Jumping back is 'hard yakka' as we say in Australia. Of course you don't need to take it so seriously 😒 and can jump back any old how, but if you want to build it into your practice then this progression might just work. The key 🔑with all this is how much you can keep your thighs and chest stuck together - known as compression. 1. Cross-legged tuck L-sit. 2. Tuck V-Sit/L-Sit otherwise know as Tolasana in Yoga - because it takes it toll! If you're serious then build up to 1 minute - 6 x 10 secs, 3 x 20, 2 x 30, 1 x 60 💥. 3. Or do the easiest mode of transport here - from a balancing tuck position, cross you feet and pull them under the hips, roll forward and lift to either modified or full Lolasana and step or jump back. 4. Cross the feet onto the tops of your hands and from there straighten the arms and lift the hips, slide the feet back and voila - you're away! For energy efficient - and to the untrained eye it looks like you've nailed it! 🙌🏼 5. So that stage gives you hope! All you have to do is go from the balancing tucked crossed leg position to passing the feet over the hands. Easier said than done of course. Weight shift is important here - as the hands press and the arms straighten the shoulders and head go forward, as the feet pull in and back and the hips lift up. 6. Crossing the feet at the ankles and flexing them is that little bit harder and requires more flexibility, strength and anatomical gifts 🎁. 7 A step up from that is keeping the feet parallel. In need a little help for that. 8. The ultimate is the straight leg jump back. This is a work in progress for me... it's always nice to have a challenge. As always, work on the stage appropriate for you, enjoy the process and don't get too obsessed (maybe just a little bit 😉). Also, monitor your energy levels because trying to do every jump back and jump through at maximal effort can be exhausting and leave you little left in the tank for other postures you might need it for - and for the rest of the day. ✌🏽️In upcoming posts I'll show some fun, and different approaches to jumping back and jumping through.
chest compression position 在 Ken's Yoga Life 阿肯師的瑜伽隨記 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Jumping back !
Jumping back is 'hard yakka' as we say in Australia. Of course you don't need to take it so seriously 😒 and can jump back any old how, but if you want to build it into your practice then this progression might just work. The key 🔑with all this is how much you can keep your thighs and chest stuck together - known as compression. 1. Cross-legged tuck L-sit. 2. Tuck V-Sit/L-Sit otherwise know as Tolasana in Yoga - because it takes it toll! If you're serious then build up to 1 minute - 6 x 10 secs, 3 x 20, 2 x 30, 1 x 60 💥. 3. Or do the easiest mode of transport here - from a balancing tuck position, cross you feet and pull them under the hips, roll forward and lift to either modified or full Lolasana and step or jump back. 4. Cross the feet onto the tops of your hands and from there straighten the arms and lift the hips, slide the feet back and voila - you're away! For energy efficient - and to the untrained eye it looks like you've nailed it! 🙌🏼 5. So that stage gives you hope! All you have to do is go from the balancing tucked crossed leg position to passing the feet over the hands. Easier said than done of course. Weight shift is important here - as the hands press and the arms straighten the shoulders and head go forward, as the feet pull in and back and the hips lift up. 6. Crossing the feet at the ankles and flexing them is that little bit harder and requires more flexibility, strength and anatomical gifts 🎁. 7 A step up from that is keeping the feet parallel. In need a little help for that. 8. The ultimate is the straight leg jump back. This is a work in progress for me... it's always nice to have a challenge. As always, work on the stage appropriate for you, enjoy the process and don't get too obsessed (maybe just a little bit 😉). Also, monitor your energy levels because trying to do every jump back and jump through at maximal effort can be exhausting and leave you little left in the tank for other postures you might need it for - and for the rest of the day. ✌🏽️In upcoming posts I'll show some fun, and different approaches to jumping back and jumping through.