放假第二天, 天氣不錯, 和同學去市區走走放鬆. 晚上開始感到有點空虛, 這是個好現象, 表示明天開始有動力讀書! 休息是為了走更長遠的路, 學習越緊迫越能親身體會這句話阿.
今日學習進度: 無
今日飛行進度: 無
由於運氣不錯, 排飛順利, 目前進度超前所以學校決定要讓我放一個禮拜的假. 今天是扎扎實實的給自己放了一天, 休息,打打電玩,把電影Rush拿出來再看一次, 唯一比較有產值的事情是更新了自己的Jeppesen.
打算先放鬆個兩天, 再來為IR做預習.
今日學習進度: 無
今日飛行進度: 無
CPL, Commercial Pilot License. 考試.
今日學習進度: 無
今日飛行進度: CPL 口試+飛考
需改進: Consider your passenger. Multi legs diversion (plan the next leg when have time), Incipient stall full power then lower the nose slowly. Call center to notify flight plan amendment.
今天飛CPL模擬考,3.5個小時, 也就是正式考CPL前最後一堂課. 表現有在標準內, 自己也還算滿意. 飛完後得知CPL考時提前到明天, 真的很硬阿這次, 一堂接一堂, 有點快應付不來了, 只能加油往前衝!
今日學習進度: 複習CPL口試
今日飛行進度: CPL Pre-License
需改進: EF upwind reaction should be more accurate.
原本排定晚上的Night Nav因為天氣不好原本以為會取消, 沒想到教官竟然申請IFR讓我們的飛行得以開始. 除了之前考IREX筆試所了解的理論基礎外, 對IFR需要的Radio call, 實際運用程序都沒有準備的我就這樣跟教官上去照著教官指令飛. 蠻有趣的, 算是一次IFR的體驗課程.
不過還是要先專心於我的CPL考試, 倒數一堂課.
今日學習進度: 複習CPL口試
今日飛行進度: Night Nav (IFR)
需改進: Engine Failure(EF) upwind, 5 degree nose up. Base turn/EF power set. Base 2.5 degree nose down. Recheck AWIS after run-up.
今天用模擬飛行飛了一次CPL模擬考, 3.5個小時. 真的超長, 飛到後面都昏了.
教官說預計我禮拜四考CPL, 但查了一下天氣不太好應該還有變數. 總之能多準備就多準備. 給自己模擬考可以設想考試當下的狀況, 這也是飛行吸引人的地方, 準備越多, 當下能處理的狀況越多, 就越有成就感.
今日學習進度: 複習CPL口試, 模擬飛行PA44 CPL考試
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: Precautionary search 記得timing field length. Passenger Brief for each pass. Speed below 111 when Precautionary Search.
放假在家整理口試資料, 練習模擬飛行.
對於要考CPL來說覺得自己程度還不夠, 這幾天天氣不好要在家好好努力了!
今日學習進度: 複習CPL口試, 模擬飛行PA44 Aerial works
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: Asymmetric circuits. Precautionary Search procedure.
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅COOL LADY VEHICLE,也在其Youtube影片中提到,1971 VW Beetle /Bug (Rear-Wheel-Drive, stick shift) - starring Michelle and Imani - snow stuck Imani and Michelle are invited to a Christmas party. Th...
engine stall 在 米丘飛行日誌 Facebook 的最佳解答
發現相簿天空的照片突然變少, 才想到Solo飛完了, 跟教官飛都不好意思問能不能拍照. 唯一一張PA44的天空照也是教官主動問我要不要拍才敢拿出相機哈哈!
這禮拜終於結束, CPL口試項目出乎意料的多, 還好有兩天的假日來讓自己準備. 預計八月底可以完成CPL考試, 拿取第二張證照. 加油!
今日學習進度: CPL模擬口試, 模擬飛行PA44 CPL科目.
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: CPL 口試科目須更熟悉, Landing light on before rolling. YMAV report information code. Stall propeller pitch up below 80 knots.
今天下午做CPL模擬口試, 最近狂練飛,幾乎沒時間準備, 不過教官也能理解, 而且下禮拜天氣比較不好, 可以有更多時間整理資料. 又是一堆文件要讀囉!
晚上排夜航, 都要準備出發了卻在暖機的時候左引擎突然碰碰叫+震動, back-fire. 明顯有問題, 所以飛行取消.
今日學習進度: CPL模擬口試
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: CPL 口試科目須更熟悉
今天飛了一堂1.5小時的操作課程, 與一堂3.0小時的Navigation. 是開訓以來當天飛最多Dual 的一次. 飛完已經頭昏腦脹了, 但是很有成就感. 學了不少東西,也發現了許多小毛病. CPL飛考倒數2堂課, 總共11堂PA44的課程就要考CPL, 只能硬著頭皮接受挑戰了!
今日學習進度: 暫無
今日飛行進度: PA44,Genral handling, Navigation 2
Stall recovery: nose down>power>flaps>gear
Go-around: mixture,pitch,power up>climb>flaps up> gear up.
UA recovery: Level the wings>pull up
三個禮拜沒飛PA44, 但在家模擬飛行練習的成果超乎意料的好.
除了Asymmetric 的操作生疏了以外(實際操作跟模擬飛行差太多), Navigation跟基本的飛機姿態與程序都保持水準, 甚至有進步. 之前模擬飛行犯的錯誤也在今天實際飛行中成功避免. 雖然還是避免不了一些小失誤(100%完美的飛行應該真的太難了) 但整體來講自己算滿意, 繼續保持!
今日學習進度: 暫無
今日飛行進度: PA44 Navigation 1
需改進: TON-WBER短時間內需盡速完成ATIS/Radio call.
Mini checks: turn direction/track/altitude.
Base turn Engine Failure : remember power/feather. Need more rudder input.
沒有排飛, 只好在家埋頭苦練.
經過三天的模擬飛行練習, 今天終於飛出一個失誤比較少的Nav.
明天終於有排飛, 天氣稍微惡劣一點,包含強風, 希望可以飛到,來驗證這幾天來的練習!
今日學習進度: 模擬飛行PA44 Navigation.
今日飛行進度: 無.
需改進: YMAV ETA..
今天排飛因為教官生病取消, 很可惜. 明天同學們幾乎都有排飛自己卻沒排, 之後天氣又要開始變糟糕. 這樣進度有點慘阿!
Cancel之後回家只好繼續用模擬飛行過過乾癮. 悶!
今日學習進度: 模擬飛行PA44 Navigation.
今日飛行進度: 無.
需改進: climb/descend checklist. YMAV ETA/ATA. ML coastal route radio call.
放假在家, 早上起來花了三個小時用模擬飛行把明天要飛的Navigation從頭到尾練一次. 兩個月沒去CTA, 這次又是用新飛機去. 緊張興奮阿! 發現做不太好的東西也都是之前常犯的, 但常常顧此失彼,到現在每次還是要忘掉幾個程序. 只能繼續練習了!
今日學習進度: 模擬飛行PA44 Navigation.
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: After landing checklist. YMAV ETA/ATA. Fuel check. Go-around remember gear-up. Throttle control at base: small.
engine stall 在 米丘飛行日誌 Facebook 的最讚貼文
今天繼續讀IREX, 真的有傳說中的難. 讀起來很吃力, 都是之前沒接觸過的東西. 自己預習起來很多東西看不太懂, 或很難想像.
明天天氣不好,但是有排飛, 要用PA44飛好久沒飛的Navigation, 晚上模擬飛行練習時有點生疏, 要加油啊!
今日學習進度: 預習IREX第二章一半, 模擬飛行PA44 Navigation.
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: Don’t forget : Landing light before rolling. Before descend checks. ML radio call. 10 miles radio call. MOSTA checks. Base join take flaps!
今天早上去把logbook更新確認, 發現C172課程雖然上完但還缺2.9小時, 需要再找時間飛完. 看來有機會懷念一下經典機!
下半天開始讀書, 練模擬飛行, 培訓的一天又這麼過了…
今日學習進度: 預習IREX第一章, 模擬飛行PA44 Engine fire與基本操作.
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: Engine fire throttle idle>feather>mixture cutoff, cowl flap remember to open> lower the nose gear down, bank toward live engine.
今天終於順利完成我們CPL的最後一科---Air Law. 地面學科只剩下一科IR.
下午考完試後看天氣好, 立刻衝回機場跟教官說’’我想飛!’’ 於是又完成了一堂PA44的操作課程. 降落的感覺跟C172幾乎完全不一樣, 還需要熟悉一下. 單引擎在不同情況下失效的不同程序還不夠順暢, 要繼續加油!
今日學習進度: 無
今日飛行進度: Asymmetric practice.
需改進: Flare use less back pressure.
明天考試, 最後一科CPL. 教官說如果考完有時間可以帶我飛一堂PA44, 希望能順利迅速通過, 並飛行. PA44模擬飛行累積5.5小時!
今日學習進度: Air Law上課, 練習題 X2回. 模擬飛行PA44.
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: Procedures should be more familiar with.
一整天的地面課, 寫Air Law考卷, 複習重點法規, 明天再上一天就準備考試!
晚上一樣用模擬飛行練PA44基本程序. 充實的一天
今日學習進度: Air Law上課, 練習題 X2回. 模擬飛行PA44.
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: Mixture leaned on Top of climb. Steep turn remember control + power together.
放假一天, 在家讀Air Law, 練習模擬飛行. 下禮拜三考最後一科CPL學科, 衝刺!
今日學習進度: Air Law練習題 X2回
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: Don’t forget mixture lean on Top of climb. X-feed every 15 mins when engine failed.
今日學習進度: Air Law練習題 X1回
今日飛行進度: PA44基本操作, 單引擎失效
需改進: Stall recovery, small adjustment. GPS check before taxi. Oil checks first then gear down. Full throttle immediately after close to confirm dead engine.
engine stall 在 COOL LADY VEHICLE Youtube 的最佳貼文
1971 VW Beetle /Bug (Rear-Wheel-Drive, stick shift)
- starring Michelle and Imani
- snow stuck
Imani and Michelle are invited to a Christmas party. Their friends have rented a cabin in the mountains for this. There will be a fireplace, mistletoes, lots of tasty food and drinks and a cozy evening in the mountains. Imani and Michelle are really looking forward to this and are chatting a lot on their way up there. But at some point they have troubles finding the way. Is it to the right or left? And the fresh snow on the narrow mountain paths makes it so hard to see. They are a bit lost, the wheels are spinning and all of a sudden the snow gets really deep on the path. It looks like the rear wheels are pretty stuck in the snow. Michelle is confident though: she drives forward and back and forward again and there is still some movement. If only she wouldn’t stall the engine so often … So, after stalling it once again, Imani and Michelle decide to have a look outside. What’s going on? Hhhmm, looks like they are really stuck here with their Beetle. Imani offers to push it out and Michelle drives. First Imani is not happy about the rear wheels spraying all the snow on her, but she keeps trying because she really wants to go to the Christmas party.
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engine stall 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最讚貼文
SV1000Sは2003年に発売された。以前発売されていたフューエルインジェクション (FI) 採用の同型エンジン搭載車であるTL1000S/Rの評価が良くなかったことから、イメージを一新させるため角調の斬新な車体デザインとなっている。後に下位車種と同じようにネイキッドモデルのSV1000も発売されたが生産が終了され、2006年現在はSV1000Sのみが発売されている。同型のVツインを搭載したTL1000Rで見られた初期のフューエルインジェクション特有の、エンストしやすい事など乗り手を選ぶ印象であったが、 SV1000/Sではエンジンの改良などが図られ、乗り手を選ばない乗りやすいマシンとなった(しかし腕の立つライダーにとっては本気で攻めても余裕で攻めても、タイムが変わらないとの声があり、これはCBR954RRから発展したCBR1000RRに対しても言われている)。尚、採用する自主規制によって日本国内では94psであるが欧州仕様では120psを発生させている。
First ostrich dish specialty store and Raidarzcafe MACH? in Japan3171-..
Yo 469?6 TEL&FAX072?361.. V Osaka Prefecture Sakai City Mihara Ward
north .... http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~maltuha/index.html
Information on shop holiday
The next day on the first Tuesday every month becomes shop holiday.
The sea bass and SV (Esbi) are motorcycles of the sports type that the sea bass is doing the manufacturing sales. Numerical models are being produced as a series model now.
SV1000S was put on the market in 2003. From the evaluation of TL1000S/R that was the car equipped with this type engine of fuel injection (FI) adoption that had been put on the market before was not good to a novel body design of changing completely Cactotono it as for the image. Production is ended, and only SV1000S is put on the market as of 2006 though SV1000 of a naked model was put on the market back just like the subordinate position model. The improvement of the engine etc. are attempted in SV1000/S though it was an impression that chooses the rider like a peculiar thing to the initial fuel injection seen with TL1000R equipped with V twin of this type etc. that stall easily. It became a machine that did not choose the rider got on easily (However, there was a voice that time did not change even if it attacked seriously for the rider from whom the arm stood or it attacked it by room, and this was said to CBR1000RR that developed from CBR954RR). 120ps has been generated by the adopted self-imposed restraint in a European specification in Japan though it is 94ps.
The export specification has disappeared to a Japanese specification as well as 400 besides having become a catalog fall in September, the production end and 2007 in December, 2006 since 2008.

engine stall 在 M13 Youtube 的最佳解答
Tour Taiwan with me: http://taiwantoursm13.com/
Private Channel: https://www.patreon.com/M13
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mordeth13
Support M13 buy my Private Series: http://www.m13online.com/?page_id=294
World's best motorcycle pants are RHOK (search Ebay for them) More info below in this video's description V V V
If you want more advice and videos about riding check out http://www.m13online.com
Alright, regarding the braking issue...a few people have said that you should learn to use both brakes from the beginning......and I agree. But just not the VERY beginning. Because the VERY FIRST time you use a bike it's confusing enough without two different brakes being thrown in....one of which if pulled too hard can drop the bike on it's side in a flash. So the point of this video is to learn how to use the clutch....and while focusing on that....it's best to just focus on that. And when moving at a very slow speed and coming to a complete stop.....you should be braking rear 90% and front 10%. Which is the opposite of how you brake when traveling at speed.
Please check out my YouTube profile and my newer videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/13mordeth
"I'm about to turn 42 and bought a motorcycle a week ago. I always wanted to ride one but never did and figured my time for trying new things is running out.
Until now, I have had zero luck getting my bike on the road. Time after time, I'd let out the clutch, lurch forward a foot and stall out. I haven't taken my motorcycle instruction class yet, but my experiences so far left me feeling too incompetent to ever drive the thing.
I've talked to a number of my friends who have bikes, and none of them gave me any useful advice. Your video, however, let me get it going in first gear. I actually moved the bike without lurching and stalling.
I just wanted to say thanks."
Tour Taiwan with me: http://hobbicide.com/M13Taiwan/
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mordeth13
MY CAMERA: http://tiny.cc/o9ttiw
My Helmet and pants: http://rhok.com.au/
My Private Series: http://www.m13online.com/?page_id=294
Scottoilers rock: http://www.scottoiler.com Use coupon code "mordeth13" for 13% off the price!