你知道舊金山著名的纜車是全世界僅存的人工操作纜車系統嗎?舊金山的首條纜車線在1873年的今天(8月1日)通車,由Clay Street Hill 鐵路公司所營運。舊金山纜車又被暱稱為叮噹車,它的叮噹聲在幾條街外就可以聽到。之所以被稱為纜車,是因為這種車輛的移動是依靠在地下溝槽循環移動的鋼纜來牽引。〈我的心遺留在舊金山〉(I Left My Heart in San Francisco)這首名曲就有這麼一句歌詞:「小小的纜車往星空的方向攀爬。」全曲請見:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC73kdOL5hk
Did you know that the iconic San Francisco cable car is the world's last manually operated cable car system? San Francisco’s first cable cars began running on August 1, 1873, operated by Hallidie’s Clay Street Hill Railroad Company. Their familiar bells can be heard from blocks away. It is called a cable car because the car moves with a loop of metal cable running continuously in a slot beneath the ground. San Francisco is where "little cable cars climb halfway to the stars," according to the famous song lyrics of "I Left My Heart in San Francisco.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC73kdOL5hk