1. 聯合國緬甸問題特使:"世界各地的團結對於不接受這場政變非常重要"
緬甸當局週二表示,緬甸當局對被罷免的文職領導人翁山蘇姬提出第二項指控。 2月1日,緬甸軍隊對她的民政組織發動政變,翁山蘇姬被拘留。 Khin Maung Zaw告訴當地媒體,翁山蘇姬現在面臨違反緬甸《自然災害法》的規定的指控。儘管無法立即獲得有關指控的更多詳細信息,但該違規行為已被用來起訴違反冠狀病毒限制的人。由於軍政府上週實施了該國《刑法》的變更,該指控可能允許她不受審判而被無限期拘留。據美聯社報導,修改規則允許在某些情況下未經法院許可就將嫌疑犯拘留。
緬甸各地的抗議者星期二再次走上街頭。聯合國駐緬甸特使克里斯蒂娜·施蘭納·布爾根納(Christine Schraner Burgener)對DW表示,軍政府"沒想到會有這麼多人走上街頭。"在曼德勒的一次抗議活動中,約有3,000名示威者(主要是學生)舉著翁山蘇姬的海報。緬甸第二大城市的抗議活動的安全人員數量低於週一,當時當局暴力鎮壓了示威活動。在仰光的經濟中心,警察在中央銀行門前的街道上封鎖了警戒線,抗議者最近在那兒聚集。美國,聯合國和其他數十個國家已敦促軍政府將該國的民選政府重新掌權。克里斯汀·施蘭納·布爾根納(Christine Schraner Burgener)說:"全世界的團結對於不接受這場政變非常重要。"
2. 幾內亞競相遏制伊波拉疫情
西非正面臨伊波拉病毒捲土重來。幾內亞(2016年開始流行)已記錄了7例新確診病例,其中3例死亡。 這可能是新的流行病的開始,還是幾內亞從上次疫情中吸取了重要的教訓?
*CNN 新冠歧視殺人。舊金山一名84歲亞裔(泰國)爺爺,在街上遭嫌犯用身體撞擊,跌倒後送院搶救,仍不幸身亡,一名19歲的嫌犯被捕。爺爺家屬說,這不是為了錢犯案,是因為新冠後,認為亞裔人是病毒的仇恨犯罪。自新冠爆發後,美國已爆發超過2800起針對亞裔人的犯罪,其中幾起加害人是川普支持者。川普一些中國病毒,功夫流感等歧視字眼,加深了美國的種族歧視。
1. 洛杉磯第一個聯邦大型疫苗注射中心展開,預計100天內開展100個大型疫苗中心。目前全美每天達成單日160萬人注射的目標,但至少產生全民免疫的日期 因嬌生生產的疫苗較預期少,因此將從四月延後到五月。
2. 美國住院率大降,自一月高峰後降低約5成。
3. 南非變種病毒自兩周前登陸後,目前已擴散到全美8州(包括紐約州),英系病毒則擴散到全美41州,美國本土發現至少7種「本土」變種病毒株 。
4. 巴黎聖母院大火後,ABC記者重返現場。重建仍非常困難,許多被燒物品存在大量毒性、掉下的石塊 正期望能一塊塊的拼裝回去
5. 面對川普呼籲共和黨籍參議員一同背棄麥康諾作為他們的領袖,麥康諾也反擊: 「川普尚未全身而退,尚未!」
6. 極端氣候重擊,北極氣團持續影響下,負責供應中西部多州電力的西南電力公司(SPP,Southwest Power Pool)為此宣布,由於目前進入能源緊急狀態,將自15日起將對14州實施輪流停電。且拜登批准德州254個縣進入緊急狀態。
1. 總部位於伊利諾州的美國老牌重型工業設備製造公司"開拓重工" 在歷經一世紀的衰退後 過去一年股票持續飆漲 2021年1月12日創下197.54美元的歷史新高 ,隨著大宗商品價格再次上漲 ,投資者押注全球工業設備,首屈一指的老牌公司 ,將從新任總統政府中即將推動的新基礎建設計畫中大舉受益 。
1. 雖然冬季暴風雨已過,但成千上萬人仍因缺電而陷入寒冬。能源需求讓電網負擔明顯加重,德州情況尤其嚴重,極端條件已奪走至少15條人命。且冬季冰風暴的警告從西岸轉往東岸,最新一波吞沒了整個新英格蘭和五大湖區 。
2. 新冠大流行剛開始的時候,紐約州長古莫的大動作受到關注,但隨著養老院死亡事件遭到披露,全國死亡人數1/3都在紐約州,但他的團隊卻報告僅有8500個,等於低估了50%,引發極大的民意反彈。古莫出面解釋,團隊是因為過於專注完成工作及解決危機,所以在訊息更新上面有所忽略,但紐約人無法接受,因為數據將決定他們是否將把長輩送往養老院。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I6-dM3oBzk
3. 葉門的新內閣六周前宣誓就職,被認為是結束戰爭的一步,卻沒料到,一枚胡賽火箭擊中了停機坪又粉碎了和平。伴隨外交政策的轉變,美總統拜登正式取消了伊朗支持的葉門胡賽(Houthis)被指定為全球恐怖組織的說法,這被視為拜登政府迄今最重大的外交政策轉變之一,目的是切斷人道主義力量的反對,解決葉門數十年來看不到盡頭的這場人道主義災難。
4. 眾院民主黨人週二起訴前總統川普,指控其煽動國會大廈暴動,這加劇了他日益嚴峻的法律挑戰,PBS專訪公共廣播電台WNYC長期關注川普財務狀況的記者Andrea Bernstein,討論川普所面對的潛在後果是什麼? 除了眼前的刑事調查,包括他還是個商人時的一些纏訟十多年的訴訟案,近期也將重新回到檯面 。
1. 對話借助社群媒體炒股的新股民
1. 印度曾以超過1000萬人感染、全球第二高,也在9月以單日感染9萬多人創下紀錄,但印度如今已逐步開放大型活動、且感染數急速下降。印度是如何在短時間有如此抗疫成效? 英國稱此為"Mystery"。專家則分析可能的原因:
儘管稀土已成為一種具有高度戰略意義的資源,但Evolution Mining執行董事Jake Klein仍表示,該公司的目標仍是鎖定黃金為最佳投資標的。Evolution Mining is 'happy being a gold miner', says executive chairman.
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過41萬的網紅RedMoon,也在其Youtube影片中提到,※ 錄製軟體 : Obs ※ 剪輯軟體 : PowerDirector 17 ♫ BGM SE素材 : 煉獄庭園 魔王魂 フリー音楽素材 H/MIX Gallery...
「gold miner」的推薦目錄:
- 關於gold miner 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於gold miner 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最讚貼文
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- 關於gold miner 在 xitu/gold-miner: 掘金翻译计划,可能是世界最大最好的英译中 ... 的評價
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Daripada Aziera Dianza :
Itenary Kuala Lumpur ▶️ Kuala Terengganu ▶️ Tasik Kenyir ▶️ Pantai Cherating
(4D3N Vacation 20 Aug - 23 Aug 2020 PKPP)
...Continue ReadingFrom Aziera Dianza:
Itenary Kuala Lumpur ▶️ Kuala Terengganu ▶️ Tasik Kenyir ▶️ Cherating Beach
(4 D3N Vacation 20 Aug-23 Aug 2020 Chogm)
❤️ Terengganu Beautiful State, Interesting Culture ❤️
Every place I include a link to make it easier for you to search location..
🗓️ Day 1
Just arrived at Kuala Terengganu after dawn, I'll line up at Nasi Dagang Atas T
🍛 Breakfast at Nasi Dagang on toll
There are 3 branches
1. On the Toll
2. Padang Negara
3. (
Open as early as 630 am-12 pm.. Cheap and delicious food..
Maps location Nasi Dagang on the toll
📌 Checkin Baiduri Homestay Kuala Berang
💸 RM200
- 5 Bedrooms (1 Bathroom)
- 3 Bathrooms (Ade water heater)
A very complete and comfortable homestay 👍🏻
📌⛲ Sekayu Falls (Sekayu Waterfall)
💸 RM2 admission ticket
Have to walk as far as 800 m to get up and up.. You can even bathe below.. But the view above is more interesting.. 😁
Maps Location Sekayu Waterfall
📌🏢 Payang Market
Port to buy keropok, batik Terengganu.. All sorts of things are here.. But I miss the old payang market atmosphere 😁
Payang Market
📌🌉 Drawbridge Kuala Terengganu
Can take a picture there with an interesting bridge view.. Can also buy food at Terengganu Food Trucks, Drawbridge Square.
Lift Bridge of Kuala Terengganu
📍🚤 Around Gold Boat Tour
Adult: RM30
5-12 Years: RM15
4 Years Down: FREE
Route :
Pulau Sekati ➡️ Taman Civilization Islam ➡️ Crystal Mosque ➡️ Pulau Duyong ➡️ Kg China ➡️ Payang Shop Market ➡️ Drawbridge KTganu
⏱️ Tour period:
1 hrs-1 hrs and a half
🗒️Schedule :
🌄 Morning-6.45 am (sunrise), 830 am, 1015 & 1130 am
🌅 Evening-2 pm, 330 pm, 5 pm, and last trip 630 pm (sunset)
We ride the boat from
Payang Store Market Miner Boat Pier
📌 Kuala Ibai Grilled Fish Medan
Better book first if you want to eat here..
🗓️ Day 2
📌🍛 Breakfast at Seri Lawit Corner restaurant
💸 Very cheap price. Many choices of nasi kerabu nasi kerabu nasi dagang nasi lemak. There is also a roti canai kuih.
📍🐘 Placid Elephant Conservation Village (KECV) Tasik Kenyir
Placing as many as 18 elephants who have a guardian known as Mahut. Interesting activity feeding elephants, giving elephants milk & seeing elephants bathing.
Placid Elephant Conservation Village has a variety of basic facilities such as Surau, Toilet, Dress, Restroom, Mini Cafeteria and Road Kiosk. Nice attraction there is a 600 meter 600 meter Hanging Bridge with 5 View Tower and 6 Platforms.
Promotional Ticket Price
Citizen (MyKad)
11 months down: Free
1 to 6 Years: RM 5.00
7 to 12 Years: RM 15.00
13 Years Above (Adult): RM 25.00
Elephant Food:
RM5 / basket
Elephant Susukan:
500 ml - RM5
1 liter - RM10
Operation hours 9.00 am-5.30 pm
Placid Elephant Conservation Village (KECV), Kuala Berang
📌🍲 Lunch at Warisan Valley Restaurant
For fans of freshwater fish cooking, you can try cooking at this restaurant.. There are also fish and patin fish.. Delicious..
Other choices can try food at Mr. Warung. Baung. 500 m from Warisan Valley.
📌🚤 Gawi Base Pier
💸 Car parking ticket RM5
Gawi Base Pier
Placid Lake
📍⛴️ Placid Eco Resort
At Tasik Kenyir we stay at Placid Eco Resort.. Owned by bumiputra.. Resort on water in Placid.. Very comfortable.. Delicious food.. Complete facilities.. Every room has air conditioner.. Affordable ..
Activity provided at Resort
🛶 Rich n Jetski
🚣♀️ Banana Boat
🏊 Swimming at the lake
👩 🎤 Karaoke + bbq
🎣 Fishing
🗓️ Day 3
🚤 Riding a boat to Kelah Santuary.
Have to walk as far as 1600 m to go to Lubuk Kelah. Standby for drinking water. There's a small stall to buy snacks and fish food.
📌 Manda shower and lunch at Lasir Falls
- must wear safety jacket while bathing
📍 Interesting activities at Tasik Kenyir
🐟 Kelah Santuary
🏊🏻 ♀️ Lasir Falls / Saok
🌸 Orked Park
☘️ Herbal Park
👟 Hiking at Gagau Mountain
⛰️ Visiting Bewah and I obeyed
📋 Obedient cave next to the Bewah Cave.. During high water, the cave entrance drowned in the base and visitors had to dive in.
🗓️ Day 4
📌 Taking a bath at Cherating Beach and going back to KL
Cherating Beach
Our 4 d3n vacation is over.. So if you have any questions and questions, please ask me.. ☺️
Continue Supporting Our Tourism Industry.. Let's Holiday in Malaysia 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾Translated
gold miner 在 Dan Lok Facebook 的最佳貼文
If you want to get rich and successful faster and cheaper, be the shovel seller - not the miner.
Let me explain.
During the California Gold Rush in 1849, almost everybody grabbed a shovel and started digging for the gold.
And they worked very hard day in and day out for months.
How many struck the gold and got rich? Only a few.
Just like in business...
Only a handful of entrepreneurs make it to the front of the magazine, while the 100,000 other businesses die.
Now, there was one part I forgot to tell you about the story.
While all the miners were working very hard and sacrificed blood, sweat, and tears for the hope of finding the gold…
The shovel sellers were the ones who struck the real gold simply by selling shovels and other tools to the miners.
In today’s world it’s the same thing…
It’s the Entrepreneur Rush, where everybody wants to start a business and hit the gold.
That’s why I teach all my mentees to sell the shovel - not start the business. And they’re making good profits without spending a dime of their own money.
If you’re one of those who would rather sell the shovel and avoid spending lots of time, money, and effort into a business that may or may not work…
I recently wrote an article that’ll show you exactly how to become the shovel seller.
Click on the following link to read the full article:
Now that you know this, I’m curious to know…
Would you rather be the shovel seller or the gold digger? Comment below and let me know.
gold miner 在 RedMoon Youtube 的最佳貼文
※ 錄製軟體 :
※ 剪輯軟體 :
PowerDirector 17
♫ BGM SE素材 :
フリー音楽素材 H/MIX Gallery

gold miner 在 蠢蠢 Youtube 的最佳貼文
#黃金礦工 #Flash小遊戲 #懷舊經典
★電腦錄影軟體:OBS or Bandicam
★後製軟體:Sony Vegas Pro 17.0

gold miner 在 xitu/gold-miner: 掘金翻译计划,可能是世界最大最好的英译中 ... 的推薦與評價
掘金翻译计划,可能是世界最大最好的英译中技术社区,最懂读者和译者的翻译平台:. Contribute to xitu/gold-miner development by creating an account on GitHub. ... <看更多>