依兩日post完blog收到吾同人既message同comment都令我好感動 其中一個同我講 其實一直都好支持我 做嘅嘢一定會有人欣賞 有人中意 有人會睇 有人會記得 仲話記得我好耐好耐以前有另一個blog 用既background music 係 Jem既 it's amazing 連我自己都吾記得左 叫我加油做 努力一定可以 😭😭 你地既支持真係好令我窩心
🎧 "It's Amazing"
Do it now, You know who you are
You feel it in your heart
And you're burning with ambition
At first, wait, Won't get it on a plate
You're gonna have to work for it harder and harder
And I know 'cause I've been there before
Knocking on the doors with rejection (rejection)
And you'll see
'cause if it's meant to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream
It's amazing, It's amazing all that you can do
It's amazing, Makes my heart sing
Now it's up to you
Patience, now, frustration's in the air
And people who don't care
Well, it's gonna get you down
And you'll fall (fall) Yes, you will hit a wall
But get back on your feet
And you'll be stronger and smarter
Don´t be embarrassed, don´t be afraid
Don´t let your dreams slip away
It's determination and using your gift
Everybody has a gift
Never give up, never let it die
Trust your instincts and most importantly
You´ve got nothing to lose
So just go for it
依家睇番d歌詞 原來我𡃁妹時代係咁有型咁strong. I was such a dreamer, full of ambitious; now a big big girl in a big big world and I hope to still dream and become a do-er ! When Katrina is nobody now and still got these encouragements, it makes me feel so happy, touched and special !! Thank you
多謝你!Mwuah 係愛呀!~ 希望你地可以繼續伴隨我成長 為我打氣好冇?~ ❤️Big heart to you all!! 希望我既誠意可以打動更多人