【本校防疫訊息 ~110年寒假臺灣大學集會與社團活動防疫規範】
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message ~National Taiwan University Pandemic Prevention Guidelines Governing Gatherings And Club Events During 2021 Winter Vacation
一、 依據110年1月19日教育部通報《提醒各級學校辦理集會活動防疫措施》,考量到疫情升溫,辦理各項集會與社團活動有人潮擁擠、長時間且近距離接觸,具有高度傳播之風險,一旦出現疑似個案或群聚事件,將提高防疫難度,因此強烈建議本校各單位審慎評估將集會與社團活動取消或延期舉辦。
二、 如本校各單位評估有舉辦活動之必要性者,必須配合下列各項措施,如有任何一項措施無法配合者,請將該活動取消或延期舉辦:
😷(一) 通則(適用於各種集會、會議、用餐、聚餐、社團、與住宿活動):
🍝(二) 用餐:
🏠(三) 住宿:
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
一、 According to the Reminder: Schools of All Levels Should Establish Pandemic Prevention Measures Regulating Gatherings released by the Ministry of Education on January 19, 2021, organizing gatherings and club activities in the current surge of outbreaks poses a high risk of transmission as such events are crowded, last for long hours, and participants are in close contact. The level of difficulty in pandemic prevention will increase once suspected individual or cluster infection occurs. In view of this, NTU strongly urges all of its departments and offices to carefully assess cancellation or postponement of gatherings or club activities.
二、 The organizer considering such event necessary should follow the measures below. If any one of the following cannot be observed, the organizer should then cancel or postpone the event.
😷(I) General rules (applicable to all kinds of gatherings, meetings, dining, social dining, clubs, and accommodation:
1.People undergoing home quarantine, home isolation or self-health management, or those living with family members undergoing home quarantine, home isolation or self-health management, as well as those showing suspected symptoms such as fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste (including performers and event workers) should be barred from participation.
2.People with cancer, chronic lung disease (including asthma), cardiovascular disease, illnesses in kidney, liver, nerves, blood or metabolic disorders (including diabetes), hemoglobin disease, immune deficiency disease requiring long-term treatment, and pregnant women are advised to avoid participation.
3.The organizer must obtain information of participants in advance, including at least name, contact info, travel history to pandemic affected regions, and contact history with confirmed cases.
4.The organizer must provide sufficient hand sanitizers at the event venue and designate an entrance to take temperature and sanitize hands.
5.Except while dining during the event, all participants and event staffs must wear a medical mask and maintain appropriate social distancing (1.5 meters indoors and 1 meter outdoors).
6.The event space must be kept well-ventilated, the entrance and exit remained open, and windows left open by at least 15 centimeters.
7.All participants and event workers should stay at designated areas and minimize contact at short distances.
8.If participants become ill with suspected symptoms, the organizer should immediately help them seek medical attention and report to the NTU Health Center if any diagnostic test has been administered following the treatment.
🍝(II) Dining
1.Except while dining, all participants must wear a medical mask.
2.If there is enough space, implement crisscross seating to maintain proper social distancing (1.5 meters indoors), or compartmentalize using partitions or screens.
3.If there is limited space, implement dining segmentation “by time and by group” to maintain adequate social distancing.
4.Do not talk while dining and participants should refrain from conversation exchange or interaction.
🏠(III) Accommodation
1.Except while sleeping or taking a shower, all participants must wear a medical mask and at the same time keep social distancing (1.5 meters indoors) where possible.
2.The shower and bathing space must be partitioned and group bath is prohibited. If there is no partition, only one person can use the space at a time.
3.In the sleeping area, beds should be separated from each other by at least 1.5 meters. If this cannot be done, then accommodation should be canceled altogether.
三、 If any single confirmed case (including faculty, staff, and general visitors) occurs at NTU and whose footprint has entered the university campus, the responsible organizers should consider canceling all of the future or ongoing events.
四、 NTU will stay current with the latest development in the COVID-19 pandemic and make timely adjustments to its Pandemic Prevention Guidelines for Gatherings and Club Events in accordance with the announcements released by Central Epidemic Command Center, Taipei City Government, and the Ministry of Education.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過70萬的網紅Spice N' Pans,也在其Youtube影片中提到,When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I was worried that I had to miss out on social events in order to manage my condition. Thankfully, bo...
diabetes i and ii 在 練健輝 Lian Kien Hui Facebook 的最佳貼文
#PleaseShare #COVID19
According to the WHO and Chinese officials, the incubation period of the novel corona virus between disease exposure to the onset of symptoms ranges from 2 to 12 days (7 days on average).
However,based on the general view,the incubation period of COVID-19could be up to 14 days.
Based on the current literature related toCOVID-19, the clinical expression ofCOVID-19caninclude fever, weakness, respiratory symptoms (mainly dry cough) and in some cases,breathing difficulties can follow.
About 1 to 2 percent of the patients might develop severe pneumonia, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), multiple organ failure or shock, leading to death.Most of the deceased patients had concurrent chronic disease such as diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease or cardiovascular disease.
There is no vaccine to prevent corona virus infections. Daily preventative steps to take include avoiding affected regions, avoiding local hospitals or clinics unless necessary, avoiding eating uncooked meat or eggs,avoiding being in contact with animals and dead animals,and maintain good health habits.
Steps to practice good health habits are as follows:
Please keep your hands clean and wash your hands with soap frequently. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
However, soap and water should be used preferentially if hands are visibly dirty. You should wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing; after using the toilet; and if your hands touch any secretions from your respiratory tract, stool or body fluids such as urine. In addition, please refrain from touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.
Pay attention to respiratory tract hygiene and cough etiquette.
a. If you have respiratory symptoms, please wear a medical-grade face mask and keep at least 1 meter away from others while talking to them.
b. If your hands touch any secretions from your respiratory tract, please wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly.
c. If you develop a cough or other respiratory symptoms, you should wear a medical face mask. When your mask is contaminated by secretions of nose or mouth, please fold it, throw it into the trash immediately, and wear a new one.
d. You should cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing. If you don’t have a tissue or handkerchief, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve.
*Use of masks
a. Medical-grade face masks are mainly used for preventing the spread of disease and protect people around you. People are advised to wear medical masks when you go to see a doctor or accompany a patient; when you have symptoms of respiratory infections; and if you go out with people with weak immune systems or chronic disease. You should wash your hands frequently to protect yourself from catching illness in other situations.
b. To wear a medical mask properly, you should ensure that the water-repellent side (usually green) faces outwards. You should not remove your mask when talking, coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of disease. You should replace your face mask if it is visibly soiled.
c. Steps to put on a medical face mask:
i. Open the package and examine if the mask is damaged.
ii. Put the elastic bands around both ears, fit the metallic strip over the nose bridge and extend the mask to cover your chin.
iii. Press firmly down on the metallic strip so that it fits around your nose
iv. Ensure that there are no gaps
d. You don’t need a face mask in open spaces, including walking on the streets or doing outdoor exercises.
*What to do while sick
If you have flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, runny nose, sore throat, cough, muscle aches, fatigue/tiredness, and sometimes diarrhea. After your symptoms develop, you should rest, take and record your temperature regularly, drink water and eating nourishing food, observe your condition and take symptom-relieving drugs such as pain relievers/fever reducers to observe if they work.
You should rest at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms improve.
You should seek medical attention if your fever lasts longer than 24 hours or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as purulent nasal discharge and purulent sputum, severe vomiting or shortness of breath.
You should inform the doctor of any history of travel, occupation, contact, and cluster (TOCC) when seeking medical attention.
You should follow the triage arrangement at the hospital if you have a fever to ensure efficient medical care and the health of medical personnel.
You should avoid going to school or work, attending gatherings and visiting crowded or poorly-ventilated public spaces while sick. You should avoid using public transportation to prevent the spread of disease if you need to go outside.
While staying at home, you should stay in a specific room, keep good airflow in the house, and avoid close contact with other people in your home, such as eating at the same table, kissing, hugging or sexual contact.
People living with the sick person should also pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands frequently and refrain from touching eyes, nose and mouth with hands. Babies, children and the elderly or people with compromised immune system in the same household must keep at least 1 meter away from the sick person.
If the living environment requires disinfection, you can apply 1:100 diluted bleach (500 ppm).
That is, household chlorine bleach (a 5-6% sodium hypochlorite solution, providing 50,000–60,000ppm available chlorine) is diluted in water at 1:100 to clean object surfaces, such as doorknobs, desks and switches.
You can use disposable teaspoons (one teaspoon is about 20 cc), small Yakult bottles (one bottle is about 100 cc) and large plastic bottles (one bottle is about 1,250 cc) and follow the instructions below to make diluted bleach: �
a. Large amount: mix 100 cc of bleach (5 teaspoons or 1 small Yakult bottle) in 10 liters of water (8 large plastic bottles) and fully stir the solution before using.
b. Small amount: pour 10 cc of bleach into 1 liter of water and fully stir the solution before using.
For more information:
diabetes i and ii 在 王姿允醫師。我的無齡秘笈。 Facebook 的精選貼文
端午節的尾聲,大家都很想開始消滅腹部脂肪了吧?😁上篇說到內臟脂肪(VAT) 跟肌肉內脂肪(IMAT)比皮下脂肪(SAT)有更強的胰島素抗性,而且在電腦斷層上的長相也不一樣(顯示有更多的大油滴脂肪細胞、血管跟神經還有發炎細胞)。過去研究對於運動跟飲食對內臟脂肪的減少都是「有幫助」,但是其中機轉跟「減重行為介入」有關,還是有其他更複雜的因素,怎麼做才能有最大的C/P值,輕鬆減去內臟脂肪呢?
Ans: 首先我們來看一篇2013年針對「純運動對有內臟脂肪的過重及肥胖病人的影響」的系統性文獻回顧跟綜合分析(Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis),結論是: 要靠「純運動」消除內臟脂肪,至少要到「中等至高強度費力有氧體能活動」(moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, MVPA)才會有用 (定義: 每天至少30分鐘,每周至少5天,共150分鐘,VO2Max最大攝氧量約60%),而無氧運動對於內臟脂肪是沒有幫助的。
Q.2.如果時間有限,像tabata那種高強度間歇性運動(high-intensity interval training,HIIT,即VO2Max最大攝氧量大約90%)可以嗎?
Ans: 2017年一個針對52位18-22 歲年輕人歷時12週的介入研究(BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2,體脂率 ≥ 30% )告訴我們,每天持續長時間運動,跟4分鐘的HIIT對於消除SAT和VAT效果是差不多的。(請注意高強度間歇性訓練並非人人都適合喔!)
好了,寫到這裡我都覺得累了,如果不想運動那可以靠飲食就好了嗎?我們來看一篇2009年一個很有意思的隨機分配介入型研究,探討79位肥胖者飲食控制減重時,有無加入有氧運動對內臟脂肪的影響,很棒的是,還用核磁共振(MRI)精細的分析了皮下脂肪(subcutaneous abdominal AT ,ASAT)、內臟脂肪(visceral abdominal AT ,VAT)、臀股周圍脂肪(gluteal femoral AT,GFAT)、肌細胞內脂肪(intermuscular adipose tissue, IMAT)還有全部脂肪(fat mass , FM= ASAT + VAT +GFAT+IMAT),而結果有點令人意外喔!
i) 純運動(EXO),無飲食限制12週。
ii) 純低熱量飲食(DIO),8週極低熱量飲食(600大卡/天)+4週維持體重飲食。
iii)低熱量飲食加上運動(DEX),8週極低熱量飲食(800大卡/天)+ 4週體重維持飲食結合12週的運動。
1. 純運動組(EXO)減少的體重遠遠小於純飲食(DIO)和飲食+運動組(DEX)(-3.5% v.s -11~12%, P <0.01)。
2. 純運動組(EXO)降低的皮下脂肪(ASAT)跟內臟脂肪(VAT)、臀股周圍脂肪(GFAT),也是遠少於純飲食(DIO)和飲食加運動(DEX)組 (-14~18% v.s -30-37%; P <0.01)。
3. 肌肉內脂肪(IMAT)在純運動組沒有顯著意義的下降(-2%),但其他兩組有(-7~11%)。
4. 純飲食(DIO)跟飲食加運動組(DEX)比起純運動組(DEX)減去的全部脂肪(FM)中,有更高比例的內臟脂肪(16% v.s 27~31%, P<0.01)。
5. 飲食加運動(DEX)組的各項減去數值比純飲食(DIO)略高一點,但沒有達到顯著意義的差距((P=0.06-0.5)。
6. 有加入運動的好處是最大攝氧量(VO2 max)會增加,還有肌肉比較不會掉。
嫌2009年太久?那我們看一個《美國老年學會期刊》(Journal of American geriatric society)在2019年4月熱騰騰出爐的隨機對照實驗(Randomized Controlled Trial),針對77位70歲的腹部肥胖(定義:內臟脂肪女性大於1 kg,男性大於 2 kg)老年人做運動的介入,看看對內臟脂肪的影響,介入組每週進行3次為期10週的漸進性高強度間歇訓練(progressive vigorous interval training),飲食跟對照組是一樣的,只是對照組沒運動。
結果發現,介入組的總脂肪有微下降0.7kg(p= 0.01),瘦肉組織有微上升0.5kg (p=0.03), 但是內臟脂肪下降的差距並沒有達到顯著意義的差距。值得注意的是,介入組倒是有許多不良事件,包括外上髁炎,掌指關節腫脹,肌肉拉傷,膝蓋滑囊炎和跟腱炎、腰痛,肌肉拉傷和腕部骨折。
運動造成的內臟脂肪下降是因為你減重(脂)了啊啊啊!!是因為運動造成的負能量消耗,而不是運動本身啊啊啊~~~~如果你運動但你沒變瘦,跑到你膝蓋壞掉,內臟脂肪也是不動如山滴。我之前門診的觀察是,要靠運動消除內臟脂肪,前提是運動把皮下脂肪降得夠低後,內臟脂肪也能跟著掉,但強度就要增加,不過純飲食的話,倒是輕鬆可讓內臟和皮下一起等比例的掉很快。而這篇研究完全呼應我的觀察,也證實我常說的: 減脂90%靠飲食,10%靠運動,完美主義者你可以飲食加運動,前提是「不能有運動傷害」(因小失大啊),90分如果已經覺得很高那飲食好好控制就行。
Q. 那麼哪種飲食對降低內臟脂肪最有幫助?
Ans: 過去營養素比例對減重效果的研究,發現不管是低碳、低脂、低卡路里,只要攝取變少,大多會有不等程度的體重下降,BUT!!! 唯一能夠「改善胰島素抗性」的,只有「高蛋白質飲食」。既然修補胰島素抗性是停止內臟脂肪惡化的源頭,那低卡、高蛋白、低脂、低碳、高纖的飲食,絕對是首選👍
最後分享一個在我門診的案例,64歲男性用4+2R飲食法一個月減去9kg (-11%)體重,飲食控制沒有刻意運動,身體組成改善外,內臟脂肪下降5個指數,腹部肥胖有非常明顯的改善,腹肌都若隱若現了😎
#Tammy Wang覺得這根本峰迴路轉的劇情😂
1. Vissers, Dirk, et al. "The effect of exercise on visceral adipose tissue in overweight adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis." PloS one 8.2 (2013): e56415.
2. Zhang, Haifeng, et al. "Comparable effects of high-intensity interval training and prolonged continuous exercise training on abdominal visceral fat reduction in obese young women." Journal of diabetes research 2017 (2017).
3. Christiansen, Tore, et al. "Comparable reduction of the visceral adipose tissue depot after a diet-induced weight loss with or without aerobic exercise in obese subjects: a 12-week randomized intervention study." European journal of endocrinology 160.5 (2009): 759-767.
4. Ballin, Marcel, et al. "Effects of Interval Training on Visceral Adipose Tissue in Centrally Obese 70‐Year‐Old Individuals: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (2019).
diabetes i and ii 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的最讚貼文
When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I was worried that I had to miss out on social events in order to manage my condition. Thankfully, both my family and friends are very supportive as they make it a point to help remind me about my food choices. Now I replace my breakfast on some days with Glucerna. This way, I can enjoy myself at social events without feeling stressed. Don’t feel discouraged by your condition. You can rise above diabetes just with smarter choices like opting for steamed food over fried ones, soupy dishes over dry ones and food with less gravy over gravy-rich foods. Of course you can have cheat days too so that you don’t feel too restrained. Jamie and I have created some recipes with Glucerna for you. Hope they can help bring more variety to your meals. Let’s fight diabetes together. Enjoy!
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Glucerna® Pandan Red Beans Drink https://abbottfamily.com.sg/recipes/g...
Glucerna® Hotcakes with Creamy Vanilla Sauce https://abbottfamily.com.sg/recipes/g...
Glucerna® Pineapple & Green Apple Lassi https://abbottfamily.com.sg/recipes/g...
Yours truly
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