MG X ลงทุนแมน
การเปลี่ยนถ่ายจาก รถเครื่องยนต์สันดาป สู่ EV Car ในประเทศไทย
รถยนต์คันแรกที่วิ่งบนถนนเมืองไทยเกิดขึ้นปี พ.ศ. 2447
หรือเมื่อ 116 ปีที่แล้ว ซึ่งเจ้าพระยาสุรศักดิ์มนตรี เป็นคนนำเข้ามาจากยุโรป
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Transformation from combustion engine to EV Car in Thailand
The first car to run on Thailand road happened in the year. B.E. 2447
Or 116 years ago that Chao Phraya Surasak Montri was imported from Europe.
But when the reign of King Rama 5, he saw that it was difficult to use, he ordered German companies to assemble Mercedes to be a throne car that used fuel as a throne.
Over time in Thailand, there are many car brands happening. Both Japanese and European brands have come to set up factory in Thailand.
Until now Thailand becomes the world's number 11 car production base.
Have you ever noticed that from the beginning of 100 years ago to today?
The thing that doesn't change is that most road cars are still combustion engines.
To rely on oil which causes pollution air and pollution noise.
In spite of this time, car camps around the world have created smoke-free automotive technology. Powered by electric energy.
So why is the car that uses combustion engine still running on the road of Thailand?
Investing man will try to analyze it.
The reason combustion engine cars are the most popular in our house.
Apart from every camp, the manufacturer has many models of cars to choose from as they wish.
Another important thing is that it's easy to sell price. It's a market that is easy to buy and sell easily. Whether it's a new or used car.
But the thing that we have to exchange is that the environment is negative from toxic fumes, we have to pay for gas each month. On average, combustion engine car with 1 litres of oil will run 10-15 kilometers.
At the end, it's a busy maintenance fee because there must be consistent check and maintenance of the engine.
Until a time later, HEV hybrid car technology is leading battery and electric motor.
Come in to help make cars more powerful and save more oil.
There are many types of hybrids working methods. It depends on the design of the electric transmission system. It helps to start faster, save more oil or bring electricity to help engine all the time to improve energy.
And another option to market is to operate the electric motor, wheel drive, but it all comes from the ′′ generator that serves the electrical power ′′ engine so that cars can use the advantages of electric motor. That's a quick start. Waiting for the engine round
Which, in any way, the hybrid system still needs to be gased for the engine and exhaust like combustion engine.
And what makes hybrids so unsuccessful is selling more expensive than combustion engine vehicles and engine maintenance costs.
A system that develops later is a hybrid plug-in or a system that adds external energy. This charging system allows cars to be more powerful than before. Electricity in low speeds. Further and more fuel saving, but even more so, the main energy is still oiled while electricity is more supplementary.
As the past 3 systems could fix the fuel saving and better power, but the toxic fumes were created from combustion engine couldn't solve the pollution PM2. 5 pollution.
This is why some car camps are innovating that won't need engine power anymore. That's 100 % electric cars using 100 % electricity and cut off all engine systems which can be recharged from. Exterior and store power at battery. When power is driven, electricity will be sent to motor to drive wheels.
And when cars don't need to drive, which means we don't need to pay for gas, no engine maintenance, no oil, and 100 % electricity usage. It makes driving time no noise, no poisonous smoke.
100 % of electric cars will change our lifestyle from gas station to travel to charging at home similar to mobile phones. Our society is a clean society without PM2. 5 anymore.
By 100 % electric car or BEV Car, it's going to be a leap growing global sales.
Year 2010 Sales of 100 % BEV worldwide 2,881 cars.
Year 2019 Sales of 100 % BEV worldwide 1,502,798 cars.
Only 9 years. BEV Car grows 52,062 %
At this time, there are over 4.5 million BEV car cars running across the globe.
The country with the most BEV cars running on the road is China with approximately 2.5 million cars.
Or think about 55 % of all BEV Car in the world. Secondary is USA and European countries.
The most important reason why BEV Car in many countries around the world is growing. Government bombs support both car manufacturers tax structures to tax deductible to citizens if they buy BEV Car.
Because at this time, many countries are terrified of the climate getting worse.
Specifically, China where many cities are falling in the circle of dust. PM2. 5
And this is happening to Thailand too.
Many people are asking how is the status of the sky train market 100 % BEV Car in our house?
Believe it or not, the EV Car in Thailand includes all-driven vehicles, both hybrid and hybrid plug-ins. Only 1.2 hundred thousand or 1.2 % of personalized cars. All across the country
And in that total, only 1,500 cars are 100 % electric cars or BEV.
The reason BEV Car in Thailand hasn't been informed. Born like other countries.
I have to admit that part of the promotion of the government is not as intense as it should be.
The next thing is that the sale price is still pretty high.
Because no car camp is currently able to produce an EV Car in the country. It costs all of them for import tax.
This story has resulted in the price of BEV Car on the market. Most of them are price starts from 1.8 million Baht.
When things are like this, it makes MG see the gap with importing BEV Car ′′ MG ZS EV ′′
With benefits of import tax 0 % from FTA Thai - China trade policy.
From now on, MG ZS EV can make a sale price of up to 1.19 million baht, cheaper than other BEV Car camps apparently.
This model car has a highlight. It's fully charged 1 times. It can be 337 kilometers and battery guarantee for 8 years.
The thing to follow is
So when are we going to see BEV Car of other car camps. It's priced for normal people to access like MG ZS EV.
So when will we see BEV Car under a million baht like other countries?
So when will we see BEV Car charging at all locations like gas stations.
The answer should be about
Car factory in Thailand will mainly change from the manufacturing of combustion cars.
When will I become a full EV Car?
And how much electric car charging stations will be promoted
This is based on government policies.
And the public sector needs to push it happen too.
And if that day comes
When BEV Car runs on the streets of Thailand
Our eyes won't see black smoke
Our nose won't breathe poisonous smoke
Our ears won't listen loudly from the engine
And it's that time on the road in Thailand
Will be friendly for us all..
- Siam Commercial Bank Economic Research Center (SCB EIC)
- MG Sale (Thailand) Co Ltd.Translated
how to solve air pollution 在 Sp Saypan Facebook 的精選貼文
ตอนนี้ PM 2.5 น่ากลัวมาก
ใครอยู่ กทม อย่าลืมใส่หน้ากากกันฝุ่น N95
คนลอนดอน 12,000 คน เสียชีวิตเพราะ “ฝุ่นควัน” ในปี 1952
ปัจจุบันคนกรุงเทพฯ และผู้อาศัยอยู่ในย่านปริมณฑล กำลังวิตกกับสถานการณ์ฝุ่นละออง PM 2.5 หลังหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องเริ่มออกมาเตือนภัยเกี่ยวกับ “ผลกระทบด้านสุขภาพ” ที่อาจได้รับจากเจ้าฝุ่นพิษเหล่านี้ ทำเอาหลายคนอาจกลัวว่าบทสรุปของมันจะเหมือนกับเหตุการณ์ที่เคยเกิดขึ้นในลอนดอนเมื่อปี 1952 หรือไม่ ?
ย้อนกลับไปเมื่อวันที่ 5 ธันวาคม ปี 1952 ได้เกิดหมอกควันจำนวนมากปกคลุมทั่วนครลอนดอน ประเทศอังกฤษ ในตอนนั้นผู้คนต่างคิดว่ามันคือ “หมอกหรือควัน” ทั่วไป ๆ ที่เกิดอยู่บ่อยครั้ง แต่มารู้ตัวอีกทีเจ้าหมอกควันเหล่านี้ก็ได้คร่าชีวิตคนไปกว่า 12,000 คนแล้ว ซึ่งทั้งหมดก็มีผลมาจากฝีมือของมนุษย์ล้วน ๆ
นี่ก็คือเหตุการณ์ทางมลพิษที่เลวร้ายที่สุดในประวัติศาสตร์ของสหราชอาณาจักร เหตุการณ์นี้ถูกเรียกชื่อว่า “The Great Smog of London“ หรือ “หมอกซุปถั่ว” (Pea-Soupers) สาเหตุที่เรียกอย่างนั้นเพราะในหมอกเหล่านี้มีลักษณะเป็นสีดำอมเหลืองจากกำมะถันคล้ายกับสีของซุปถั่วนั้นเอง
สาเหตุหลักที่ทำให้เกิด “หมอกมรณะ” ในครั้งนี้เกิดจากน้ำมือมนุษย์ล้วน ๆ ในช่วงเดือนธันวาคมของประเทศอังกฤษจะมีอากาศหนาวเย็นจนผู้คนตามบ้านเรือนและโรงงานถ่านหินต้องมีการเผาถ่านหินมากกว่าปกติเพื่อเพิ่มความอบอุ่น เรียกได้ว่า “ยิ่งหนาวยิ่งเผา” และบวกกับมลพิษที่มาจากควันของบุหรี่และรถยนต์ดีเซล เหตุการณ์ที่ทุกคนไม่คาดฝันก็เกิดขึ้น
ย้อนกลับไปเมื่อวันที่ 4 ธันวาคม ปี 1952 เกิดปรากฏการณ์ “แอนติไซโคลน” (Anticyclone) ใจกลางลอนดอน และท่ามกลางสภาพอากาศที่ไร้ลมรวมเข้ากับควันที่มาจากปล่องไฟต่าง ๆ จึงทำให้ควันจำนวนมากเริ่มก่อตัวกันกลายเป็นหมอกพิษปกคลุมไปทั่วลอนดอน รัฐบาลอังกฤษพยายามจะแก้ไขสถานการณ์ แต่ทำยังไงเจ้า “หมอกมรณะ” เหล่านี้ก็ไม่สามารถลอยขึ้นไปสู่ชั้นบรรยากาศได้สักที
หมอกเริ่มปกคลุมไปทั่วทุกที่และอยู่เหนือพื้นดินแค่หลักเมตร การใช้ชีวิตของผู้คนเป็นไปได้ยากขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ ผู้คนเริ่มมองไม่เห็นเท้าตัวเองหรือแม้กระทั่งไฟหน้ารถคันอื่น การเดินทางผ่านระบบขนส่งสาธารณะเริ่มทำได้ยากขึ้น กิจกรรมต่าง ๆ อย่างฟุตบอลหรือคอนเสิร์ตต้องถูกระงับ เและไม่นานทัศนวิสัยในการมองของทุกคนก็กลายเป็นศูนย์พร้อมกับสภาพร่างกายที่ทรุดลง
เมื่อช่วงปี 1950s โรงงานถ่านหินในลอนดอนและบริเวณใกล้ ๆ อย่างที่ ฟูแลม, แบตเทอร์ซี, กรีนิช และแบงค์ไซด์ มีการปล่อยมลพิษทางอากาศมากกว่า 1,000 ตันต่อวัน ซึ่งมาพร้อมกับก๊าซอันตรายต่อร่างกายอย่าง ซัลเฟอร์ไดออกไซด์และกรดไฮโดรคลอริก
ในวันที่ 8 ธันวาคม 1952 สถานการณ์เริ่มเลวร้ายลงเรื่อย ๆ ท่ามกลางสภาพอากาศเป็นพิษจากซัลเฟอร์ไดออกไซด์ ทำให้ผู้คนเริ่มมีอาการหายใจสั้นและมีปัญหาด้านทางเดินหายใจ และไม่นานก็มีประชาชนเริ่มเสียชีวิตจากเหตุการณ์นี้กว่า 4,000 คนจากโรคหนองในปอด และอีก 100,000 คนป่วยหนักจากโรคทางระบบทางเดินหายใจ
เหตุการณ์มรณะในครั้งนี้ลากยาวไปเป็นเกือบสัปดาห์ และในวันที่ 10 ธันวาคม ทุกอย่างก็ค่อย ๆ กลับมาเป็นปกติหลังหมอกเริ่มจางลงและลอยขึ้นสู่ชั้นบรรยากาศ
นี่ถือเป็นเหตุการณ์ด้านมลภาวะที่คร่าชีวิตคนอังกฤษมากที่สุดในประวัติศาสตร์นับตั้งแต่วิกฤตมลพิษถ่านหินในช่วงศตวรรษที่ 13 และมีผลทำให้รัฐบาลอังกฤษต้องออกกฎหมายจัดการมลพิษทางอากาศฉบับแรกในปี 1956 หรือที่เรียกว่า Clean Air Act 1956
จะว่าไปเหตุการณ์นี้ก็เริ่มคล้ายกับสถานการณ์ในบ้านเรามากขึ้นทุกวัน ถ้ายังไม่มีนโยบายแก้ไขปัญหาที่ดี หรือวันไหนกรุงเทพฯ ดันเกิดปรากฏการณ์ แอนติไซโคลน จนหมอกพิษลอยมาให้เราดมได้ ในอนาคตลูกหลานของเราอาจจะต้องเรียนเรื่อง “The Great Smog of Bangkok“ แทนเรื่องของเมื่อปี 1952 ก็เป็นได้
เรื่อง : วิทวัส ปัญญาเลิศวุฒิ
อ่าน “คนลอนดอน 12,000 คน เสียชีวิตเพราะ “ฝุ่นควัน” ในปี 1952” เวอร์ชั่นเว็บไซต์ได้ที่ :
ที่มา :…/decemb…/9/newsid_4506000/4506390.stm…/the-killer-fog-that-blanketed-lon…
#ThePeople #Social #History #GreatSmogofLondon
12,000 London people died because of "smoke dust" in 1952
Currently, Bangkok people and residents in perimeter are worried about the dust situation. PM 2.5 after related agencies start warning about "health effects" that may receive from these poisonous dust. Many people may fear that its conclusion. Will it be the same as the incident in London in 1952?
Back on December 5, 1952, there was a lot of smog covered in London. At that time, people thought it was a common "smog" that happened, but they were often, but they knew that these haze killed their lives. Over 12,000 people, all of them are made by human skills.
This is the worst pollution event in UK's history. The Great Smog of London " aka " Bean Soup Fog " (Pea-Soupers) is called because in these are black. Yellow from sulphur cuddle am similar to the color of pea soup.
The main reason why " death fog " is caused by all human hands during the month of England. It will be cold that people in homes and coal factories must be more coal to increase warmth. It is called " The colder " and plus the smoke of cigarettes and diesel cars. Unexpected events happen.
Back on December 4, 1952, there was a phenomenon "Anticyclone" (Anticyclone) in the heart of London and in the wind-free weather, combined with the day from the chimney, so many smoke started to become poisonous fog. Covered all over London, the British government tried to fix the situation, but how to do these "death fog" can't go up to the atmosphere.
Fog starts to cover everywhere and above the ground. People's living is getting harder and harder. People start to see their feet or other car headlights. Traveling through public transport is getting harder. Activities like football or concerts. Must be suspended and unseen in everyone's sight becomes zero with a body condition.
In the 1950 s coal plant in London and near Fulam, Battery, Greenwich, and Banks were more than 1,000 tons of air emissions per day, which comes with harmful gases. Body like cuddle l ferdioxide and hydrochloric acid
On December 8, 1952, the situation is getting worse in the middle of the weather conditions from cuddle lfer dioxide, causing people to start having short breathing and respiratory problems. And soon, people started to die from this incident over 4,000 People from gonorrhea and 100,000 others are sick from respiratory disease.
This event is almost a week long haul and on December 10th, everything is back to normal. After the fog starts to fade and floating into the atmosphere.
This is the pollution th most British life event since the coal pollution crisis in the 13th century, and the British government issued the first air pollution law in 1956 aka Clean Air Act. 1956
Btw, this event is getting more similar to our home situation every day. If there is no policy to solve a good problem or any day, it is an anticyclone phenomenon until the poisonous fog floats for us. Our children may have to learn about " The Great Smog of Bangkok " instead of 1952
Story: Wittaw cuddle Sapanya Peng wut
Read " 12,000 London people died because of " smoke dust " in 1952 " website version at:
#ThePeople #Social #History #GreatSmogofLondonTranslated
how to solve air pollution 在 唐鳳粉絲團 Facebook 的最佳解答
New Renaissance can reform global nations peacefully and digitally
Your esteemed institution will dominate think tank industry with my 4 plans that surely will attract more donation and create New Renaissance to reform China, North Korea and global nations peacefully and create $30 trillion dollars new revenue annual. 4 plans and the new management science will speed global development with prosperity, peace and health for new civilization.
I would like to introduce new management science and technology before the 4 plans that everyone will have equal opportunity to contribute in community and play a role in decision making with direct democracy in order to regulate perceived disequilibrium in human civilization. New management science of direct democracy will not put cat and fish together that is the only way we can keep financial discipline and transparency. Direct democracy is not campaign in every 4 years. It is new life in ICT century. The new management system can sell itself due to the benefit is huge that will create New Renaissance for peace, health and prosperity.
We are so blessed and so lucky to live in ICT era that systematically reform is a matter of finger tips. Human thought and information can transfer so fast and so massive that can perform direct democracy easily with ICT platform. It can start with housing and facility management industry that global residents in housing communities can perform direct democracy to form a global trend of new politics and new management science. We can create equal opportunity in different agendas with ICT platform that will liberate global productivity and lift efficiency to create new revenue $30 trillion dollars in New Renaissance.
Most communities, cities and nations will enjoy the new infrastructure of cloud conference in ICT platform for new management system that can stop human ordeals in politics, finance, education, ecology and economy. New generation will live in prosperity, peace and health with new management science. China reformed in 1980’s with global synergy platform to lift economy tremendously. New Renaissance with new management science will reform global nations in economy, education, politics, ecology and other different agendas that we can cross barrier of time and space to explore new worlds. If we adopt the new management system of direct democracy, we shall live peacefully in New Renaissance that people will not snipe at police any more.
Your institution can lead global think tanks, communities, governments, and enterprises in New Renaissance. It not only will reform management system but also will increase 40% productivity globally that equal to lift $30 trillion dollars revenue annual plus to save resources wasted in mismanagement. Direct democracy is green management for global sustainable development.
ICT sponsors will donate $30 million dollars to the institution annual that can promote New Renaissance and create $3 trillion dollars revenue annual for ICT industry. ICT can fabricate new platform of cloud conference for direct democracy that can apply in housing and facility management industry globally before it can lift to city level, national level and UN level eventually.
A housing community is a small nation. Nation will change when communities change. Residents in housing communities will enjoy surfing new management system to solve unrest and create pleasant environment. New Renaissance will start in housing communities and lift to higher levels accordingly. It will be a project that sells itself and build 200 ICT platforms globally. Each platform will be at the size of Facebook.
Since we can trade stocks directly in NASDAQ, why can’t we use civil power directly in cloud government and cloud conference? Initially we can operate both cloud conference and reality conference synchronously like Dow Jones operating both cloud trading and floor trading. NASDAQ has never operated floor trading since establishment. Literally politics is like the stock exchange. We can trade without brokers in stock exchange as well as in politics.
Everyone has access to information that information can spread massively and quickly without limit of time and space. Global development is the task of how to apply with synergy ICT platform for human activities especially for the public affairs that can lift efficiency, productivity and revenue with new management system to achieve prosperity, peace and health globally.
I am glad to learn we pursue the same goal and we might choose the same approach when we find polluted air in China and India can spread to Japan, America and Europe at the speed of hundreds miles per hour along jet stream in 6 miles height. Particles in polluted air can damage human health as well as catalyze extreme weather globally. We can benefit or hurt consequently with all events happening on the Earth.
What if African will pollute air and water seriously like China and India have done? How soon the Earth will become uninhabitable? Our knowledge and experience convince us the global is a holistic life body. Development should prevent from damaging the holistic life body. We had to protect the holistic life body by all means with new ethics and new code of conduct for sustainable development. The best way to achieve the goal is to operate new management system on ICT platform globally that all people can contribute and play a role in decision making. Everyone can watch, report and maintain the health of the holistic life body in every corner of the Earth without limit of time and space.
New management system and ICT platforms rely on consistent electric power supply. We need to develop green energy as electric power industry is major factor of pollution and global warming. Most energy in nuclear power plant has been applied to heat up sea water and vaporize into the sky that can rise up temperature seriously. Green energy and green management undoubtedly are strong pillars to support sustainable development for the holistic life body.
With continuous high growth rate, Africa has become new engine to pull global economy. Walmart is landing in Lagos. Major manufacturing facilities moved to Africa like Japan Panasonic. Chinese companies have operated in Nigeria since 1980’s. I met chiefs of CCECC in 1982 when they started water bore hole contracts in Lagos and looked for railroads contracts.
Plan 1 is to construct river flow power plants combining irrigation canals in Nigeria with water flushing out of existing hydro generators to rotate river mills for additional 30,000 MW that equals to 20 nuclear power plants. It can irrigate farms for 30 million tons rice annual to improve food shortage and inconsistent power supply not mentioning to create huge employment. Plan 1 is a project of one stone for many birds.
A river generator can be installed in every 7 meters along irrigation canal with minimum water flow at 5 tons per second. 1 KM canal with slight slope at 0.3% can install 140 units of river flow generators at 15 KVA through 150 KVA each depending on water flow. 1 KM canal can equip 2 MW through 20 MW that 1,000 KM canal can install 2,000 MW through 20,000 MW.
In 1920’s Japanese engineer Yoichi Hatta built Wusanto Reservoir in Taiwan with irrigation canal 7,400 Km for rice farm of 145,000 hectares that could reap 3 times annual. Land, water and good weather are available in Nigeria that can develop farms of millions hectares with irrigation canals and river power plants. One hectare farm will produce rice 18 tons for 3 reaps annual.
Plan 1 can change Nigeria and Africa and benefit the global ecologically. USA and China compete in Nigeria and Africa very hard. China promoted railroads construction with loan at $6 billion dollars. IMF offered direct loan to governors at $3.2 billion dollars. I heard GE tried to involve in the railroads construction. Japan plans to invest $30 billion dollars in Africa. Employment, sufficient food and consistent power supply can support Nigeria to lead Africa nations to join the New Renaissance for global peace and sustainable development.
Dangote is an aggressive entrepreneur who might join us for Plan 1. He ranks 25 richest people and is nephew of my friend, Alh. Abdul Dantata. When I was in Nigeria, Abdul gave me his driver Alh. Uba who used to buy ice bars for young Aliko Dangote. Dongote cement can benefit since Plan 1 will need huge cement for river power plants and irrigation canal.
Dangote will donate generously if we can initiate Plan 1 with him and Nigeria president Buhari who is lack of convincing economy policy that a hot pot of food on fire becomes popular target of thieves. Buhari can use Nigerian agric bond to attract investors and complete Plan 1 if he can apply leverage properly. Global donors will support green energy industry in Nigeria if Buhari can show his determination. Good plan, advanced management and talent people will create hope and confidence for a nation and the world.
Plan 1 will attract $1 billion dollars donation and create annual revenue $10 trillion dollars in Africa. The core value of Plan 1 is by all means to prevent Africa from pollution and global warming like China and India. Eventually Plan 1 will attract investors to build river flow power plants with 700,000 MW globally that equal to 400 nuclear power plants. Irrigation canal will boom agric and housing communities synchronously that can develop new cities to attract investors and migrants for new economy in Nigeria and Africa.
European nations will collaborate to construct river power plants with irrigation canal for agric in Africa and in the Middle East to improve economy, ecology and peace. It can reduce refugees flooding into Europe like fleeces. Hopefully it will stop casualty drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.
Big waves attract great surfers. Great surfers can't attract big waves. Good leader can see the trend and keep right direction for delicate surf. I can see 4 trends are going to surge into big waves where we can approach for delicate surfs. New Renaissance will surge with ICT that can promote new platforms for communities, governments and public companies globally. The institution will rank as the 1st think tank in the world if leaders can find new trends of big waves and lead all teams to surf delicately.
Plan 2 is to reform China peacefully with 2 tactics that will turn China into a positive power for regional peace as well as free market for global enterprises. China market is still inaccessible to Facebook, media industry and many other sectors who are looking for tickets to China. They might join us if they learn our plan can benefit them hugely. Apple and Google have been tumbling in China from time to time. Donors from ICT industry and different sectors will donate $3 billion dollars for Plan 2 that will create $10 trillion dollars revenue annual.
Plan 2-1 is to reform China peacefully with platform of cloud conference in housing community management with direct democracy. It will support liberal leadership to emerge in China and open gate wider for global enterprises duly. How can we reform China into democracy when there is only one communist party? No matter one party or no party, residents in housing communities can use cloud conference to perform direct democracy that will create internal climate for liberal leadership.
Plan 2-2 is to mobilize people in global nations to carry out judiciary project in local courts and subvert the apex policy of China i.e. to occupy Taiwan. China has been lying that Taiwan is part of China and there is only one China. Most nations have tolerated Chinese lies for some benefit but lies can’t last forever when global people feel it is enough. Lie can’t never become the truth.
There are extreme groups against China in most nations. They can have suits in courts to win the verdict that Taiwan is not part of China and there are two China in the world. There is nothing wrong to have two China since there are two Congo and two Korea in UN. Nigeria is the only nation considers two China and accept Taiwan to register in the name of the Republic of China in Nigeria. The verdict surely will discredit leadership in Beijing and bring stronger impact than the South China Sea Arbitration has done. It will split leadership in Beijing and support emergence of liberal leadership.
Justice of speech is as important as freedom of speech. It is new trend in ICT century that human can solve global conflicts with judiciary power and public opinions instead of wars. Verdict of Plan 2-2 will become huge external power to shake dictatorship in Beijing that can collaborate with internal pressure from direct democracy in housing communities of Plan 2-1. Plan 2 will catalyze emergence of liberal leadership and lead China to join New Renaissance.
Plan 2 will reform China and North Korea with direct democracy and judiciary power peacefully that will attract $3 billion donation and create $10 trillion dollars revenue annual. Taiwan people can donate $1 billion dollars referring to Taiwan people donated $252 million dollars in 2011 for Japan tsunami.
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