instructor of California fitness- Wendy's performance
she mixed the beauty of China dance and fusion belly dance....really amazing
she performed in Egypt
we should keep support those good teachers in California Fitness^^
Ahlan WA Sahlan which is the biggest belly dance festival in the world,Wendy Chiu the youngest teacher from Taiwan invited to teach fusion belly dance and performance her new choreography 《Lost Bride》in teachers day.
2010世界肚皮舞嘉年華於埃及開羅舉辦,超過40餘國, 2千多位來自世界各地的專業肚皮舞者及講師,所參與的年度盛會,此次Wendy老師受主辦單位之邀請,教學融合風肚皮舞,是歷年大會以來最年輕的授課講師,並以一曲中國風肚皮舞《迷路新娘》獲得現場滿堂喝采,埃及教母Raqia Hassan並於會後開口邀約冬季師資證照班授課,而BDSS藝術總監Jillina和埃風大師Katia更是親自前來祝賀演出大成功,Wendy老師以其自身專業舞蹈背景,結合多元化的舞蹈風格,成功打入傳統正宗肚皮舞發源地埃及,並將東方元素結合西方文化帶給世界觀眾截然不同的全新感受,影片可見演出現場閃光不斷,佳評如潮!
2010 在埃及開羅成功讓世界看見台灣
Lost Bride
Lost Bride was originally created from “JIA” (Mandarin) which is meant to “Marry”, produced by Ms. Di Lin, a creative Chinese Musician.
This melody is strongly touching my heart as it deeply expresses the Traditional Chinese women’s internal depressive emotions with the unforeseen future.
It inspires my thought to choreograph the Lost Bride. A special art work different from the past of my creations.
Yilan Yilan, a traditional Chinese Woman is wearing bridal array with the tears on face, sitting into the bridal sedan chair after worshipped the ancestral temple and waved farewell to her parents. She is on the way to get married with someone she does not know. It is her destiny.
Along the coast, the flowers are looming, cocoanut trees and palms are happily waving the leaves, just like a harmonious musical chord to celebrate the wedding.
However, Yilan Yilan’s mind feels depressed heavily.
Memories flashed back to the ancestral hall, the elder told Yilan Yilan about the history of their island. The island was granted by the king of La Ka Ma, in order to show our gratitude and allegiance, we pick up a healthy, beautiful, pure and young girl to get married with the man in La Ka Ma Hall every year. If the bride gives birth to a baby, then she can come back to our island and visit her relatives. But if she is barren or running away on the way to the La Ka Ma Hall, then she can not come back and become a sinner of our island.
For this moment, Yilan Yilan just realized why mother cried. Suddenly, everything is clear and she even can not find her way to the bright life, things become complicated and confusing. Only she can do is praying because her future is unforeseeable, only destiny knows.
Leaving time was coming, only relative were next to YilanYilan, with thousands words inside of their minds. But she hid full of sadness behind her mind.
Listened to the loud suona horn, she felt like heart breaking and surrounding with the loneliness.
Looked outside from the bridal sedan chair, A Ya stood next to an old tree where they used to play around, one friend of Yilan Yilan. Tears came out on Yilan Yilan face, she waved her hands and good bye for a long time.
Hoofbeat came closely and it stopped the bridal sedan chair moving forward. A-Lang brought a horse which raised by Yilan Yilan. Stood in front of Yilan Yilan, A-Lang felt sorrow and even hard to say a word. He passed the halter to her and watched her getting on board.
Standing in the bow of the ship, Yilan Yilan memorizes her parents and friends’ smiles and faces. Golden sunsets spreads out the ocean, Yilan Yilan looks like a golden statue, remaining on her relative’s memories.
The marriage in ancient times is always arranged by parents or go-between speech.
Women often become sacrificed offerings in politics, there were no alternative but only left responsibilities and constraints. Love, just like the stars in the sky, out of reach.
" The lost bride " will seek unknown growth on the voyage in another life
當初聽到中國創作型才女-林笛的作品《嫁》,這首音樂時,濃濃地中國風味帶出了壓抑的內在情緒,觸動了我想創作《The lost Bride》這個作品的念頭,一個有別於以往快樂的舞蹈作品…
海岸一帶,繁花嫩草滋長得茂盛,椰樹和棕櫚快活地搖擺枝葉,彷彿也要加入送嫁的人群。 而那清雅秀美的新娘,端莊地坐在花轎內,身體合著轎夫們的步伐微微晃動著,心情卻十分沉重。
在祠堂裡,族長告訴依蘭依蘭,這片海島是偉大的拉卡瑪王賜予先祖,讓他在這裡繁衍後代,為了向拉卡瑪王表示感恩和臣服,先祖便每年挑選健康純潔少女遠嫁拉卡瑪城。 兩族通婚歷史久遠,凡遠嫁少女,由族人置辦嫁妝,送出海島,拉卡瑪城派人迎親,到達拉卡瑪城之後,由國王指婚,嫁於該城適婚男子。 遠嫁新娘為拉卡瑪城的丈夫生育後代之後,即可回鄉探親,若中途脫逃,另嫁他人,或無法生育,則成為族中罪人,再不可與親人團聚。
依蘭依蘭這才明白阿媽為何要哭泣。 突然間,遠嫁變得清晰和嚴重了,等待著她的命運將會如何呈現? 前方,是一團撲朔迷離。
村口百年老樹下站著的,不正是阿雅嗎? 她臉上滿是淚水,細弱的胳膊揮動,許久。
《The lost bride》將在另一個人生旅途上尋求未知的成長…