cross subsidization 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

#1. Cross subsidization - Wikipedia
Cross subsidization is the practice of charging higher prices to one type of consumers to artificially lower prices for another group.
#2. 交叉補貼 - MBA智库百科
交叉補貼(Cross Subsidization)交叉補貼是一種定價戰略。其思路是,通過有意識地以優惠甚至虧本的價格出售一種產品(稱之為“優惠產品”),而達到促進銷售盈利更多的 ...
#3. Cross subsidization definition - AccountingTools
Cross subsidization is the practice of funding one product with the profits generated by a different product. This means that one group of ...
#4. CROSS-SUBSIDIZATION | English meaning
a situation in which profits from one activity are used to pay for another activity that is losing money or making less money: He wants to end ...
#5. Cross-subsidization - Definition, Role of State ... - Byju's
Cross subsidization is defined as the variation in the price policy for 2 sets of buyers or it can be stated as When a marketer charges higher prices to a ...
#6. Pros and Cons of Cross Subsidizing Products - GoCardless
The cross subsidization definition is the strategy of funding one product with the profits of another. With this type of pricing strategy, a business ...
#7. Cross-Subsidization - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
One prominent example of cross-subsidization impact, i.e., hurting one sector of the economy at the expense of another, is the imposition of a high electricity ...
#8. Cross-Subsidization: Pricing in Public Enterprises - JSTOR
The cross-subsidy approach focuses on the costs of alterna- tive supply to determine a set of prices, all of which provide positive incentives to forestall ...
#9. Cross Subsidization - Meaning, Examples, Working ...
Cross subsidization is a marketing tactic in which one product is overpriced to compensate for the loss caused by the underpricing of another.
#10. Cross Subsidization - IATA
Cross subsidization takes place between: ▫ Airports: higher charges at a given airport used to fund facilities and services or artificially lower the charges ...
#11. Cross-Subsidization - Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages
The practise of charging different prices to different consumer groups is known as Cross-Subsidization. When higher prices are charged to ...
#12. What Is Product-Cost Cross-Subsidization?
Product-cost cross-subsidization is the strategy of pricing a product above its market value to subsidize the loss of pricing a different product below its ...
#13. Cross Subsidies in Public Services: Some Issues - Publications
The other is that cross subsidy schemes should be avoided. This technical paper explores the economic literature for rules on applying these principles to ...
#14. Cross-Subsidy | Economics - Tutor2u
A cross-subsidy is a situation in which one group of customers or clients is charged a higher price for a product or service in order to subsidize a lower ...
#15. Cross-Subsidization in Telecommunications | SpringerLink
The Telecommunications Act and FCC and state commission orders have made the proper consideration of cross-subsidization increasingly important. This artic.
#16. Jong Jae Lee - Product-Line Choices and Cross-subsidization
This paper studies whether or not competitive cross-subsidization is robust when one firm discontinues its weak product lines which generate losses, instead of ...
#17. What is product cross-subsidization? - Talon.One
Product cross-subsidization is a business practice in which the price of one product is used to subsidize the price of another product.
#18. Competitive Cross-Subsidization* - Monash University
t from cooperation limiting cross- subsidization (e.g., through price caps), banning below-cost pricing instead increases firms profits at the expense of one- ...
#19. Contrasting approaches to the 'problem' of cross subsidy
approaches to cross subsidization which start from a cost benchmark—even though this in reality may be a hybrid—and optimal pricing approaches which ...
#20. ACCC - Tests for assessing cross-subsidy
The formal definition of cross-subsidy that has developed in the economic literature comprises two tests that compare a service's revenues to different cost ...
#21. cross-subsidization - Chinese translation - Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "cross-subsidization" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.
#22. ERGP Report on the cross- subsidisation
However unlike the tests of predatory pricing conducted in past competition law cases that have taken place in the EU, testing for cross-subsidy ...
#23. 3.4.1. Cross-subsidization in PPPs - ESCAP
PPP does not mean that there would not be any element of subsidy in pricing. Even when government subsidies are not available, pricing may be based on cross- ...
#24. Distributional Impacts of Energy Cross-Subsidization in ...
Subsidies and cross-subsidies in the energy sector are common throughout Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In Belarus, revenues from an industrial tariff on ...
#25. Cross-Subsidization in Hospital Care: Some Lessons from the ...
Two questions are of concern: (1) what is the size of the cross-subsidy to indigent patients in hospitals (we base our estimates on Califor- nia hospital data); ...
#26. Heart Hospitals, Medicare, and Cross-subsidization
While cross-subsidization is an unfamiliar concept to many, it is not a hard concept to grasp. ... By law, hospitals are required to provide a multitude of money- ...
#27. Cross-Subsidization and Ec Law - Kluwer Law Online
CROSS -SUBSIDIZATION AND EC LAWLEIGH HANCHER and JOS ́E-LUIS BUENDIA SIERRA 1. IntroductionThis article examines problems raised by the phenomenon of ...
#28. Cross Subsidization - Module 3 | Coursera
In telecommunications, profits from long distance services were used to subsidize local services. But unlike hospital, cross subsidies in transportation and ...
#29. Distributional Impacts of Energy-Heat Cross-Subsidization
In Post-Soviet countries such as Belarus, revenues from an industrial tariff on electricity are used to cross-subsidize heating for households. We analyze the ...
#30. Cross subsidisation - Concurrences
Cross subsidisation means that an undertaking bears or allocates all or part of the costs of its activity in one geographical or product market to its ...
#31. Use Cross Subsidies to Support Mixed Income Communities
Use Cross Subsidies to Support Mixed Income Communities ... profits from the sale or rental of market-rate homes to subsidize the costs of affordable homes.
#32. Sunset Seminar: GSE Pricing and Cross-Subsidization
Sunset Seminar: GSE Pricing and Cross-Subsidization. Body. One controversial issue in housing finance is whether to price loans based on borrower risk ...
#33. Reverse Cross Subsidization in Healthcare Capitation Programs
Furthermore, we show that the reverse cross subsidization practice is associated with the risk selection problem in MA, where low-risk patients ...
#34. Cross-subsidization of Bad Credit in a Lending Crisis | NBER
Cross -subsidization of Bad Credit in a Lending Crisis ... We study the corporate-loan pricing decisions of a major Greek bank during the Greek ...
#35. cross-subsidization
cross -subsidization. Share this: Term: cross-subsidization. Domain: Finance. Definition: The practice of using profits generated from one product or service ...
#36. Cost, Cross Subsidization of - Regulation Body of Knowledge
Cost, Cross Subsidization of · Glossary -> C. See cross-subsidy.
#37. Cross-subsidization in employer-based health insurance and ...
In this paper, we explore several ways to reform the tax subsidy by taking this implicit cross- subsidization into account. Using a general ...
#38. What is Cross-Subsidization of EPC Incentives? - YouTube
This training video explains the concept of cross - subsidization and how Energy Performance Contract (EPC) incentives can work together to ...
#39. Should we be cross about cross-subsidies? Experience from ...
Examples include student discounts, teaser rates for new customers, loss-leader products in supermarkets, and free-if-in-credit bank accounts.
#40. Cross-subsidization in employer-based health ... - IDEAS/RePEc
In this paper we explore several ways to reform the tax subsidy by taking this implicit cross-subsidization into account. We construct a general equilibrium ...
#41. Cross-Subsidization and Matching Design
Cross -Subsidization and Matching Design. Renato Gomes. Alessandro Pavan. Toulouse School of Economics. Northwestern University. January 2013.
#42. A guide to cross- subsidization and price predation
Basic Economic Principles Consider the following definition of cross-subsidization to be used for independent products: Product A is being subsidized by product ...
#43. Price discrimination and cross-subsidy in financial services
Some forms of price discrimination and cross-subsidy, especially when used by firms with substantial market power, can drive out actual and exclude potential.
#44. Cross-Subsidization: Pricing in Public Enterprises
Analyzes the issues of cross-subsidization in public enterprises with economies of joint production. Incentives to competitive entry and subsidy-free prices ...
#45. Inter generational subsidy; Cross subsidization; Cost shifting
Cross -subsidy; Cross subsidies; Cross-generational subsidy; ... prices to one group of consumers in order to subsidize lower prices for another group, ...
It analyzes agents incentives to use cross subsidization when prices are regulated by the Ramsey prices or by the global price cap. It shows that cross ...
#47. Competition and Cross-Subsidization in the Telephone Industry
In general, cross-subsidization reduces the nation's aggregate wealth by misallocating scarce resources (i.e., by causing losses of economic efficiency).
#48. Competitive cross‐subsidization - Chen - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Cross-subsidization arises naturally when firms with different comparative advantages compete for consumers with heterogeneous ...
#49. Cross-subsidization - EU - Vogel&Vogel
Cross -subsidization consists, for an undertaking in a dominant position on a market due to the holding of a legal monopoly, in subsidizing ...
#50. How Cross Subsidies Hinder Economic Reforms
Cross subsidies are an underappreciated original sin of economic stagnation. To transfer money from A to B, the government could simply ...
#51. Cross subsidization - Wikiwand
Cross subsidization is the practice of charging higher prices to one type of ... marketing agricultural exports are sometimes alleged to cross subsidize, ...
#52. Cross-Subsidization Restrictions on Affiliate Transactions
The scope of the proposed regulations is to protect against inappropriate cross-subsidization of affiliates by franchised public utilities with ...
#53. cross subsidization - Translation into Chinese - Reverso Context
Targeted use of subsidies to ease the burden of up-front costs together with cross subsidization schemes and end-user fees reflecting a realistic view of ...
#54. Cross-Subsidies: Government's Hidden Pocketbook
First, there can be times when a cross-subsidy works as a better income tax than the income tax itself—that is, the cross-subsidy is better than the traditional.
#55. Competitive Cross-Subsidization | TSE
Cross -subsidization arises naturally when firms with different comparative ad- vantages compete for consumers with diverse shopping patterns.
#56. The Discussion on the System of Cross-subsidization for ...
cross -subsidization in the large user's direct power- purchase mode and avoid the disputes and ... caused by the transfer of government cross-subsidization.
#57. (PDF) Cross-subsidization - ResearchGate
Cross -subsidization. January 2014. In book: Wiley Encyclopedia of Management 3rd edition Vol 12 Strategic Management (pp.2) ...
#58. cross-subsidy - Wiktionary
EnglishEdit. EtymologyEdit. From cross- + subsidy. NounEdit. cross-subsidy (plural cross-subsidies). A subsidy from profit-making operations of a business ...
#59. Electricity Cross-Subsidies in the People's Republic of China
Electricity Cross-Subsidies in the People's Republic of China: Equity, Reverse Ramsey Pricing, and Welfare Analysis. Publication | September 2020.
#60. Cross Subsidization by Non-Profit Organizations
The purpose of this short discussion paper is to outline some of the major issues concerning cross-subsidization within nonprofit organizations (NPO's).
#61. Cross-Subsidies | HESA - Higher Education Strategy Associates
One of the most important but least-acknowledged subjects in higher education management and finance is internal cross-subsidies.
#63. Cross-Subsidization in Power Engineering | Scientific.Net
The study is devoted to the issues of power price differentials for different groups of consumers. The factors have been identified to make a choice of the ...
#64. STW Thesaurus for Economics: Cross-subsidization - ZBW
Publications about 'Cross-subsidization' in EconBiz. Quersubventionierung (german). used for: Cross-subsidisation, Cross-subsidies.
#65. Cross-subsidies in the cross-hairs | Deloitte UK
Ensuring compliance amid FCA scrutiny. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is subjecting firms' use of cross-subsidies to great scrutiny amid concerns that ...
#66. Do Hospitals Cross-Subsidize? - ScholarlyCommons
evaluation of service-line cross-subsidization as a means to finance them. Keywords hospital markets, cross-subsidies, specialty hospitals. Disciplines.
#67. 18 CFR § 35.44 - Protections against affiliate cross ...
18 CFR § 35.44 - Protections against affiliate cross-subsidization. · (a) Restriction on affiliate sales of electric energy. · (b) Non-power goods or services. · ( ...
#68. Cross Subsidy in Loss Allocation in Power Distribution ...
It should also be free from cross subsidy, i.e., any user should not be subsidized over others. It necessitates a mechanism to identify and quantity cross ...
#69. Cross-Subsidization in Higher Education: Does it Pervert ...
Cross -subsidization by NPOs, then, is an alternative to direct government funding of socially beneficial goods such as research, under certain circumstances ...
#70. cross-subsidization - Traduction anglais-français - PONS
Consultez la traduction anglais-français de cross-subsidization dans le dictionnaire PONS qui comprend un entraineur de vocabulaire, des tableaux de ...
ECONOMIC CROSS SUBSIDIZATION IN DOMESTIC AIR TRANSPORTATION. This paper presents an analysis of the economic incentives for a particular air carrier to ...
#72. Cross Subsidization - Sage Video
Guy David, PhD, discusses cross subsidization as a method to increase hospital profitability, including how it is practiced in other ...
#73. The Truth About Cross-Subsidization | HealthLeaders Media
Cross subsidization isn't difficult to understand. As hospital leaders, you know that you have a multitude of money-losing services that you must provide ...
#74. cross-subsidization and ec law - HeinOnline
Excessive prices. A cross-subsidy may in some cases imply very high profits being made in one market which are used to subsidize activities in another mar- ket.
#75. The Curse of Cross-Subsidies - PolicyEd
Published September 29, 2020 Cross-subsidies exist when the government allows companies to overcharge one set of consumers in order to ...
#76. Examining Risk Adjustment and Cross-Subsidization Among ...
The core claim made by critics is that the changes, implemented on May 1, are a mechanism for a new and major economic cross-subsidy from ...
#77. Cross-Subsidies and Government Transfers: Impacts ... - MDPI
However, McRae [5] shows that it is the existing cross-subsidy system in Colombia that deters investment in modernizing infrastructure in subsidized areas. Li ...
#78. Report on Road Map for Reduction in Cross Subsidy
Overview of cross subsidies in electricity tariff in India ... Suggesting a model for determination of cross subsidy and road map for reduction of cross ...
#79. SEC Staff Reminder About Advisory Fee Cross-Subsidization ...
[1] Specifically, the Staff expressed concerns about cross-subsidization that can arise through the use of fee waivers or expense ...
#80. 2016 - 08 - 12 - Cross Subsidisation Report - Ofcom
Applying the economic test for cross-subsidisation to Royal Mail. 18. 4. Conclusion. 24. Appendix 1 Details of relevant antitrust precedents.
#81. From standardization and cross-subsidization to service ...
(Grameen Bank, 2003). Page 2. From standardization and cross-subsidization to service differentiation and external subsidies: a microfinance strategy for ...
#82. Cross-Subsidies: Getting the Signals Right | Fortnightly
Utilities were founded to create cross-subsidies, but regulators need to address lingering uncertainties about such subsidies in a coherent, ...
#83. Who Pays For Your Rewards? Cross-Subsidization in the ...
Cross -Subsidization in the Credit Card Market. Sumit Agarwal Andrea F. Presbitero. André F. Silva. Carlo Wix1. Preliminary draft - May 2022. Abstract.
#84. Cross-subsidization of teacher pension benefits
For an analysis that integrates inter- and intra-generational cross-subsidies, see Costrell and. McGee (2017b). Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (2018), ...
#85. Cross-Subsidization in the Republic of Sudan: A Tool for ...
For housing, cross-subsidies can direct revenues from more high-end developments or loans to make other residential properties or credit more ...
#86. Cross-subsidisation in the Russian electric power industry ...
Cross -subsidization is a formalized instrument of energy and climate policy, as well as direct tariff support for energy-intensive exporters in ...
#87. Cross-Subsidization in Nursing Homes: Explaining Rate ...
Are Medicaid patients being subsidized by other residents in nursing homes? This article em- ploys cross-sectional data on nursing homes and residents in a ...
#88. The curse of the cross subsidy - Adam Smith Institute
The ACA tried to force young healthy wealthy (not getting subsidies) to vastly overpay for insurance, to cross subsidize the poorer and sicker.
#89. Investing in Cross-Subsidy for Greater Impact
One way to address this market is with enterprises that employ “cross-subsidy” business models, defined broadly as business models in which ...
#90. 5101-A. Allowance of cross-subsidization; legislative intent
Cross -subsidization. In making decisions that require an evaluation of the rates charged by the Casco Bay Island Transit District, the commission shall allow ...
#91. Cross-subsidies in the electricity sector
Cross -subsidies in the electricity sector. Willems, Bert; Ehlers, N. Published in: Competition and Regulation in Network Industries.
#92. Refinancing cross-subsidies in the mortgage market
To provide a money-metric assessment of cross-subsidies, we construct a model of household refinancing and structurally estimate it on rich ...
#93. Cross-Subsidies in Telecommunications - CORE
The traditional inefficient pricing structure, containing pervasive cross-subsidization among customers, remains largely intact. In our view, regulators' ...
2015). Particularly, conventional tariffs designed for passive consumers can cause cross-subsidization, i.e. the subsidizing of electricity use by one group of ...
#95. Tariff Policy - Central Electricity Authority
cross -subsidizing the tariff across the board. ... As a substitute of cross-subsidies, the State Government ... special support through cross subsidy.
#96. Cross-subsidisation in the Personal Current Account Market
The Financial Services Consumer Panel is an independent statutory body. The Panel's main job is to advise and challenge the Financial Conduct Authority's ...
#97. The role of cross-subsidization for corporate financing
How can cross-subsidies be classified? When is cross-subsidzation allowed and reasonable to corporate financing?
#98. Monitoring, Cross Subsidies, and Universal Banking - CESifo
We formalize the idea that a financial conglomerate may utilize commercial banking activities to cross-subsidize investment banking through bundled offers.
#99. Cross-subsidization, Incentives, and Outcomes in Professional ...
Cross -subsidization, Incentives, and Outcomes in Professional Team Sports Leagues ; 1995 · Fort, Rodney ; Quirk, James · Journal of economic literature. - ...
#100. Cross-subsidies - The Grumpy Economist
Cross -subsidies are an under-appreciated original sin of economic stagnation. To transfer money from A to B, it would usually be better to ...
cross subsidization 在 What is Cross-Subsidization of EPC Incentives? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
This training video explains the concept of cross - subsidization and how Energy Performance Contract (EPC) incentives can work together to ... ... <看更多>