Why the COVID-19 vaccine will surely NOT be the Mark of the Beast
“He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given marks on their right hands, or on their foreheads; and that no one would be able to buy or to sell, unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:16-17 WEB)
Some people have been spreading rumors around that the COVID-19 vaccine being developed is going to be the mark of the beast, so I wanted to post this. The vaccine is not the mark.
The mark will only be introduced by the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation after the Rapture, during the Tribulation.
A recipient of the mark will be disqualified from salvation and will surely burn in the lake of fire for eternity.
How do I know for sure that a COVID-19 vaccine cannot be the mark of the beast? Simple. A vaccine cannot be administered through the forehead.
Besides, the passage about the mark of the beast specifies that it must be received on either the right hand or the forehead. So anything that allows you to accept it on the left hand is not the mark.
Why will some people receive the mark on their forehead? It could be that they are handicapped and don’t have a right hand. Not everyone has a right hand, but everyone who is alive has a forehead for sure!
It will do you well to read carefully and pay attention to individual words in the Scriptures. Every word is there for a reason—not just to fill up space or make it sound profound.
Sometimes the truth is so obvious but we miss it because we skim through too hastily.
That being said, I’m not endorsing any vaccine. I encourage you to study the ingredients of the vaccine when it’s out.
I read some articles online about how the various Ebola vaccines in the past was actually harmful to those who received it, causing severe damage to their health, even harming children.
The Ebola epidemic broke out in 2013. Only in late 2019 was an official FDA-approved Ebola vaccine completed and fully workable, while those in the past were ‘almost there but not quite’.
Imagine how dangerous it is to receive an imperfect vaccine!
Whatever it is, no vaccine can be the mark of the beast, simply because it can’t be administered through the forehead. Please use godly wisdom and discernment before allowing any substances into your body which is God’s temple.
If it is an optional vaccine, you can choose to receive it, but do it after prayerful consideration and not rashly out of fear!
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endorsing body 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳解答
又係香港「移民專家」做的好事,依家連英國Startup同Inoovator Visa都要修正,但不失為一件好事(亦有啲心涼)!
//事實上,在過去的一段時間,大家會聽到加入這類操作的移民公司大力宣傳,一如既往地保證100%成功,又或者形容是99.9999......%,更明目張膽的公開表示自己是由Endorsing Body認證的合作伙伴,所以申請必定成功云云。//
Home Office好比面叫Statement of Changes,坦白講就叫打假。坦白講已經放過咗啲同某某「行家」合作嗰啲Endorsing Bodies,不過殺雞點洗用劍㗎,英國法律嘅嘢,中間加幾個字,或者一句半句就搞掂。
//內政部今次的修例,為什麼會要求申請人為生意計劃的創辦人,或者是創辦成員之一。其實,在Start Up的生態下,由一個團隊各展所長去創立,從來都是一件既合理,又合邏輯的事情。如果申請人有其個人的專長,而可以與英國當地的創業家合作,大家各施其職地執行創業計劃,即使在新規例下,仍然是一個可行的做法。𣎴過,如果一方是付錢搞掂;另一方是收錢辦事,那當然是完全摧毀了內政部希望由行內人評審出優秀的申請人和生意計劃的原意。//
英國移民規例最新修訂 (一)海外商務代表(Representative of an Overseas Business Visa)
英國移民規例最新修訂(二):關於Start Up/ Innovator Visa
Goodbye HK Hello Billy
endorsing body 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的精選貼文
如果想移民英國,响現時嘅制度下,攞到居留簽證係第一亦係最重要嘅一步。英國現行最基本嘅移民政策嘅大概念。申請人係要得到居留簽證(Residence Visa),完成每種簽證下指定居留時間,同其它要求、包括要考埋The Life in the UK Test就可以申請永久居留權(Indefinite Leave to Remain (IRL)),呢個時候申請人並未正式成為英國公民。攞到IRL後住滿一年,滿足到入籍的居留日數,就可能申請入籍,就正式成為英國公民(即係英國Passport持有人)。
申請英國居留簽證之前,當然要知自己或者配偶用緊嘅係咩Passport。如果自己或者配偶持有英國公民護照的話,即係居英權或者其它原因係英國公民(唔係BNO嘅英籍)。可以直接申請Settlement/Spouse Visa,要留意自己同配偶、十八歲以下嘅仔女嘅居留時間係一樣,係無太空人呢樣嘢。
由於呢類家庭團聚簽證呢類關乎人口同福利分配,所以對申請人現金或者薪金要求係唔係低嘅。如果係持有特區護照或者BNO,可以達至入籍嘅居留簽證選擇大概分四類,Start up ,Innovator,Point Based Working Visa,Representative of an Overseas Business Visa(同唔希望亦唔想分享嘅難民申請)。响申請英國嘅居留簽證嘅要求或者地位,暫時特區護照同BNO係無明顯分別。本人自問睇英國國內新聞相當多,唔太鐘意吹奏平權打飛機,雖然英國政界的確對BNO有啲改變,但係唔太覺得會一刀切同BC平權。因為當前政府嘅急務係減少移民數目(還北部選票),連EU人嘅居留權响2021年都要跟Point Based System。所以就算BNO身份有改變,居留要求唔會低過Settlement Visa,Home Office肯定會保留審核權,以防Free Rider或者腦殘寶寶。
大家可能响香港啲Agent中介口中,成日都話什麼投資移民英國,其實呢個講法係錯到盡頭嘅。因為投資移民係一個好籠統嘅sell嘢名稱,事實上英國關於投資嘅居留簽證,係細分三個完全唔同要求同概念嘅東西。當中包括T1 Investor、Startup同Innovator三種種Visa。T1 Investor亦即係真正嘅投資移民(買護照!),買上市公司股票或債券,符合簽證政府指定要求嘅基金或者投資產品至少二百萬鎊(數額越大,入籍時間越快)。Global Talent Visa,睇名就知係比响體育、藝術、科研、演藝之如此類,有所成就同認受人士申請,呢個唔一定對香港人係遙不可及,成就同出色係指示機構決定,無話容易或者難,只係唔到你同我(或者啲香港agent)去衡量。
Startup同Innovator响2019年已經取代舊有香港人常用嘅T1 Entrepreneur 簽證,分別比無做生意經驗嘅創業人士同已經有營商背景嘅人申請嘅。Startup主要就係由指定院校(有少量私人機構)做Endosing Body去審批申請人嘅生意概念,無年齡同投資要求,不過生意要响兩年內升級到Innovator(呢段時間唔計入居留期)。而Innovator就係由覆蓋各行盤業嘅指定機構去審批,申請人要响三年後達到某啲業務要求的話,就可以申請永久居留。由於已經實行咗一段時間,Endorsing Bodies已經相當了解政府嘅要求,所以已經無咗之前申請人做白老鼠嘅問題。
好多香港中介Agent因為唔熟悉新制,所以大家都會聽到Representative of an Overseas Business Visa 呢樣嘢。呢個簽證並唔係什麼新東西,概念好簡單,就係一間响外國營運咗一段時間嘅公司,派一個員工(可持有少於50%股份的僱員)去發展英國市場,所以呢個員工需要居留簽證。就係因為新制度已經完整實行,所以內政部會好清楚咩人係應該申請Startup或者Innovator而去貪容易走去做Business Representative,唔好問點解,總之係咁。
最後一種(唔計難民申請)嘅居留簽證,就係工作簽證(Tier 2 Working Visa)。响2021年1月開始,Point Based System會取代現時難過上太空嘅T2 Working Visa。申請人必須要有70分(教育水平等如英國A-Level或以上)先合資格申請,當中有50分係必須要有嘅:
持牌照僱主嘅Job Offer = 20分
需要技術類形嘅工種 = 20分
指定嘅英語水平 = 10分
£20,480 – £23,039 = 0分
£23,040 – £25,599 = 10
£25,600 or above = 20分
每年英國特定短缺工種 = 20分
PhD學位同工作有關 = 10分
PhD學位同STEM學科有關 = 20分(STEM即係Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
英國公民(包括居英權一二代)申請家庭團聚 http://bit.ly/2QsTguz
咩係Business Representative Visa?
T1 Investor
Global Talent Visa
英國移民生活網 重要舊文重溫