巴西聖保羅州西部的 Great Pontal Reserve, 原本擁有非常獨特及瀕危的季節性半落葉森林,但1940於年代後期,大量人類遷居開發導致八成森林消失。科學家在研究極危的黑獅面狨時發現牠們受森林破碎所威脅,於是希望想辦法改善情況。他們與當地社區合作,培養樹苗及植樹。經過35年的努力,他們已種植了超過 270 萬棵樹木,覆蓋了 6000 公頃的森林。這復修不但改善了黑獅面狨的棲息環境,住在那𥚃的美洲獅及貘等亦同樣受惠。
The Great Pontal Reserve is located at the west of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It contains seasonal, semi-deciduous forest which is an unique and endangered type of forest. Human civilization destroyed 80% of the forest in late 1940s. When studying the endangered black lion tamarins, scientists found out that fragmentation of forests was the main threat to these rare monkeys and decided to improve the forest connectivity. They involved the local communities to plant trees starting from seeding nursery. Over the past 35 years, they planted more than 2.7million trees that covers 6000 hectares of forest. The improvements not only helped the endangered tamarins, but also other wildlife inhabit there like pumas and tapirs.