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Eee PC 1000HE. Eee PC 1000HE. 產品支援. Eee PC 1000HE. 其他產品. 獲取產品支援. 產品註冊. 驅動程式及工具程式; 常見問題; 手冊及文件; 保固條款 ...
#2. ASUS華碩ASUS Eee PC 10吋Eee PC 1000HE (EPC1000HE ...
Eee PC ™ 1000HE 採用ASUS 獨特的Super Hybrid Engine (SHE) 技術,可提升能源效率,最多可降低耗電量達 15%*,提供長達9.5 小時* 的電池使用時間。
#3. <開箱>老公的ASUS Eee PC 1000HE - 小瑀
本公司是ASUS的代理商之一雖然別的牌子也有啦,但是ASUS是比較便宜的找了規格表來看,老陳最後選了這台新出的Eee PC 1000HE 這台的前身應該是1000H, ...
#4. Asus Eee PC 1000HE 評測 - 哈燒王Hot3C
1000HE 是Asus Eee PC 系列中,首款搭載Atom N280 最新處理器的Netbook 小筆電, 8700mAh 長效電池並標榜9.5小時電池續航力。此外,Eee PC 1000HE ...
#5. 華碩ASUS Eee PC筆記型電腦功能正常電池正常1000HE 黑
使用時若無裝電池只插電源線,隨意移動電源線可能會斷電,如有需求建議再買一條電源線#eeepc #1000he 購買華碩ASUS Eee PC筆記型電腦功能正常電池正常1000HE 黑.
#6. 請問:關於Eee PC 1000HE 做升級~ - Mobile01
最近從長輩那接手了台小筆電Eee PC 1000HE但~我看到是xp的~於是手癢就給它灌了win7 x86~但最終是灌好了~但速度是就是慢慢慢..........於是我又灌回 ...
#7. 產品規格數據ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 小筆記型電腦 - Icecat
PIM產品數據: ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 小筆記型電腦,上網本25.4 cm (10") Intel Atom® 1 GB DDR2-SDRAM Windows XP 家庭版粉紅色90OA17B82111N3VE21VQ 筆記型電腦, ...
#8. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 小筆電黑色 - 露天拍賣
螢幕. 10.1吋LED 背光WSVGA 螢幕(1024x600) · 處理器與晶片組. Intel® Atom N270/ N280 · 記憶體. 1GB (DDR2) · Wireless Data Network. 802.11 b/g/n · Hybrid Storage. 160GB ...
華碩易PC(ASUS Eee PC),簡稱「Eee PC」,是台灣華碩電腦與美國英特爾公司共同研發的新一代笔记本电脑,目標是消費型市場,訴求是「極簡、易學、易玩、易攜帶」。
#10. ASUS EEEPC 1000HE - 飛比價格- 2022年1月推薦商品與價格 ...
ASUS EEEPC 1000HE 推薦商品與價格優惠就來飛比,收錄ASUS EEEPC 1000HE 在MOMO、PCHOME、蝦皮優惠價格|飛 ... Eee pc 1000he 小筆電asus eeepc nb notebook 筆電華碩.
#11. asus eee pc 1000he購物比價- 2021年11月| FindPrice 價格網
asus eee pc 1000he的商品價格,還有更多asus 華碩高品質36w 副廠變壓器eee pc 1000hd 1000he 1000hg (7.1折)相關商品比價,輕鬆購物,FindPrice價格網讓你快速找到最 ...
#12. 华硕Eee PC 1000HE 评测_ 提示
华硕是第一款上网本的设计者,自推出以来一直忙于更新其最初的Eee PC,目前该系列包括十多种型号。最新的Eee 1000HE 的主要设计变化是用拼字游戏取代了其标准键盘,就 ...
#13. Eee PC 1000HE 開春告捷佔據亞馬遜網站熱銷榜 - 比價王
Eee PC 不僅在通路市場嶄露頭角,亦數度獲得美國主流媒體肯定評價,美國筆電權威媒體PC Magazine、Laptop Magazine、PC World、Computer Shopper、Notebookreview.com 等, ...
#14. 華碩發表電池更有"凍頭"的Eee PC 1000HE - Engadget
捨棄一貫的媒體新聞稿炒作(畢竟是醬油新裝),這次華碩(Asus)直接在他們Facebook社群上發表兼預售Eeepc家族最新成員- Eee PC 1000 HE!
#15. Asus Eee Pc的價格推薦- 2021年12月| 比價比個夠BigGo
還有asus Eee PC 記憶體、asus pg、asus e1、asus e1 投影機、asus pd500tc。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價, ... Eee pc 1000he 小筆電asus eeepc nb notebook 筆電華碩.
#16. eee pc 1000 - 優惠推薦- 2021年10月 - 奇摩拍賣
全新液晶面板小筆電面板ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 1005HA 1002HA 1015CX 1005BX ... 全新原廠華碩小筆電ASUS EPC Eee PC 1000H 1000HA 1000HD 1000HE 1005HA.
#17. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 簡易型電腦(小筆電)#含運最划算
在台北市(Taipei),Taiwan 購買ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 簡易型電腦(小筆電)#含運最划算. 於%{category} 中找到最棒的交易!私訊購買!
#18. 無法檢測到無線網絡,在eeepc 1000he上運行ubuntu 9.10 | 2022
我在ASUS eeepc 1000HE上運行Ubuntu 9.10,我的無線網卡RaLink RT 2860無法識別任何無線網絡。今天早上一切正常,直到我不小心碰到Fn ...
#19. 【電子】小v家的新成員~ASUS Eee PC 1000HE
小v前幾天又拜了一台小筆電ASUS的小白機EeePC 1000HE雖說Eee PC並非專業配備功能的筆電但因為只是為了簡單的業務管理及簡報倒是措措有餘且對於時常 ...
#20. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE Netbook Computer (Blue) - B&H
The Eee PC 1000HE Netbook Computer from ASUS is a tiny portable computer. The 3.2-pound system won't weigh you down during mobile use, and won't occupy a lot of ...
#21. 佳能Eee PC 1000HE 驅動程式下載
下載最新的ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 設備驅動程式(官方且經過認證)。ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 驅動程式每日更新。立即下載。
#22. Eee PC 1000HE NB電池, 副廠/原廠ASUS Eee ... - B2C電池商城
在线供应副廠/原廠ASUS Eee PC 1000HENB電池,B2C電池商城正在折扣銷售Eee PC 1000HE筆電電池,高質量,長壽命A品電芯,支持貨到付款.
#23. 記憶體RAM 與SSD 升級| asus | asus netbooks | Eee PC 1000HE
asus | Eee PC 1000HE · 我們能為您的系統提供相容的儲存空間升級作業 · Crucial 目前沒有任何能與您指定系統相容的記憶體升級項目。 · 關於您的Eee PC 1000HE.
#24. Asus Eee PC 1000HE Repair - iFixit
Released in Feburary 2009, the Asus Eee PC 1000HE, contains the Intel Atom 280 processor with a 10-inch LED-lit display, 6-cell battery, 160 GB HDD, ...
#25. 不是浪費..是Eee PC 1000HE @ maggie 愛玩、愛美、愛生活
Eee PC 的款式還真不少經過交叉比對,鎖定1000HE 她的電池有華碩獨家節能技術,號稱可使用時間長達9.5小時(哇!...) 機身外表是晶鑽漾彩LOOK,時尚感百 ...
#26. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - Amazon.com
The ASUS EEE PC 1000HE is easily one of the best purchases I have made in years. I started a bit skeptical about the whole "netbook" fad, but I have converted ...
#27. 華碩EeePC1000he - 中文百科全書
華碩EeePC1000he華碩(ASUS) Eee PC 1000HE,基本參數,性能及測試,電池及續航,接口布局, ... EeePC 1000HE配備了Intel標準上網本中最大的10.2英寸LED液晶螢幕, ...
#28. 华硕Eee PC 1000HE 2022
ASUS Eee PC 1000H disassembly cleaning cooler fan | ForumWiedzy ... 简化和重新设计的华硕Eee PC 1000HE不占用囚犯。虽然以前的华硕Eee PC 1000提供了坚实的 ...
#29. Asus Eee PC 1000HE série - Notebookcheck.fr
C'est une liste de critiques et d'autres informations sur la série Asus Eee PC 1000HE.
#30. 華碩eee pc 1000he - 雅瑪黃頁網
#31. EEE+PC,¨©´ß¾÷ - PChome線上購物
【鍵盤防護大師】ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 超鍵盤矽柔保護膜◇asus eee pc 1000he 鍵盤專用◇格狀專機對位設計◇耐磨、耐高溫、抗污、防塵◇超柔軟、顯影佳,密合度佳◇扭曲 ...
#32. Asus Eee PC 1000HE : la fiche technique complète - 01net.com
Asus Eee PC 1000HE Fiche technique ; Processeur, Intel Atom N280 ; Fréquence processeur, 1,66 GHz ; Mémoire vive (RAM), 1024 Mo ; Type de mémoire vive, DDR2-SDRAM.
#33. 華碩8芯Asus Eee PC 1000 1000H 1000HA AL23-901
華碩8芯Asus Eee PC 1000 1000H 1000HA AL23-901. 容量. 8800MAH. 電壓. 7.4V. 顏色. 黑色. 芯數. 8芯. 類型. 鋰電池. 價位. $ 1330元. 數量 ...
#34. eee pc 1000he怎么操作一键还原 - 百度知道
我刚买了华硕Eee PC 1000HE,说明书上说F9组合Fn键是任务管理器,但是我按了没有啊~还有F9一键还原功能怎么操作啊~直接按一下F9吗?~我对电脑一窍不通~ 展开.
#35. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE: A Worthy Netbook Upgrade - Gigaom
I try not to get too excited about every new ASUS Eee PC model, but I'm making an exception for the new 1000HE with 10-inch LED backlit ...
#36. asus eee pc 1000he products for sale | eBay
Get the best deals on asus eee pc 1000he when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands ...
#37. https://www.cnet.com/products/asus-eee-pc-1000he/s...
#38. ASUS EeePC 1000HE 測試報告!! Part II - 香港unwire.hk
經過以上的詳細介紹後,相信各位讀者已經對ASUS EeePC 1000HE 有基本認識,不過究竟配備Intel Atom N280 的新機效能究竟有何不同呢?
#39. 華碩Eee PC 1000HE上網本Windows XP - 免費下載筆記本驅動 ...
下載華碩Eee PC 1000HE筆記本電腦Windows XP,Windows 7驅動程序,軟件和手冊。
#40. Asus Eee PC 1000HE Manuals | ManualsLib
Manuals and User Guides for Asus Eee PC 1000HE. We have 2 Asus Eee PC 1000HE manuals available for free PDF download: User Manual, Hardware Manual ...
#41. Review of the Asus Eee PC 1000HE Mininotebook
Asus offers an almost unmanageable range of mini-notebooks by now. One among the many, the Asus Eee PC 1000HE "netbook", now shines with Intel's ...
#42. E10HEN771 Eee PC User Manual (Eee PC 1000HE ... - FCC ID
Eee PC User Manual details for FCC ID MSQE10HEN771 made by ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Document Includes User Manual (Eee PC 1000HE) User Manual.
#43. NOVA Asus Eee Pc 1000 1000hg 1000he 1000h Go ... - Flipkart
NOVA Asus Eee Pc 1000 1000hg 1000he 1000h Go Eee Pc 901 G 1000ha 6 Cell Laptop Battery · Battery Type: Li-ion · Capacity: 4400 mAh · 6 Cells.
#44. 華碩榮獲CNN與時代雜誌評選綠能科技產品典範 - iThome
CNN主播對EeePC HE1000的續航力大表讚嘆:「…Eee PC 1000HE每次充電可使用的時間是一般筆電的三到四倍,很輕巧、鍵盤空間寬敞,效能執行工作、上網、收發郵件都游刃有餘, ...
#45. 全球小筆電華碩Eee PC最讚 - 蘋果日報
【徐毓莉╱台北報導】美國電腦雜誌《PC World》(電腦世界)日前公布全球十大最佳小筆電排名,華碩ASUS Eee PC 1000HE因物超所值奪得冠軍, ...
#46. EEE-PC 1000HE install questions - Ask Ubuntu
I've installed Ubuntu on an EEE 1015PX with no major hurdles. Where the USB drive won't show in boot device selection:.
#47. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE Review - Notebook Reviews
The Eee PC 1000HE is the latest netbook refresh from ASUS that offers a revamped chicklet style keyboard and the new Intel Atom N280 ...
#48. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE (シルバー) スペック・仕様 - 価格.com
Eee PC 1000HE (シルバー) ; 無線LAN, IEEE802.11b (11Mbps) IEEE802.11g (54Mbps) IEEE802.11n ; NFC, LAN, 10/100Mbps ; SIMフリー対応, SIMカード ; 幅x高さx奥行 ...
#49. Gadget Gal's daily deals: Asus EeePC 1000HE and Acer ...
An Asus Eee PC 1000HE 10-inch netbook, an Acer Aspire One AOA110-1995 netbook, and a Seagate FreeAgent Desk ST310005FDA2E1 1TB external hard ...
#50. Asus Eee PC 1000HE - Notebookcheck.com Externe Tests
Diese Seite liefert Infos aller Art, vor allem Testberichte, für das Notebook-Modell Asus Eee PC 1000HE.
#51. eee pc 1000he重灌 - 軟體兄弟
僅支援XP作業系統); Eee PC™ 1000HE 配備反應靈敏的觸控板,可接受兩個手指同時操作, ... ,有誰知道ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 能灌現在在新的Windows 7 RC版嗎.
#52. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE - Good Gear Guide
ASUS Eee PC 1000HE. ASUS' latest netbook is a slight upgrade to the Eee PC 1000E. It has a new keyboard design and better battery life.
#53. 华硕Eee PC 1000HE评测2022
华硕Eee PC系列的最新型号对其前代产品进行了许多改进。 1000HE使用新的1.66GHz Intel Atom N280处理器,其声音听起来不比其他 ...
#54. 華碩Eee PC
華碩易PC(ASUS Eee PC),簡稱「Eee PC」,是台灣華碩電腦與美國英特爾公司共同研發的 ... Eee PC 1000H, Eee PC 1000HA, Eee PC 1000, Eee PC 1002HA, Eee PC 1000HE.
#55. Asus Eee PC 1000HE review | IT PRO
Asus Eee PC 1000HE review. A slew of products have appeared since Asus introduced the concept of the modern netbook computer.
#56. latest build 14915 hates my Asus eee pc 1000HE, help!
latest build 14915 hates my Asus eee pc 1000HE, help! I have to post here on my Windows 7 pc as I can't see anything on my Windows 10 netbook when I click ...
#57. Review: Asus Eee PC 1000HE - Sydney Morning Herald
Asus' new Eee PC 1000HE is the Cathy Freeman of netbooks. It's stylish in a leanly muscled way, is packed with performance and simply won't ...
#58. 採用Atom N280處理器ASUS Eee PC 1000HE Netbook - HKEPC
ASUS 推出最新的Eee PC 產品,型號為Eee PC 1000HE ,換上了最新的Intel Atom N280 處理器,核心時脈提升至1.66GHz , FSB 亦提升至667MHz ,配備10 ...
#59. Asus Eee PC 1000HE w/ Long Battery Life for Uninterrupted ...
The Eee PC utilizes Infusion Technology, which is a cutting edge manufacturing process that produces uniquely-designed laptop surfaces.
#60. 華碩Eee PC - 维基百科
華碩Eee PC 语言监视编辑重定向自EeePC 華碩易PC ASUS Eee PC 簡稱Eee PC 是台灣華碩 ... Eee PC 1000HA, Eee PC 1000, Eee PC 1002HA, Eee PC 1000HE.
#61. Asus Eee PC 1000HE - Notebookcheck.info
The Asus Eee PC 1000HE stands out from the mini laptop crowd thanks to an impressive battery life and a decent keyboard for typing. The battery pushes up the ...
#62. Asus Eee PC 1000HE review | TechRadar
Asus Eee PC 1000HE review. Asus netbook comes with 9.5-hour battery, but can it really last all day? By Dave James published March 26, 2009.
#63. Asus Eee PC 1000HE review
Asus's latest model in its Eee PC range makes a number of improvements on its predecessors. The 1000HE uses the new 1.66GHz Intel Atom N280 ...
#64. Asus Eee PC 1000HE HD video playbck - YouTube
#65. Memory Upgrade for ASUS Eee PC 1000HE Laptop
The ASUS Eee PC 1000HE Laptop takes the PC2-5300 DDR2-667 200pin SDRAM SODIMM memory type, and comes installed with 1GB memory. How much memory does the ASUS ...
#66. asus eee pc 1000he | Newegg.com
Search Newegg.com for asus eee pc 1000he. Get fast shipping and top-rated customer service.
#67. 【網友推薦】asus eee pc 1000he drivers - 紐西蘭自助旅行最 ...
Eee PC 1000HE - 支援- ASUS驅動程式及工具程式. 驅動程式及工具程式; BIOS及韌體. 需要協助?缺少字詞: gl= | 必須包含以下字詞:gl=Eee PC 1000HE ...
#68. Asus Eee PC 1000HE Netbook Evaluation | HotHardware
We've taken the Asus Eee PC 1000HE Netbook for a spin and compared it to the 1000H. Dig in to find out how it performed, how long the ...
#69. Spare parts for 1000HE - Accessoires Asus
Buy here your spare parts for Asus 1000HE. This netbook Asus 1000HE model has been released on february 2009 and is working under Windows XP Home operating ...
#70. Asus Eee PC 1000HE battery
AC adapter for Asus laptops 12v, 3A, 4.8mm - 1.7mm. List Price: $73.00. Our Price: $45.00. Battery for ASUS Eee PC 1000HA 1000HD 1000HE 1000XP 1002HA ...
#71. Asus Eee PC 1000HE first impression and unboxing
The Eee PC 1000HE is Asus' answer to user complaints about the previous models. With Longer battery life, better keyboard, and staying in ...
#72. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 黑色全機包膜98%新直購價5000元可舊 ...
ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 黑色全機包膜98%新直購價5000元可舊機折抵購買A1328-G · 上一張 下一張. 售價5000元. 售價5000元. x0.
#73. eeepc1000h安裝什麼版本系統
本資訊是關於華碩eeepc 1000ha 重裝系統,誰有EEEpc1000H專用xp系統,我的筆記本進不了系統了華碩eeepc1000h型號,華碩EEEPC1000H能裝windows7的系統么 ...
#74. Asus Eee PC 1000HE notebook - Pocket-lint
(Pocket-lint) - The Asus Eee PC 1000HE looks like any other netbook, but has one big distinction - a claimed battery life of over 9 hours.
#75. Laptop Lcd Screen For Asus Eee Pc 1000he 10" Wsvga - Bliss ...
Low Prices. Free Shipping. 15 Years in Screen Industry Experience. Buy Online With Confidence! Laptop Lcd Screen For Asus Eee Pc 1000he 10" Wsvga.
#76. eee pc:產品簡介EEE PC中的三個E分別是
基本信息EEE PC中的三個E分別是:Easy、Excellent、Exciting,即極簡,極動,極享樂。·Easy to learn, work and play. ... ASUS EEE PC 1000HE ...
#77. Asus Eee PC 1000HE - Mumbai Mirror
Netbook anyone? Maybe you could consider the Eee PC 1000HE. The device - which runs on the Intel Atom N280 processor, and is available in ...
#78. Asus Launches Eee PC 1000HE- Technology News, Firstpost
Asus has announced the launch of the Eee PC 1000HE equipped with Intel's Atom N280 processor.
#79. Tech Test Drive: Asus Eee PC 1000HE (black) - The Mercury ...
The bottom line: Asus practically invented the Netbook market, and the Eee PC 1000HE is an overdue overhaul that offers a new CPU and great ...
#80. Review of the Asus Eee PC 1000HE Netbook - Movies Games ...
Asus have been in the Netbook market for a while now and they consistently produce cheap(ish), good quality Netbooks, and the Eee PC 1000HE ...
#81. Installing Linux on EEE PC 1000HE 安裝 - greenKnows/石月 ...
幫朋友在他的華碩EEE PC 1000HE 上裝Linux。一開始就算我更改了boot device priority也不能從隨身碟開機。後來發現,還得更改hard disk drives。
#82. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE Review - Laptop Mag
The Eee PC 1000HE is the first netbook we've tested to feature Intel's new 1.66-GHz Intel Atom N280 processor. In addition to sporting a ...
#83. Test Asus Eee PC 1000HE - Les Numériques
Diagonale d'écran, 10 pouces ; Définition d'écran, 1024 x 600 ; Poids, 1.45 kg ; Processeur, Intel Atom N280 1,66 GHz ; RAM, 1 Go.
#84. ASUS Eee PC 1000H - 威兒剛的異想世界
這回的主角,10吋螢幕硬碟版的Asus Eee PC 1000H ▽ Eee PC 1000跟Eee PC 901的體型比較▽ 實測重量跟第一代Eee PC 701相比,Eee PC.
#85. Review: Asus Eee PC 1000HE | WIRED
Asus Eee PC 1000HE 8/10 Learn How We Rate Wired The first netbook to feature the new Atom N280 chip. MMC and SD media reader slots.
#86. Eee PC》我對Eee PC 1000H的想望,實現了@ ISAISA的星星 ...
這陣子趕稿趕到火燒屁股,再加上有帶NB出巡的機會, 又聽美女Amy對Asus Eee PC 901的輕盈、開機快、變電器小,讚不絕口, 讓我對Asus Eee PC 有了很 ...
#87. Asus Eee PC 1000HE Review
Asus adds the new Intel Atom N280, a massive battery and a refreshed keyboard to its 10in netbook.
#88. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10吋超顯影機身貼贈鏡頭膜樣式
ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10吋已上市囉!快來為您的愛機選一件最適合它的防護衣吧! ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10吋超顯影機身貼贈鏡頭膜樣式商品介紹ASUS.
#89. Buying a netbook? Consider the Asus Eee PC 1000HE
If you're in the market for a netbook computer, take a good look at the just released Asus Eee PC 1000HE. Liliputing reports that Amazon.com ...
#90. Asus Eee PC 1000HE, con autonomía de 9.5 horas, ya en ...
Como hemos indicado, el Asus Eee PC 1000HE tendrá un precio de salida de 399 euros y se pone a la venta en es mes de abril en España. Más ...
#91. Atom N280核心华硕Eee PC 1000HE测_笔记本_科技时代 - 新浪
Netbook Eee PC 1000HE是华硕最新发布的一款上网本,使用的是全尺寸键盘和全新英特尔Atom N280处理器。其外形设计和1000HA、901有很多相似之处,如果 ...
#92. How-To: Upgrade Your Netbook, Easily | Tom's Guide
Swapping Out the Asus Eee PC 1000HE Hard Drive. As with the Dell Mini 9 maneuver, this is a very easy mechanical task.
#93. Asus Eee PC 1000HE (Preto) - Computador Netbook - Fnac
Características técnicas · Processador Intel® Atom™ N280 1,66GHz (FSB 667MHz) · Tipo Memória 1GB DDR2 · Memória Gráfica 224MB partilhados · Disco Rígido 160GB SATA
#94. Asus Eee PC 1000HE - PCWorld
The streamlined and redesigned Asus Eee PC 1000HE takes no prisoners. While the previous Asus Eee PC 1000 offered a solid netbook, ...
#95. Eee PC 1000HE WH パールホワイト ASUS - インバースネット
ASUS Eee PC 1000HE WH パールホワイトのパソコン買取/無料処分、中古パソコン販売のことならインバースネットにお任せ下さい!全事業所でISMS認証を取得しています ...
#96. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE - Scheda Tecnica - Tecnozoom
ASUS Eee PC 1000HE - Scheda tecnica ; N280 · 1,66 · Windows® xp home · 1024 · 160 gb.
#97. ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10" Intel Atom N280- 1GB RAM
ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10" Intel® Atom™ N280- 1GB RAM - 160GB Dysk ; nr kat. 405106 ; Opis produktu. -. Windows XP Home Edition przeznaczony głównie do użytku ...
eee pc 1000he 在 請問:關於Eee PC 1000HE 做升級~ - Mobile01 的推薦與評價
最近從長輩那接手了台小筆電Eee PC 1000HE但~我看到是xp的~於是手癢就給它灌了win7 x86~但最終是灌好了~但速度是就是慢慢慢..........於是我又灌回 ... ... <看更多>