@inglot_cosmetics freedom system palette
Eyeshadows in the shades 285 283 281
Blush in the shade 126
The palette I use for my last eyelook post!
I love this palette so much! From packaging to the product itself, wow’s me🤩🤩! It has magnets in it. Instead of flipping the case up and down, twist it to open! There’s large amounts of product in it that I think I can never use it up🤣 It’s easy to blend and has great color payoff, and the shades are stunning!!!! You get to choose any shade to fit in the palette, but I highly recommend these eyeshadow shades 💯! The blush is a bit too pigmented so has to be more careful while applying it, but still a pretty rosy shade 🥰
Short story time:
As you can see in the pictures, I had my old account name on🤣 These shots has been shot for awhile, but because I don’t have magnets in my house, I can’t tell what shades are them. And now I finally got to know 😂 That’s why it took me so long to have this post!
Have you tried any of their products before?
Let me know in the comments below:)
Wish you all a lovely day!☺️
More pics👉👉👉
今天來介紹前一篇眼妝使用的 #inglot 自組盤!
有3顆單顆眼影 285 283 281
和1個腮紅 126
#makeupklever #化粧 #アイメイク #motd💋 #dailymakeup #아이메이크업 #메이크업아티스트 #오늘의화장 #눈화장 #makeupkontent #makeupidea #makeuptoday #100daysofmakeupchallenge #wakeupandmakeupsweeps #美妝 #美妝分享 #popdaily波波黛莉的異想世界 #eyeshadowpalettes #eyeshadowlover #eyeshadowjunkie #eyeshadowoftheday #eyeshadowaddict #eyeshadowpalettecollection #眼影 #眼影盤 #眼影控
同時也有25部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,040的網紅Chanana Banana Time,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hi everyone! I hope you're safe and well! (下有中文) I finally decided to edit and upload my Twitch stream VODs. Thanks to the pandemic I have lot more t...
「be the case 中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於be the case 中文 在 D.A. Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於be the case 中文 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於be the case 中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於be the case 中文 在 Chanana Banana Time Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於be the case 中文 在 Chanana Banana Time Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於be the case 中文 在 Chanana Banana Time Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於be the case 中文 在 每天簡單學英文- That's always the case <-啥意思在留言板打 ... 的評價
- 關於be the case 中文 在 深怕你不知道In Case You Didn't Know Boyce Avenue COVER ... 的評價
be the case 中文 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer] 留意時間。台蘋唔出紙版,東方報得仲快過蘋果自己!果然日夜mon 實。你的敵人比你更了解你!
TLDR:媒體撚人包。其實邊有得做?紙媒冇人睇事少,但網媒嘅記者一樣會走佬。Why join the Navy when you can be pirate?
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1600人訂! 畀年費仲有85折
1. 又,我在香港每日買三份實體報紙(不包括蘋果,但有網上訂)。在台灣都係同一習慣:分別係 台灣蘋果,聯合報,中國時報(請屌)
2. 台蘋賣到20蚊台幣,台灣人叫晒救命。但你諗下香港報紙賣10蚊,而兩地人工差距往往唔止一個開(雖然有時不能咁計啦,你去台灣「喝茶」唔會香港一半價錢)。況且,台灣報紙少好多嘢睇,香港報紙厚好多。而反正後來蘋果有 凍新聞 有埋啲鹹濕示意圖(圖or 老母嗰啲), 台灣人都好受落的。
3. 反而你聯合報 中國時報10蚊台幣一份,我就只係見過阿叔會買,同埋我(都係阿叔)
4. 咁反正大家都知,報紙靠賣紙就死得,印一份蝕一份,都係靠廣告。所以又難怪台灣報紙少嘢睇。
5. 咁講完量,我地最好唔好講質添。蘋果aside,台灣報紙啲質素真係得啖笑。直接啲講,啲記者質素真係笑能死人。相比之下香港啲記者真係十分專業。
6. 咁我唔怕開名,我仲做台灣公司時,有一劑我阿頭(台灣佬)彈咗個台灣經濟日報女記者嚟訪問我。咁當然係唔靚嘅阿嬋啦,唔使咁多性幻想。咁但,唏,訪問嘛唔係叫你去夜總會選妃,尊重下人地專業好。 好呀,睇下有幾撚專業?
7. 佢問埋啲嘢低能,算數。夾硬將自己啲話迫落我度要我認同(我諗起《三國無双》嘅林雪:「你同唔同意?」)。好正常。但我最不能忍受嘅係,佢老味佢拎個Excel 叫我幫佢填(即係你報紙會見到,由美術出嗰啲圖,例如咩內銀業績比較,香港樓價每月轉變之類嗰啲)。
8. 我十分婉轉地,轉達個意思畀佢:仆你個街,我出埋你份糧丫不如(雖然我都唔多恨)。
9. 咁呀台嬸都好婉轉咁(唏台灣人嘛,台灣最美的風景便是人)話我知,唏,唔填咪唔填咯,唔使咁惡,香港人真係冇禮貌。
10. 其實由第一分鐘我都唔想理佢,但老細踢落嚟,我又唔知會唔會係老細啲情婦之類。但心諗老細都讀過下書 又四四正正,應該啲品味冇咁差。於是直接同老細講,喂,個阿嬋廢架喎。咁老細都至少表面支持我,仲email串咗個阿嬋幾句。「會唔會返摩鐵跪坡璃我就唔知啦」
11. 事實,以上現象人人皆知,死症,你推我我推你。但總之,讀者唔肯畀錢(似乎讀者又話啲報紙垃圾),報紙根本請唔到啲正常嘅人。請到嘅,當然都係靠廣告商養。咁所以七八成嘅文都係「業配文」。而反正讀者又係照睇。而根本好多記者係自己跑埋業務跑埋廣告嘅,呃埋一大堆化妝品呀 嘢食呀 戲飛呀大有人在。
12. 咁反正讀者又冇乜所謂,新一代一早WFC,老一代都WFC。我都係當睇廣告雜誌,睇下邊度有新餐廳咁。或者同時睇下啲台灣人嘅各式怪論。最Q記得嗰時體育版真係日撚日都係兩版甚至四版林書豪。係每一日,every 北京 single day.就算佢冇波打甚至傷咗,都有其他花邊新聞。由佢老母到佢老校,乜都有得講。
13. Anyway,都係必然之路了。其實蘋果(一仔 in general)已經好勁,好似有百幾兩百萬付費訂戶。想話你知,國際上都冇幾多份報紙有咁數量,Financial Times都得100萬人咋!咩Economist 嗰啲 50萬人左右。New York Times咪有700萬人咯,但人地仲平過蘋果。
14. 全部面對嘅問題,唔止係咩紙媒已死(樓上嘅都全部變晒網上科水訂)。而係,你稍為有啲食力嘅記者,自己楝支旗開檔,自媒體算數啦。真的,一大堆都搞SubStack 搞 Patreon。讀者係睇篇文嘛,唔係睇你New York Times個嘜頭。人人自媒體,碎片化啦,分眾傳媒
15. 我係記者做得好做得幾年有人脈嘅,使乜靠你份糧?自己搞個Newsletter啦.仲要聽你班中文打字都唔識嘅冷氣房老屎忽教我點點點 然後自己出去飯局應酬指點江山?
16. 你以前媒體嘅玩法,綑縛嘛。你問老啲嘅傳媒人都知,專欄副刊,甚至再以前金庸寫武俠小說,可以賣好多紙。問題係,我明明就買明報睇 陶傑 伊沙貝,以前就屈你睇埋林燕妮張小嫻, 而家我直接課金畀陶傑咪得 (當然又會令個社會更加圍爐,但後話)
17. 我個Patreon都類似係Newsletter,基本上人人都知,係想學/抄 Matt Levine嘅,當然我唔係記者。
18. 有機會寫(但N咁多篇文我都冇寫),Substack而家直頭玩到唔止Newsletter,直頭做Sections(https://bityl.co/6q2s). 即係我成份嘢上又得,你散叫亦得。我搞個小企鵝出版同盟,叫利世民 嚟寫政治經濟,叫高山道 嚟寫體育,叫尹思哲 嚟寫Start Up,然後叫我寫….. 「是但啦」。一樣得。唔使輪流寫喎,又唔係Patreon bundling一齊寫。而係任你全餐或散叫都得。喂,咁即係直頭等於自己搞一份報紙啦喎! 你諗下以前係幾咁難?而家?真係一晚就搞到。「而呢個正係我一路叫利世民搞嘅嘢」「佢之前都搞過啲類似嘅嘢,行得太早,而家Substack幾個掣搞掂啦」
19. 都係有啲廢,但成日講啲乜tech 物tech,好多行業同十年廿年前仲係差不多。反而媒體先係轉得最勁嘅。
20. 而我話你知,好多人係Substack都未撚聽過。網友至撚醒。
21. 係呀,離晒題呀。但唔係咁嘅題點呃到你入嚟?我出篇文寫「媒體生態分析」你會唔會入嚟睇?點解媒體變標題黨?因為讀者鍾意咯。咁當然我唔係特登嘅,我都唔係咁計算嘅人,但寫下寫下,咪自然去咗第樣嘢。
22. Last but not least,in case 有人問,背景當然係小朋友相。但唔係我嘅小朋友。朋友嘅相啫。而我電話係off notification的,人生美滿之路。
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1600人訂! 畀年費仲有85折
be the case 中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最佳解答
晝夜無間 詠時辰
請您來觀賞本院典藏,繪有小天使圖案的宮廷珍寶--懷錶佩飾。 💘
長4.66公分 厚1.07公分 徑3.32公分
錶面採白色琺瑯地,羅馬字雙套三針式,錶殼內鑄刻皇冠形圈飾,內有中文「播喴」二字,係瑞士製錶家族Bovet 的中譯廠牌名稱。
Pair of "Bovet" pocket watches with pearls and painted enamel, 19th century
Ever since they were brought to China during the Ming and Qing eras, western clocks and watches were held in high esteem and much beloved by the imperial court, government officials, and merchant class, and they eventually became an important medium for cultural interaction between China and the west during the modern era. Pocket watches, with their intricate design and wearable nature, became not only a convenient instrument for telling the time, but also a status symbol and precious collectable.
The watch face is made of white enamel, with two sets of Roman numerals and three hands. On the inner side of the watch case, a circular crown marking can be found, within which the Chinese characters “Bo Wei” spell out the Chinese translation for “Bovet”, the Swiss family of luxury watchmakers.
💘The enamel imagery of this pair of pocket watches centers on three adorable cupids, one of which holds aloft in both hands a floral basket overflowing with fruit, while a sash weaves around his body and drapes from the sky, while the other two sit nestled against each other. The cupids are surrounded by red and white roses in full bloom, as well as other vividly depicted flowers of many forms and hues. Wash techniques are employed to give an air of soft beauty to the clouds and sky in the background, and the rich light and dark contrasts lend a three-dimensional effect to the hair and skin of the cupids, as well as the surrounding flowers and leaves.👨💻
More information:
#故宮典藏精選 #NPM_Selections
be the case 中文 在 Chanana Banana Time Youtube 的最佳解答
Hi everyone! I hope you're safe and well! (下有中文)
I finally decided to edit and upload my Twitch stream VODs. Thanks to the pandemic I have lot more time and lot less income.🥲 I can't really upgrade my PC nor PS4 so the video quality might not be very good. I hope you don't mind!
With that being said, I really enjoy playing this game and it has a strong RE4 vibe which is my favorite of the whole series. I'll upload the full gameplay and hopefully more to come. Thanks for watching and have a great day! 🙏🏻
☞ I speaks Chinese, English, some Spanish and a bit Japanese. I switch language during streaming since there are people from all parts of the world in my chat and I love that! You're welcome to join my live session too!
☞ Live schedule none fix due to the nature of... me🤷🏻♀️ and my job. In case you'd like to join I always post IG/FB story before streaming and I usually stream 1-2 days every week.
☞ For donate / collab / promote please DM my IG. Work related only.
● Twitch:https://www.twitch.tv/qqchana
● IG:https://www.instagram.com/qqchana
● FB:https://www.facebook.com/QQchana
● Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/qqchana
● Donate(Paypal):https://www.paypal.com/webapps/shoppingcart?flowlogging_id=28050cf4140f5&mfid=1622164547299_28050cf4140f5#/checkout/openButton
● Donate(Opay):https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/Donate/9B02B1FFAF29252183E07073CE2D88F1
嗨!我把在Twitch的實況內容整理過來囉,一直以來是惡靈系列的忠實玩家,8代真的很有4代的感覺我玩得很開心❤️ 我不是專業主播純粹喜歡打遊戲,平台是PS4然後電腦設備也很陽春,疫情期間呈半失業狀態實在無法更新硬體請大家見諒🥲 如果有人喜歡我會盡量多上傳的!大家防疫加油喔!🙏🏻
☞ 我說多國語言所以直播時會根據觀眾組成換來換去,不是精神分裂。
☞ 播出時間不固定,因為我的工作沒有時間規律。開播前會先在 IG/FB 限時動態公告時間,通常是台灣時間的晚上到深夜,一週約1~2天。夜貓子歡迎來玩!
☞ 贊助/合作/業配 請私訊IG或FB粉專,非工作相關不會回覆。
● Twitch:https://www.twitch.tv/qqchana
● IG 本人:https://www.instagram.com/qqchana
● FB 粉專:https://www.facebook.com/QQchana
● Patreon 寫真:https://www.patreon.com/qqchana
● 贊助(Paypal):https://www.paypal.com/webapps/shoppingcart?flowlogging_id=28050cf4140f5&mfid=1622164547299_28050cf4140f5#/checkout/openButton
● 贊助(歐付寶):https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/Donate/9B02B1FFAF29252183E07073CE2D88F1

be the case 中文 在 Chanana Banana Time Youtube 的最佳解答
Hi everyone! I hope you're safe and well! (下有中文)
I finally decided to edit and upload my Twitch stream VODs. Thanks to the pandemic I have lot more time and lot less income.🥲 I can't really upgrade my PC nor PS4 so the video quality might not be very good. I hope you don't mind!
With that being said, I really enjoy playing this game and it has a strong RE4 vibe which is my favorite of the whole series. I'll upload the full gameplay and hopefully more to come. Thanks for watching and have a great day! 🙏🏻
☞ I speaks Chinese, English, some Spanish and a bit Japanese. I switch language during streaming since there are people from all parts of the world in my chat and I love that! You're welcome to join my live session too!
☞ Live schedule none fix due to the nature of... me🤷🏻♀️ and my job. In case you'd like to join I always post IG/FB story before streaming and I usually stream 1-2 days every week.
☞ For donate / collab / promote please DM my IG. Work related only.
● Twitch:https://www.twitch.tv/qqchana
● IG:https://www.instagram.com/qqchana
● FB:https://www.facebook.com/QQchana
● Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/qqchana
● Donate(Paypal):https://www.paypal.com/webapps/shoppingcart?flowlogging_id=28050cf4140f5&mfid=1622164547299_28050cf4140f5#/checkout/openButton
● Donate(Opay):https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/Donate/9B02B1FFAF29252183E07073CE2D88F1
嗨!我把在Twitch的實況內容整理過來囉,一直以來是惡靈系列的忠實玩家,8代真的很有4代的感覺我玩得很開心❤️ 我不是專業主播純粹喜歡打遊戲,平台是PS4然後電腦設備也很陽春,疫情期間呈半失業狀態實在無法更新硬體請大家見諒🥲 如果有人喜歡我會盡量多上傳的!大家防疫加油喔!🙏🏻
☞ 我說多國語言所以直播時會根據觀眾組成換來換去,不是精神分裂。
☞ 播出時間不固定,因為我的工作沒有時間規律。開播前會先在 IG/FB 限時動態公告時間,通常是台灣時間的晚上到深夜,一週約1~2天。夜貓子歡迎來玩!
☞ 贊助/合作/業配 請私訊IG或FB粉專,非工作相關不會回覆。
● Twitch:https://www.twitch.tv/qqchana
● IG 本人:https://www.instagram.com/qqchana
● FB 粉專:https://www.facebook.com/QQchana
● Patreon 寫真:https://www.patreon.com/qqchana
● 贊助(Paypal):https://www.paypal.com/webapps/shoppingcart?flowlogging_id=28050cf4140f5&mfid=1622164547299_28050cf4140f5#/checkout/openButton
● 贊助(歐付寶):https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/Donate/9B02B1FFAF29252183E07073CE2D88F1

be the case 中文 在 Chanana Banana Time Youtube 的最佳貼文
Hi everyone! I hope you're safe and well! (下有中文)
I finally decided to edit and upload my Twitch stream VODs. Thanks to the pandemic I have lot more time and lot less income.🥲 I can't really upgrade my PC nor PS4 so the video quality might not be very good. I hope you don't mind!
With that being said, I really enjoy playing this game and it has a strong RE4 vibe which is my favorite of the whole series. I'll upload the full gameplay and hopefully more to come. Thanks for watching and have a great day! 🙏🏻
☞ I speaks Chinese, English, some Spanish and a bit Japanese. I switch language during streaming since there are people from all parts of the world in my chat and I love that! You're welcome to join my live session too!
☞ Live schedule none fix due to the nature of... me🤷🏻♀️ and my job. In case you'd like to join I always post IG/FB story before streaming and I usually stream 1-2 days every week.
☞ For donate / collab / promote please DM my IG. Work related only.
● Twitch:https://www.twitch.tv/qqchana
● IG:https://www.instagram.com/qqchana
● FB:https://www.facebook.com/QQchana
● Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/qqchana
● Donate(Paypal):https://www.paypal.com/webapps/shoppingcart?flowlogging_id=28050cf4140f5&mfid=1622164547299_28050cf4140f5#/checkout/openButton
● Donate(Opay):https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/Donate/9B02B1FFAF29252183E07073CE2D88F1
嗨!我把在Twitch的實況內容整理過來囉,一直以來是惡靈系列的忠實玩家,8代真的很有4代的感覺我玩得很開心❤️ 我不是專業主播純粹喜歡打遊戲,平台是PS4然後電腦設備也很陽春,疫情期間呈半失業狀態實在無法更新硬體請大家見諒🥲 如果有人喜歡我會盡量多上傳的!大家防疫加油喔!🙏🏻
☞ 我說多國語言所以直播時會根據觀眾組成換來換去,不是精神分裂。
☞ 播出時間不固定,因為我的工作沒有時間規律。開播前會先在 IG/FB 限時動態公告時間,通常是台灣時間的晚上到深夜,一週約1~2天。夜貓子歡迎來玩!
☞ 贊助/合作/業配 請私訊IG或FB粉專,非工作相關不會回覆。
● Twitch:https://www.twitch.tv/qqchana
● IG 本人:https://www.instagram.com/qqchana
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be the case 中文 在 每天簡單學英文- That's always the case <-啥意思在留言板打 ... 的推薦與評價
That's always the case <-啥意思在留言板打一次加深自己的印象~ 想學好英文就一起做一遍吧【 我要看解釋、聽發音---> http://bit.ly/WptEOy 】 ... <看更多>