謝志偉的全職工作是為權力者蔡英文總統做護衛士,半工是做駐德國大使。謝志偉的邏輯思考能力和法學訓練都很差。(Hsieh is a full time "escort" of Tsai, but only a part-time "ambassador" to Germany. Hsieh also "apparently" is poor with logic thinking and basic legal training.)
Came across this article by Hsieh Chih-Wei, the "apparent" escort of Tsai but a part-time "ambassador" to Germany. I am quite amazed by Hsieh's skill to scream and to stretch. His main argument:
"林環牆教授指控蔡英文沒有將博士論文交給 Senate House Library (SHL)的根據是一封2019年6月4日署名R.O.的倫敦政經學院圖書館助理給林教授回函裏的這一句話:
“ Unfortunately Senate House apparently never received a copy (and the IALS are unable to find their copy).” (林環牆“獨立調查報告” , 頁19)."
According to Hsieh, the fact that LSE library never had a copy of Tsai's "thesis" is not important. The most important thing is about how to interpret the word "apparently". According to Hsieh's dictionary:
used to say you have read or been told something although you are not certain it is true"
From here, Hsieh basically accuses Hwan Lin and Dennis Peng of
being poor in English or blinded by hatred to smear Tsai.
I looked up Cambridge dictionary online, but I could not find the definition Hsieh quoted. The actual explanation by Cambridge dictionary is:
"according to what seems to be true or what is likely, based on what you know"
I google the quote by Hsieh and only found it from a facebook helper.
Apparently, Hsieh willfully neglects the ultimate truth from the reply by R.O. of LSE. R.O. was clear that LSE never received Tsai's thesis based on her research and all the evidences she had gathered.
We need to know that, when it comes to legal matters, no one knows the real truth with 100% certainty. A jury can convict as long as it is beyond reasonable doubt. There can be still some lingering doubts. However, R.O. was certain that the LSE never had Tsai's thesis, but she wanted to hedge a bit by indicating her conclusion was derived from all the evidences she had by using this word "apparently". Using the word "apparently" does not mean that she was not sure or had doubts, but simply that she could not claim 100% certainty, as nobody could.
This is called the art of hedging in English writing. Scientists do that in journal publications all the time. Apparently, Hsieh has never learned hedging in English or German writing.
From there, if Hsieh is still wondering what R.O. meant, he apparently (based on all the evidences I see) is a full time "escort" of Tsai, but only a part-time "ambassador" to Germany. Hsieh also "apparently" is poor with logic thinking and basic legal training.
I wonder who is actually with a heavily blurred vision of justice.
S-H Toh
doubt 例句 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
behaved in one’s youth = 兒時的行為
it manifested itself in the form of = 顯得一副...的樣子
電影 #Zootopia #動物方城市 精彩例句:
Hey, Judy. I'd just like to say I'm sorry for the way I behaved in my youth. I had a lot of self-doubt, and it manifested itself in the form of unchecked rage and aggression.
嘿, Judy. 我正想我為小時候的行為向妳道歉。由於缺乏自信, 這讓我顯得一副易怒又恃強欺弱的樣子。
doubt 例句 在 最近在新聞影片中, 提到美國總統當選人川普, 經常出現... 的推薦與評價
"benefit of the doubt" 的意思, 就是姑且信之。 ... 例句: * People tell me I shouldn't trust him, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and ... ... <看更多>