#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀3條
│金彩券得主是 Netflix!童書作者 Roald Dahl 的完整作品通通要變成 Netflix 的財產了│
• 2018年 《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 巧克力冒險工廠》作者 Roald Dahl 的版權公司 The Roald Dahl Story Co. 才以3年合約期間授權16部作品給 Netflix 開發動畫節目,並被 Hollywood Reporter 稱作電視史上對親子節目金額最高的單一投資案(預計總製作費高達5到10億美元)。今天又被 Bloomberg 新聞提早爆料(因而乖乖發新聞稿承認)說 Netflix 已經同意買下整個 The Roald Dahl Story Co. 公司,成為 Roald Dahl 所有作品的出版版權和影視改編權的永久主人。
• 已經在1990年過世的 Roald Dahl ,如今所有的著作版權都在 The Roald Dahl Story Co. 名下,並由他的孫子 Luke Kelly 管理。根據 BBC 報導,該公司2019年營收高達2600萬英鎊(約3500萬美元)。相關63種語言版本賣出超過3億本書,平均2.6秒就賣出一本。 Luke Kelly 說該公司目前至少有19個電影、電視、舞台劇和展覽活動等計畫正在進行。
• Roald Dahl 是好萊塢的創意金礦。過去已經有 Tim Burton(《巧克力冒險工廠》、《James and the Giant Peach 飛天巨桃歷險記》)、Steven Spielberg(《The BFG 吹夢巨人》)和Wes Anderson(《Fantastic Mr. Fox 超級狐狸先生》)等導演把他的作品當成創作題材。去年底 Warner 也才剛剛推出由 Robert Zemeckis 導演、Anne Hathaway 主演的新片《The Witches 女巫們》。目前還在製作中的包括 Warner 已經預定由 Timothée Chalamet 扮演 Willy Wonka 的前傳電影《Wonka》之外,Taika Waititi 也在幫 Netflix 發展動畫版的《巧克力冒險工廠》,而向來與 Netflix 關係緊密的 Sony 製片部也為 Netflix 發展《Matilda 小魔女》的音樂劇電影。未來等其他外部授權合約到期之後,Netflix 顯然將不會再授權給任何競爭對手拍攝 Roald Dahl 的作品,並獨立發展自己的 Roald Dahl 宇宙。
• 包含上次的三年授權合約跟這次直接併購整家公司,雙方都未揭露交易數據。考量前一次授權就已經被稱作史上最高額親子節目投資,這次併購公司的手筆應該更為可觀。值得一提的是 Netflix 不像 Apple、Google 或 Facebook 等科技企業,他們絕少併購上下游企業,多半只是取得授權或是跟個別創作者簽訂優先合作協議。比如以3億美元簽下《Glee 歡樂合唱團》製作人 Ryan Murphy 的合作協議、以1.5億美元簽下《Grey’s Anatomy 實習醫生》製作人 Shonda Rhimes 等。相較之下,過去10年 Netflix 併購其他公司的數量甚至不到十例。然而 Amazon 連續以10億美元取得 JRR Tolkien 後代授權《Lord of the Rings 魔戒》的電視改編權,以及透過85億美元併購 MGM 而取得 007 和 Rocky 洛基等 IP,接連的權利變動可能讓版權庫還不夠久遠的 Netflix 備感壓力。
• 當然 Netflix 難得採取這麼大的併購動作,主要打擊對象還是 Disney+。過去一年多 Disney+ 仰賴 Marvel 和 Star Wars 等等(正好都是併購來的)著名 IP 將 Netflix 壓得喘不過氣來。相較之下 Netflix 發展相關衍生宇宙作品的努力除了電玩改編的《The Witcher 獵魔士》之外並沒有太顯著的成效。 Roald Dahl 的作品將會是 Netflix 繼《The Defenders 捍衛者聯盟》、《The Umbrella Academy 雨傘學院》 和《Jupiter's Legacy 朱比特傳奇》之後,再一次的 IP 宇宙賭注。
◇ 新聞來源:
Netflix Agrees to Buy ‘Matilda’ Author Roald Dahl Story Catalog(https://flip.it/dRq5Qm)
Netflix acquires works of Roald Dahl as it escalates streaming wars(https://flip.it/36fm4c)
│Netflix 執行長說只要能取得權利他們不排除進軍體育賽事內容│
◇ 新聞來源:Netflix CEO Suggests Streamer Would Consider Sports If They Could Control The Source(https://flip.it/WB.fEI)
│Comcast 放棄併購 Roku 而選擇推出自己的機上盒跟 Roku 競爭電視入口│
◇ 新聞來源:Comcast Launches First Streaming Device for Customers Worldwide, Ahead of Its Own TVs(https://flip.it/S2XqjE)
consider it 展覽 在 PrideLab Facebook 的精選貼文
【#hkp2018】香港同志遊行2018 關注議題:性別友善設施 | Hong Kong Pride Parade 2018 Highlight of the year: All-Gender Facilities (Scroll down for ENG)
在性別二元觀念根深蒂固的社會環境中,廁所、更衣室、試身室這類設施多以性別區分,任何分類都總有少數人被夾在尷尬的處境當中,我們看見跨性別者及家庭照顧者就是這少數人。 增設「性別友善設施」就是照顧主流大多數的同時,為有同樣需要的少數人提供多一個有尊嚴的選擇。
「性別友善設施」更可以是一個多功能的家庭及照顧者友善空間,所有性別的人,包括順性別男女同樣受惠。見過有自稱是母親的反對者說「絕不能容忍女兒和自認為是女性的男人共用廁所」,但她是否有想過,帶著幼女上街的父親可以去哪個廁所呢?她是否覺得女孩可以跟著父親去「危機處處」、「無遮無掩」的男廁? 推行「性別友善設施」並不代表取代現有的男女設施,我們同樣尊重希望使用性別區間設施的想法,但亦不能抹殺「性別友善設施」有其存在的需要。
遊行路線:銅鑼灣維園(集合)=>中環愛丁堡廣場(終點集會: 包括表演及展覽攤位)
主題:攣直皆平等 弘揚歧視法
Highlight of the year: All-Gender Facilities
2018 Hong Kong Pride Parade Highlight: All-Gender Facilities
In a gender binary environment, facilities such as toilets, changing rooms and even fitting rooms in shops are differentiated by just two genders. Some minorities such as transgender people or family carers may feel embarrassed when using these facilities. Increasing ‘All-Gender Facilities’ in the community not only benefits the majority of people but also pay respect and gives a better choice for those minorities.
How many times do you have to visit the public toilet every day? Have you ever stopped drinking water just because you are afraid of entering public toilets? Did you know that some transgender people are afraid of going to public swimming pools, changing rooms or even toilets because their appearance and their gender on their identity cards do not match each other? ‘All-Gender Facilities’ provides a better and safer environment for transgender people.
There is an increasing number of discussions on transgender topics. In June last year, the Hong Kong government has launched a public consultation on legal gender recognition including whether a gender recognition scheme should be established in Hong Kong. However, this is only the first phase of public consultation and it only took place 4 years after the ‘W Case’ had won in court. It is still unknown when there will be a second phase of consultation and whether the Hong Kong government would consider establishing any laws on this issue.
Although legalizing gender recognition is nowhere in sight, we can still take our very first step in our daily lives to enhance the living environment for our transgender friends. Every organization, company, institute or even small shops could establish an ‘All-Gender Toilet’ while public or private leisure facilities or venues could establish an ‘All-Gender Changing Room’ so that transgender people do not have to choose between male or female facilities and that they could use these ‘All-Gender Facilities’ anytime without feeling embarrassed or stressed.
‘All- Gender Facilities’ also brings a friendly space for families and their carers of different genders. A woman once claimed that she wouldn’t allow her daughter going into the same toilet with a man who identifies himself as a female. Yet, she had never stepped into the shoes of those fathers who had to take care of their daughters and didn’t know which toilet to go to when they are in public. Did this woman think that the daughter should follow her father into a male toilet where it may be dangerous and has little privacy? Establishing the ‘All-Gender Facilities’ does not mean replacing male and female facilities. We do respect the thought of using male and female as a differentiation to all kinds of facilities but at the same time, we cannot obliterate the importance of ‘All- Gender Facilities’.
Nowadays, we can find gender friendly toilets in some universities, shopping malls, markets, hospitals and small shops. The Hong Kong Pride Parade Committee 2018 encourages everyone to support and promote the establishment of ‘All- Gender Facilities’ so as to public educate the majority to understand the existence and needs of the minorities thus making Hong Kong a gender friendly city.
【Hong Kong Pride Parade 2018】
Date: November 17, 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm
Parade Route: Victoria Park, Causeway Bay (Starting Point)-->Edinburgh Place (Finish Point Assembly: performance and exhibition booths)
Theme: Call for the LAW Equality for ALL
Dress Code: Proud Purple
Stay tuned on our social media platforms to receive Hong Kong Pride Parade’s latest news!
Facebook Page: fb.com/hkpride
Facebook Event: https://goo.gl/V53Zah
Instagram ID: hkprideparade
YouTube Channel: hkprideparade
Pride Hotline: 5504 1330 (Phone call and WhatsApp)
Gay Harmony大同
Les Corner
香港彩虹 Rainbow of Hong Kong
#香港同志遊行2018 #hkprideparade2018
#攣直皆平等 #弘揚歧視法 #CallForTheLAW #EqualityForALL #AllGenderFacilities
#11月17日 #17Nov #Rainbow #LGBT #LGBTTQQIAAP
consider it 展覽 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的精選貼文
【葡萄牙球星C 朗拿度的個人博物館 - 巡迴展@里斯本】
【CR7 Travelling Museum - @ Lisbon】
If you're currently staying in Lisbon and are a big fan of super football player Cristiano Ronaldo, you wouldn't want to miss this activity - pay a visit to the
I had the opportunity to have a small chat with some staff members at the museum today, and told them that the
有關CR7巡迴博物館 / Details of the CR7 Travelling Museum:
地點/Venue: Marquês de Pombal, next to Parque Eduardo VII, Lisbon
開放日期/Dates: September 16 until October 15
開放時間/Opening hours: Every day – from 10am to 8pm
在博物館入口或市中心郵政局購門票 // Purchase tickets at the entrance of the museum or at post offices