[178131] 44931. 電波女&青春男:外星人的都會/失蹤的青春期偏執狂"Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl" City of Aliens / Reverie of Disappearing Adolescence (2011)★★
[178132] 44932. 電波女&青春男:匍匐在地少女的不可思議剎那"Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl" A Strange Moment for an Earthbound Girl (2011)★★
[178133] 44933. 電波女&青春男:右腕骨折治療了一個月"Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl" Broken Arm: 1 Month Recovery Time (2011)★
[178134] 44934. 電波女&青春男:感恩節的憂鬱"Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl" Melancholy of Thanksgiving (2011)★★‒
[178135] 44935. 電波女&青春男:流子同學的、該怎麼說呢、好煩惱/成為某人回憶的一日"Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl" Ryuuko'-san's feeling... kinda... glum... / A Day Someone Ought to Remember (2011)★
[178136] 44936. 電波女&青春男:齊奧爾科夫斯基的祈禱"Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl" Tsiolkovsky's Prayer (2011)★★
[178137] 44937. 電波女&青春男:地區限定外星人事件"Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl" Localized Alien Incident (2011)★
[178138] 44938. 電波女&青春男:屋簷下的少女"Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl" The Girl Under the Deck (2011)★
[178139] 44939. 電波女&青春男:今年夏天有籃球與超能力與棉被與天體觀測與祭典與棒球與女女/秒速0.00000000198釐米"Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl" This Summer Is Basketball, Psychic Powers, Stargazing, and More, plus Meme-tan! / 0.00000000198 Cm/s (2011)★
[178140] 44940. 電波女&青春男:深夜的太陽"Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl" Midnight Sun (2012)★★‒