you, more vivid than I remembered.
There was another me, braver than ever.
Together, we walked toward the unknown, where the rules were changed.
The moment we opened our eyes, we have gone through the night.
Stemming from their recent collaboration with the Japanese band toe, Elephant Gym’s new single “Go Through the Night” fluidly interpolates the classic toe song “Two Moons” into their unique scene where reality intertwines with dreamworld illusions.
Peppered with chopped samples of the acoustic guitar from “Two Moons,” the Taiwanese trio’s expansion on their beloved song is stamped with KT Chang’s signature basslines that twist nimbly into her brother Tell’s gorgeous piano melodies. While glued together through drummer Tu Chia-Chin’s tactful, pinpoint-precise drumming, the song maintains a dreamlike air, with passages shifting inexplicably and abruptly in a way that still feels natural.
This blurring of boundaries between Elephant Gym’s dreamscape and reality is the central theme of “Go Through the Night,” and doubles as the band’s opening statement for their upcoming album centered on dreams.
◎數位平台聆聽 Listen on Streaming 🎧
◎Purchase it on Bandcamp ⬇️
🔥 新單曲全台巡迴場次&售票連結🔗
5/07(五)台北 海邊的卡夫卡
5/08(六)桃園 ThERE
5/09(日)新竹 彌聲
5/14(五)高雄 百樂門酒館
5/15(六)彰化 福大祿昌
5/21(五)台北 樂悠悠之口 光復南
5/23(日)台中 Legacy Taichung chako
5/29(六)台南 TCRC Livehouse
5/30(日)高雄 百樂門酒館
6/04(五)台北 Revolver
6/05(六)台中 洞穴 The Cave
6/12(六)台南 Seety新城視
6/13(日)台東 鐵花村音樂聚落
◎iNDIEVOX購票系統、7-11 ibon購票
#新單曲全台巡迴售票中 #完售倒數
【音樂製作 Music Production】
製作 Producer:大象體操 Elephant Gym
作曲 Composer:大象體操 Elephant Gym
編曲 Arrangement:大象體操 Elephant Gym
鍵盤 Keyboard:張凱翔 Tell Chang
電貝斯 Electric Bass:張凱婷 KT Chang
鼓 Drums:涂嘉欽 Chia-Chin Tu
取樣 Sample:”Two Moons” by toe, used by permission of Machupicchu INDUSTRIAS Inc.
錄音工程師 Recording Engineer:陳瑩哲 Ying-Che Chen
錄音室 Recording Studio:大象體操錄音室 Elephant Gym Studio
混音工程師 Mixing Engineer : 陳文駿 AJ Chen
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer : 王秉皇 Ben Wang
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio : 洋活音樂 SeaSide Mastering
樂團經紀 Band Manager:伊晉褕 Eric Yi
【MV製作 Music Video Production】
-On Set-
Cheng-Wei Liu|Chun-Chieh Wang|Dou Tung
Jamie Kao|Marcus Jheng|Sebox Hong|Sid Lin
Abby Wan|Phoebe Lu
Fang-Yu Su|Gafferland|GPS Studio|Merry Go Round Inc.
Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB

japanese math rock 在 Prune Deer Youtube 的最讚貼文
Full Album is now on streaming platform.
Pre-corder NEW EP 預購新專輯 : https://forms.gle/vRPRcYAZjfT6pzpV9
Asia Tour 2019 ticket & info 亞洲巡演 2019門票 : https://is.gd/0WCGBC
《Insufficient Postage》有別與以往的作品,無論是美術上,聲音上還是型態上。選擇去捨棄華麗的包裝,丟掉激勵人心的旋律,打破一張專輯的固有框架。幾乎每一首歌都與不同的音樂單位參與了合作:由日本饒舌女歌手 春ねむり填詞演唱並出演MV的 “返信”;與目前休團中的香港樂隊小紅帽主音Ashley合作演唱的"空郵”;還跟不同的傳統樂手合作,例如中文大學音樂系的大提琴手蔡卓曦、香港青年中樂團的中胡手琬晴Esther和理工大學的小號手黃錦輝。話梅鹿選擇了走出舒適圈,在創作上邁出新的嘗試。
Differ from their past works, they decided to do more than just an CD album, no matter on the music itself or the package design. Collaborating with Japanese female rapper Haru Nemuri in ‘Return’, and Ashley Tsang (the former vocal of Hong Kong Band Siuhongmo ) for the vocal part in ‘By Air’; the use of classical instrument like trumpet, cello and erhu also leads to a big jump in this new EP.
▼ Follow Prune Deer 話梅鹿
Official HP : https://www.prunedeer.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/prunedeer
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/prunedeer
Twitter : http://twitter.com/prunedeer
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/0V6yRXUk7qTPizan3VkUPU
Apple Music / iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/prune-deer/892275482

japanese math rock 在 EDEN KAI Youtube 的精選貼文
About ラジオインタビュー(FM897 The Vance K Show )された際に弾いたオリジナル曲「Hyperbola」です!
Hi! Sorry about the Japanese speaking in the video...Here's the English subtitles to help: "Thank you..I'd like to play a song I performed on Terrace House. I have a high school friend who loves math, and I named this song after his favorite math word "Hyperbola." " I don't really like math, actually I'm pretty bad at math, lol, but totally respect people who do, and I thought Hyperbola is a pretty cool sounding word, don't ya think? :-)
On my recent trip to perform at the Fuji Rock Festival in Japan, I stopped by InterFM897 Tokyo's most popular international radio station to be on The Vance K Show located in TV TOKYO. I had a blast..so much fun being interviewed and performing four of my original songs on the show!
Many Mahalos and Thanks to the awesome:
* DJ Vance K
* Tatsu D mixer & director
* Jingu & Ichiro (Hiro Tokito) Video editor
and everyone at Tokyo's most awesome international radio station InterFM897!!!
CONTACT(連絡): imagine@edenkai.com
MERCH(グッズはこちらから) : http://edenkai.store
CAMEO (For personal video shoutouts ビデオメッセージをご希望の方はこちらまで)https://www.cameo.com/edenkai
Let's Connect!(SNSやってますー!):
WEBSITE(WEBサイト): https://edenkai.com/
INSTAGRAM(インスタ): https://instagram.com/edenkai_official
TWITTER(ツイッター): https://twitter.com/edenkaiofficial
FACEBOOK(フェイスブック): https://www.facebook.com/EdenKaiOfficial
With millions of fans around the world, Eden Kai has earned his reputation as being a ukulele and guitar virtuoso, a Pop/R&B vocalist, and an accomplished actor. While many were first introduced to Eden when he joined the cast of Netflix and Fuji Television’s Terrace House: Aloha State, the young star’s success had already been years in the making. He has since gone on to make additional appearances on Terrace House: Tokyo 2019-2020, appeared on Shiro to Kiiro on Amazon Prime and has performed at the Fuji Rock Festival (the largest outdoor music festival in Japan), Nisei Week Festival in Little Tokyo, OC Japan Fair and ANA Honolulu Music Week in Waikiki. Eden’s accomplishments have earned him interviews by NBC News and The Yomiuri Shinbun (the world’s most circulated newspaper).
His most recent album, Home Sweet Home, released in 2018 and was recorded in Tokyo, Japan, produced by his music label in Japan Victor Entertainment. Three tracks from that album were featured in episodes of Netflix Japan’s Terrace House during the show’s Opening New Doors and Tokyo 2019-2020 seasons. The series also featured Eden’s instrumental compositions of “Touch the Sky” and “Feel the Earth.” “Monogatari” was his debut pop vocal single, which he wrote and performed on the show. That music, as well as Eden’s past album releases, can be heard on all major streaming services and is available for purchase on Eden’s official website, www.EdenKai.com.
In addition to working on his own music, Eden has collaborated with some of the world’s top artists and producers, including EXILE and Dream. One of his compositions was used to create “Anuenue,” a hit J-Pop single recorded and released by Dance Earth Party, which landed at #11 on the Oricon Music Charts in Japan.
Eden also recognizes the importance of using his music to help others. He has hosted several ukulele workshops in Honolulu and Japan, been the featured performer at the Waikiki Spam Jam, benefiting the largest non-profit in Hawaii that feeds the needy, and the Hawaii Food and Wine Festival from which proceeds helped local children in the community. Eden has donated proceeds from some of his songs to assist humanitarian causes, including the support of a health center in Haiti and the purchase of educational materials for children in Bangladesh.
© 2017 Eden Kai LLC ASCAP All Rights Reserved.

japanese math rock 在 Japanese Math-Rock Band Lite - Facebook 的推薦與評價
To connect with Japanese Math-Rock Band Lite, join Facebook today. ... announce a five date China tour for one of Japan's leading instrumental bands: LITE. ... <看更多>
japanese math rock 在 japanese math rock to listen while strolling around ... - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
japanese math rock to listen while strolling around in the cherry blossoms. Video by. tardiobscurus. on. youtube. ·. the song, TK from 凛として時雨 ... ... <看更多>