10 Checklist Confinement Dah Setel, Mommies Boleh Pantang Dengan Tenang
(Ikut keperluan masing-masing ye☺, mummy share je persiapan mummy)
Continue Reading10 Checklist Confinement is Set, Mommies Can Never Be Peaceful
(According to each other's needs ☺, mummy will just share the preparation of mummy)
1. Set of confinement
This is the highest chart. Tired of giving birth, we need to pamper ourselves too. Like a reward for myself. This is the first thing that mummy will survey and buy.
Used to use a set of confinement Tanamera, this time mummy wants to try Nona Roguy's confinement set. The Tanamera set was 5 stars, because it's like modern mix and traditional care.
But even mummy wants to use Nona Roguy's set, these 4 Tanamera items are compulsory to include once because it is really
a) Brown Soap Tanamera - The soap smells like herbs, which is great because it's like scrub. So it's so nice to remove dirt or rough places like elbows etc. It's really great to use it first. So it's compulsory to have. Price RM16 / bar.
b) Herbal Massage Oil - Use a normal day to massage your feet if you're tired, it smells really good. (Price RM 40 +/ bottle if not wrong because I bought it during pregnancy early)
c) VCO Tanamera - This is applied to the stomach to prevent stretch mark. Apply from the beginning of the content, insyaAllah there will be no signs, the stomach is just (Price RM 40 +/ bottle if not wrong because I bought it during pregnancy early)
D) Bengkung - Get free time to buy Tanamera set first, most importantly the bengkung is cotton fabric suitable and comfortable for mummy who has cser. So this bengkung is still good, so continue using it.
Oh by the way, mummy bought the Nona Roguy set that's preloved only. It's a coincidence that he's done with confinement in the month of 4 and there's a lot of things in the set that he's useless, even using one or two items so mummy decided why not One set of Nona Roguy price is RM 280 + you know, but mummy gets it with RM78 complete set except for Herbanika Oil. As far as the external use, it won't be a problem because it's expiry date year 2021. Mummy added on to buy Nona Roguy Herbanika Oil in RM 40 +/ bottle.
* Use of herbs / herbs on your own body's fitness. Mummy usually avoids it.
2. Breast pump & Silicone Milk Collector
Compulsory items for breastfeeding mothers. According to experience, usually use milk collector early because of tandem feeding with baby. Even if you want to pump it early, you don't need to stress yourself because milk production is according to your baby's age. If it's a little milk yield, we'll start stressing out alone, our milk production will fall. Mummy will start saving stock for a month before going to work like that. InsyaAllah can. When Aileen used milk collector Brand Haakaa, now I want to try Autumnz Brand. The price is only RM25.
Thank God, for breast pump mummy using Brand Cimilre is quite durable, most importantly handsfree, the price is worth it and the sound is not noisy. Just chill and relax if you attend the meeting hikhik.
3. Mother stove & baby tuam
When Aileen used to buy baby tuam without his set, so when the tuam was a bit fussy because he had to use iron to heat up the tuam. First baby has no experience. So this time mummy bought a set straight away, it's not expensive in RM18 to get a small furnace, candle & place to heat up the aromatherapy style. So easy to heat up the baby's furnace directly.
For the mother's furnace, there are already generations at mom's house using river stone from the days of ancestors who used the same river stone.
4. Set of planting baby type
This is only an optional item, but it's compulsory for mummy since Aileen's time to make it easier for my husband to manage
Any brand is possible but mummy bought a set that has a pot of land because the type has to be planted is good not to give animals to dig it, so put it in the pot of mummy's land feels more secure like that (feeling)
Basically, this planting set includes a way of managing types and prayers that are needed to be read during planting types, asam jawa & sour pieces, salt, white cloth, latex gloves and apron. Complete right?
So it's easier for our husband to settle the part of the planting business, everything is complete and available. Mommies want to prepare for themselves but mummy is really lazy to prepare one by one. This set price is RM 38 including postage.
5. Bepanthen Cream
It's important to use nipple crack when breastfeeding, among creams that quickly fix nipple crack. Plus point, Bepanthen can be used for nappy rash kids too.
6. Nursing Cover, Nursing Pad & Nursing Bra
Mummy used nursing cover by Marredz since her first child. It's comfortable to breastfeed a baby, then Marredz did it together with the clutch. After using folding & keep it in the clutch bag. It's just neat. But now there are all kinds of nursing cover selling at the shop, so mommies can choose those who are interested in your heart. (Have to standby to enter the hospital bag because sometimes many people come to visit when we breastfeed our children)
Nursing pad is compulsory because the bra will always be 'wet' because the milk comes out. So need to standby hikhik 😂
7. Supplement – Osteomatrix Shaklee, Prenavit
Mummy doesn't sell it, but mummy uses this only because the body feels suitable with this osteomatrix. Lelagi chapter of digestion. It's tiring if it's cser but constipation. Want to cry to push in the toilet huhu. So when eating osteomatrix is easier. Because mummy's kind of lack of fruits. So looking for another alternative.
Mummy will avoid eating herbs early because she gives the baby to finish yellow first then drink a little bit.
Previt supplement for pregnant & BF mother. Only this can be swallowed. Obimin, Iberet all the others sorry throat can't swallow huhu.
8. Thick socks (not in the picture) - must wear, otherwise the pokpek will not wear socks hehe
9. Maternity Pad
Mummy didn't buy the one who tied the rope, mummy used adult pampers for the early time when blood was so hard to move after c-ser (the type of pampers brought it in the bag to the After that change to use overnight pad / wing pad / normal pad. More comfortable and easier.
10. Massage / Confinement Lady (CL)
For those who are in confinement, now there are many services provided to help mommies manage themselves and children.
Mummy is done early - early hire CL for mother massage and baby affairs in Terengganu later. Not long in two hours a day, mummy's package is taken for 21 days. Abstinence food, all are used to cook it hehe. Only part of my body, massage, wear a bengkung, use param & pilis and bath, mummy surrendered to CL because she doesn't want to bother mom. For the baby's service, please bathe, tuam and massage the baby together. Enough that is enough.
Hopefully sharing mummy helps love to prepare abstinence items 😍
Credit: Dr Ain Zul.Translated
dr shaklee 在 Taleeb Mizad Facebook 的最讚貼文
Harini, genap 1 tahun 2 hari papaleeb & ummijun buat bisnes @shakleebyummijun ! Alhamdulillah, ia benar-benar mengubah jalan cerita hidup kami 720 darjah! Meh papaleeb share skit citer k. Moga dpt jd inspirasi.
Tahun lepas, kami daftar nama shaklee ni & yakin dgn rezeki yg Allah akan bg bila kita berniaga ni. So utk first month , komisen yg kami dpt tak byk pun, dpt RM148. Then kitorg usaha sendirila, rank kitorg masa tu SID just 'distributor' biasa je. So target lepas tu nk naik Supervisor plak. Ni lah skuter yg kami guna dgn no plate JFA 3162 (bukan no plate sebenar). Haha
Then continue buat biz, papaleeb plak peranan buat PR pasal shaklee, bg idea utk mantapkan lagi marketing bagi org kenal. Every event or show mesti try penetrate brand Shaklee utk involve. Ni lah gambar kami merempit naik skuter ni ke mana2 sepanjang 4 tahun lebih kami kahwin. Dulu masa jual simkad Altel, promoter Yes 4G, ini jela yg kami naik. Tapi lepas setahun kami dgn Shaklee, Alhamdulillah, atas izin Allah SWT, kami dah ade kereta sendiri dah. Dan satu perkara 'miracle' yg kami yakin sepenuh hati dtg dr Allah, bila nombor plate kereta yg kami dpt ni, sama dgn nombor plate motor skuter yg kami guna selama ni. JSV 3162 (contoh, bukan nombor sebenar). Nombor plate tu kami tak tempah pun, tp on the bright side of it, nombor itu sama. Itu tanda kebesaran Allah. Dia yg mengaturkan. Kenapa kita deal dgn org ni, org itu, hanyalah utk kita mendapatkan sesuatu perkara yg sangat 'cantik' Allah aturkan pada kita. Itulah keagungan perancangan Allah SWT. Jadi kenapa kita kena putus asa, sedangkan apa Allah uji tanda Allah nak beri sesuatu yg baik utk kita? Berat, susah kita nak percaya dan yakin sebagai manusia biasa. Tapi kalau kita letak keimanan dan keyakinan kita pada Allah, itu adalah tanda atau cara yang terbaik utk kita berjaya. Eh bukan cakap kosong, sbb kami dah laluinya tau ! Hehe
Tapi dlm pada perjalanan kami utk meniti kehidupan yg penuh pancaroba ni, ramai hamba Allah SWT yg dtg membantu. Now tgh tngu our 2nd babyy, adik Emre 😍Jom kalau nak tau lg , bole PM kami utk bantu korg dlm biz Shaklee ni in sha Allah , selamat ulangtahun! #familylifeoftm
dr shaklee 在 atiehilmi.com : Lifestyle Blogger Facebook 的最讚貼文
| cerita ini BORING !! sebab tak de point yang tak BEST pon-- |
haritu baru jek borak dengan business partner kakak pasal LANDMARK STUDY Shaklee nih..
bangga la kat situ bila Shaklee jek yang betul-betul berani nak buat landmark study..
pada Shaklee sendiri ;
takat kutip kutip testimoni setahun dua..
TAK CUKUP membuktikan produk tu berkesan..
dan Shaklee menghabiskan masa lebih 20 tahun untuk membina keyakinan terhadap produk sendiri berdasarkan kajian dan tindakbalas dari peserta..
apsal lama sangat ????????????
nampak macam sihat..
tapi sebenarnya tak..
( ini selalu terjadi bila kes kes penyakit kronik - kencing manis / darah tinggi / batu karang / sakit jantung / kanser berleluasa dan terjadi secara TIBA-TIBA )
kerosakan terhadap tubuh badan yang kita buat mengambil masa yang singkat..
tapi nak pulih kan, memang mengambil masa..
brand lain ?
mana berani..
nih kakak nak cerita habis la nih..
mana tau celik sket hati korang..
--> kajian ini diketuai TOP epidemiologist dari University Of California, Berkeley ( 2nd Best Medicine University in the world ) iaitu Dr. Gladys Block
--> kajian dijalankan ke atas pengamal vitamin selama 20 tahun atau lebih sama ada vitamin dari Shaklee, atau bukan dari Shaklee
korang kena baca !!
kalau nak carik APA KELEBIHAN SHAKLEE yang buat kakak bertahan sayang dah lebih 3 tahun..