Final tips for Paper 2 Writing
Alumni Day , letter to the principal about an open day activity, help us help others, blood donation day, unsung hero, breastfeeding , letter to a foreign friend, letter of invitation, letter of consolation, feature article about school facilities, ideal school, promotional leaflets about a cafe, meaningful photos about fireworks and a theme park, diary about speech competition, illiteracy in China, working women/ feminist movement, organ donation, teenage stress/ student suicides, Pokémon Go, proposal for a drama programme, summer activities for youngsters.
Part B 選題目時要先看自己強項。不可花太多時間在選題(最多5分鐘)。如 narrative writing 是你強項,請先看short stories, drama. 如你擅長寫informal letter 或proposal, 請先看sports communication, workplace communication,poems and songs. 如你強於expository essay 及argumentative essay, 務必先看 social issues,popular culture及 debating.
重點温習sentence patterns 及你常用的字的法則。千萬不要背文背框架。這㑹給閱卷員背文的感覺。嚴重的會被判suspected memorization. 後果不堪設想。考試時用的每字每句均要完全理解及正確。每篇文至少要有5分鐘for proofreading. 留意tenses, voices, agreement ,transitive/intransitive verb, preposition, parts of speech. fused sentence and sentence fragment. 留意平時交给我的文的mistakes. 不可再犯相同的錯。Language accuracy 好才可取Level 5 以上。
1) Formats( letters,emails,articles, speeches...)
2) Style( Formal/ Less formal/ Informal)
3) Key words of the questions ( pro/ cons/ for/ against/ ...)
Paper 1 and 3 待續
Seize the day, make your life extraordinary!
Good luck !💪🎓
P Chan