從圖1 可觀察到對照組的腰椎平均BMD 值為. 1.013±0.180 g/cm2、實驗組的腰椎平均BMD 值為0.953. ±0.159 g/cm2,故從本研究中發現,早發性停經的婦女 ... ... <看更多>
「bmd g/cm2」的推薦目錄:
bmd g/cm2 在 Measurement of bone mineral density in osteoporotic fractures ... 的相關結果
We have concluded that when BMD decreases to less than 0.85 g/cm2, the risk of osteoporotic vertebral fractures escalates rapidly. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 預測中老年期停經婦女低骨質密度的危險因素 的相關結果
全體婦女BMD 的平均值是0.83±. 0.15 g/cm2,「老年組」婦女的平均腰椎. 骨質密度為0.77±0.14 g/cm2,明顯低於. 「中年組」之0.85±0.14 g/cm2。隨著年. 齡的增加,骨質密度 ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 發生髖部骨折的老年婦女之髖部骨密度研究- 元照出版, 月旦知識庫 的相關結果
Hip Bone Mineral Density in the Elderly Patients with Hip Fracture ... 若以0.65 g/cm2作為分界點,且假定髖部骨折盛行率5%和20%時,所計算得的陰性預測值和陽性 ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 bone mineral density (BMD) - General Practice notebook 的相關結果
Bone mineral density (BMD) is the amount of bone mass per unit volume ... in grams of mineral per square centimeter scanned (g/cm2) or ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Total Body Bone Area, Bone Mineral Content, and Bone ... 的相關結果
Thoracic spine bone mineral density (g/cm2) of persons aged 8 years and over, by sex, race and ethnicity, and age: United States, 1999–2006. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Dexalytics News // WHAT SHOULD I TRACK- BMC OR BMD? // 的相關結果
BMD is expressed as grams per centimeter squared (g/cm2 ). BMD can be measured in a specific region (i.e., arm, leg, etc.) or the total body. Typically, BMD is ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Calculation Tool - FRAX 的相關結果
Bone mineral density (BMD), (BMD) Please select the make of DXA scanning equipment used and then enter the actual femoral neck BMD (in g/cm2). ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone Density Testing Information for Professionals | Health 的相關結果
Bone density is best thought of as risk factor for fracture rather than a ... No change from previous (BMD 0.904 g/cm2 in March 2008) but this remains a ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Relationship between Body Mass Index and T-Scores of Bone ... 的相關結果
Right femoral neck ; BMD (g/cm2 ), 0.784 ± 0.1323, 0.7127 ± 0.1422 ; T-score, −1.029 ± 0.1035, −1.270 ± 1.2662 ; Total right hip region. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Usefulness of bone densitometry in postmenopausal women ... 的相關結果
The BMD at the lumbar spine was 0.725 (0.128) g/cm2 and the T score was −2.94 (1.22). The BMD at the femoral neck was 0.598 (0.095) g/cm2 and the T score was ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 利用蒙地卡羅方法量化數位X光影像之骨質密度 - 博碩士論文網 的相關結果
實驗以K2HPO4 做為骨骼等效假體,並配置成0.4 - 1.6 g/cm2的BMD,調配之骨假體 ... (g/cm2) 以迴歸分析在豬骨於軟組織1 cm 下結果各為1.21、1.47 (g/cm2), ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density reference values by DXA scan ... - Elsevier 的相關結果
mine the bone mineral density in the lumbar spine and femoral neck of healthy adults ... The BMD value is expressed in g/cm2 of bone sur-. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Effectiveness of Bone Density Measurement for Predicting ... 的相關結果
Context: Bone density measurement with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry is widely used for fracture risk assessment. ... BMD (g/cm2 ), 1.029 ± 0.186. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density - RACGP 的相關結果
Measurements of bone mineral density (BMD) are ... (cm2) to provide the BMD (g/cm2), ie. BMD = BMC ÷ ... absolute BMD (g/cm2): calculated by comparing. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 T and Z scores 的相關結果
In the 1990's most people were using DEXA machines, which report units in g/cm2. But when the bone density machines became commercial, the different ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Analysis of Age-Based Bone Mineral Density in the ... - MDPI 的相關結果
The total BMD of women amounted to an average of 1.14 g/cm2 ... For men, the average BMD was 1.25 g/cm2 for those aged 20–39 years, ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Concordant bone mineral density measurement of non ... 的相關結果
According to ISCD position statement, bone mineral density (BMD) should be ... Mean forearm BMD measured in supine and sitting positions were 0.578g/cm2 and ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Low Bone Mineral Density and Risk of Fracture in White ... 的相關結果
dian (0.296 g/cm2), those whose BMD was lower than the median had an unadjusted hazard ratio for risk of fracture of 2.1 (95% confidence interval [CI], ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 V. Bone Analysis 的相關結果
Whole body bone mineral density (g/cm2) ... Left rib cage bone mineral density (g/cm2). ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Prospective cohort studies - Kaiser Permanente 的相關結果
mean total hip BMD=0.951 g/cm2. (lower initial BMD among DMPA users). Change in BMD per 6-month interval, g/cm2 (multivariate model). Spine Total hip. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density interpretation model 的相關結果
Bone mineral density interpretation model. Smart hospital Smart healthcare Digital ... The current system accuracy is: MAE (mean error value) 0.048g/cm2. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 GIPR rs10423928 and bone mineral density in ... - ScienceOpen 的相關結果
Total BMD (g/cm2). 0.801 (0.727–0.895). 0.742 (0.662–0.817). 0.00. Table 2 Information related to SNP sites in the GLP-1R and GIPR genes. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone density - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Bone density, or bone mineral density, is the amount of bone mineral in bone tissue. ... Average bone mineral density = BMC / W [g/cm2 ]. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Risk Factors for Longitudinal Bone Loss in Elderly Men and ... 的相關結果
factors for 4-year longitudinal change in bone mineral density (BMD) at the hip, radius, and spine in elders. ... Mean baseline BMD (g/cm2. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Interpretation of DXA Scans 的相關結果
(g/cm2). 0.659. 0.871. DXA #3. T- score. -1.3. -1.5. -3.4. -2.4. -2.2. Z-. Score. Region. L1. L2. L3. L4. Total. BMD. (g/cm2). 0.778. 0.858. 0.711. 0.848. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 DXA Basics 的相關結果
Bone Density. Blessing: • Area BMD (g/cm2) correlates better with bone strength than volumetric BMD (g/cm3) . • A toothpick and the birch log it was made ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Significance of Bone Mineral Density - NeuAbility 的相關結果
“Researchers have shown that fracture frequency increased when BMD was lower than 1.0 g/cm2 and fracture risk increased 2.2 times when BMD ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 密質骨多孔材料特性與骨質密度關係之評估 的相關結果
(g). Volume. (cm3). Area. (cm2). Clinical BMD. (g/cm2). Average Thickness. (cm). Normalized BMD. (g/cm2). Bone Apparent Density. (g/cm3). ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 BMD Measurement Converter - Bonetalk 的相關結果
Bone density values depend on the brand of the bone density scanner used. ... g/cm2. Converted values. Format. Hologic. AP Spine. g/cm2. Trochanter. g/cm2. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Reference values for bone density and bone mineral content ... 的相關結果
Chilean and American men for BMD (~0.03 to 0.11 g/cm2) and BMC (~0.15 to 0.46 g). Chilean females showed average values for BMD similar to ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 骨質密度檢測,看T值或Z值? - 東元綜合醫院 的相關結果
... 公克的骨礦物質,單位gm/cm2),及兩組相對值:T值(T-score)與Z值(Z-score),T值是 ... 一、 骨質密度(Bone Mineral Density),就如字面所示,它測量的是骨 ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Solved Subject ID Exposed to BMD (g/cm2) 1 YES 0.65 2 YES 的相關結果
The dataset contains bone mineral density (BMD) measured from 12 subjects, half of them exposed to green kryptonite, the. Subject ID Exposed to BMD (g/cm2) 1 ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Changes of bone mineral density, quantitative ultrasound ... 的相關結果
results: The mean BMd of lumbar spine, femoral neck, ... BMD was expressed in g/cm2. The Z score was calculated by subtracting the mean BMD of an age-, ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density of normal Chinese women in Taiwan 的相關結果
The BMD of the lumbar spine (L2–L4) remained relatively constant and had a mean value of 1.12 g/cm2 at age 20–49 years; it then decreased significantly from ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density of lumbar spine and femoral neck ... 的相關結果
Due to limited determination of bone density, the term bone mineral density (g/cm2) is nor- mally used. Bone mineral density is the actual expression. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 3D 프린팅을 이용한 한국인 골밀도 맞춤 팬텀 개발 的相關結果
Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is the amount of bone ... BMD values from KNHANES were 0.886±0.146 g/cm2,. 0.930±0.157 g/cm2 and 0.958±0.161 g/cm2. Therefore,. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density in well-trained females with different ... 的相關結果
Results: One way ANCOVA reported lower values of BMD in postmenopausal (1.13±0.07g/cm2) than in eumenorrheic. (1.19±0.08 g/cm2) (p=0.003) ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density assessed by quantitative ultrasound and ... 的相關結果
density-BMD (g/cm2) of the total body, the left hip. (neck, Ward's triangle and trochanter region) and the lumbar spine (L2-L4)-was calculated. In 118 men. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 BMD.Normal.Men.Bone 09.pdf - Rhumato.info 的相關結果
Age change in posteroanterior spine and femur bone mineral density (g/cm2). Age group n. L2-L4. Femoral neck. Trochanter. Total hip mean (SD) mean (SD). ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone gained from physical activity and lost through detraining 的相關結果
Bone mineral density (BMD, g/cm2) of the arms, the dominant and non-dominant humerus, dominant and non-dominant femur, and the right fem-. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Reference Ranges for Bone Mineral Density and Prevalence ... 的相關結果
BMD at the femoral neck, lumbar spine and whole body was measured by DXA ... For example, for lumbar spine, p BMD in men (1.05 ± 0.12 g/cm2 ; ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Medline ® Abstract for Reference 42 of '骨转换生化标志物在骨 ... 的相關結果
After 1 year, the femoral neck BMD increased significantly in the tight ... baseline and follow-up median BMD values were 0.842/0.881 g/cm2 at the L1-4 ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Diminishing Value from Multiple Serial Bone Densitometry in ... 的相關結果
aAt visit 1. Two repeated measures of spine BMD on anti-resorptive therapy: least significant change 0.05g/cm2. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density reference values by densitometry (DXA ... 的相關結果
Results: The values found in the lumbar spine for each of the groups in our population were: 1.150 g/cm2 (SD: 0.11), 1.180 g ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone density quantitative measurement by DXA panel - LOINC 的相關結果
LOINC Name Example UCUM Units
83311‑1 Bone density quantitative measurement by DXA panel
Indent46383‑6 DXA Bone Bone density g/cm2
Indent24701‑5 DXA Femur Bone density g/cm2 ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Measurement of Bone Mineral Content and Bone Density in ... 的相關結果
The BMD for the lumbar spine using the whole-body mode is 0.714 g/cm2 with a standard deviation of 0.104 and a standard error of the mean of. 0.00984. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 DXA测量骨密度的精密度评估及其应用 - 中国骨质疏松杂志 的相關結果
Accuracy assessment and application of bone mineral density measured by ... g/cm2、RMS-CV=0.011,LSC为:LSC-SD=0.031 g/cm2、LSC-CV=0.031;左全髋的PE ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 High and Low Impact Physical Activity Positively Influences ... 的相關結果
5 In men, these changes to bone density are exponential due to increased testosterone and IGF1. The average total body bone mineral density is 1.212 g/cm2 for ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Osteoporosis - AUB 的相關結果
She had her first DXA two years ago. At that time, her hip and spine bone density were within the normal range (hip BMD 0.942 g/cm2,. T-score ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Osteoporosis - McGill University 的相關結果
BMD at the femoral neck declined from age 29 years. The mean femoral neck BMD between 25 and 29 years was taken as PBM and was found to be 0.857 +. 0.125 g/cm2 ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 original article - The South African Radiographer 的相關結果
Keywords: osteoporosis, osteopaenia, bone mineral density, dual energy ... The absolute BMD values were 0.787 g/cm2 at the hip and 1.035 g/cm2 at the spine. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone Mineral Density - The Integrative Learning Center 的相關結果
... in grams divided by the measured two-dimensional projected area in cm2 of the bone(s) being measured; thus the units of BMD are g/cm2. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 1°bozza 51-05 Bandrés - Paulo Gentil 的相關結果
Ward´s triangle BMD (g/cm2)a, mean±SD. 0.61±0.12 araw data of bone mineral density (BMD) (unadjusted for age, years since menopause, height etc). ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Uric Acid Levels Are Associated with Bone Mineral Density in ... 的相關結果
increase in 1 mg/dL of UA was associated with an increase in total hip BMD of 0.011 g/cm2. (95% CI 0.0009, 0.021). Furthermore, at hip BMD, ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Pediatric dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry: interpretation and ... 的相關結果
The total body BMD was 0.805 g/cm2 with a Z-score of. 4.3. The patient was reported as having markedly re. −. - duced bone density. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Evaluation of Bone Health/Bone Density Testing 的相關結果
How Is Osteoporosis Diagnosed? · Bone mineral density – The output of a DXA test is a number called a T-score. · Fracture – If you are over the ... ... <看更多>
This is also known as total bone mass. Bone Mineral Density (BMD): Is BMC (g) divided by the Area (cm2) from which the measure ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 New Bone Density Report September 1, 2020 的相關結果
For our Hologic DXA machines, BMD change is significant if > the following: PA spine 0.022 g/cm2. Total hip 0.027 g/cm2. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Understanding Bone Density Results - Your T-score & Z-score ... 的相關結果
The score that you receive from your bone density (BMD or DXA) test is measured as a standard deviation from the mean. The manufacturers of the DXA machines ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 : Data-Field 3148 - UK Biobank 的相關結果
Description: Heel bone mineral density (BMD) ... Participants, 278,882, Value Type, Continuous, g/cm2, Sexed, Both sexes, Debut, Jan 2012. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Improvement in Bone Mineral Density after a Distal Weight ... 的相關結果
For the nonamputated limb, the mean increase in bone mineral density was 0.005 g/cm2 and the mean percentage increase was 0.5%, with eight ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 A novel quantitative method for estimating bone mineral ... 的相關結果
Bone mineral density (BMD) measurements were performed with an EchoS machine ... BMD (g/cm2) with T and Z scores [standard deviations (SD)], ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Figure 1 - JCI Insight 的相關結果
... we used LOESS to visualize the relation between annualized change in LS or FN BMD (g/cm2 per year) versus the average log2HOMA-IR. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density by age, gender, pubertal stages, and ... 的相關結果
Areal bone mineral density BMD (g/cm2) at the antero-posterior lumbar spine (L1–L4), the left femur. (total hip, femoral neck and trochanter), the left 1/3. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 1203-P: Association of Bone Mineral Density (BMD) with ... 的相關結果
1.146 ± 0.150 g/cm2 in White participants (P=0.0003) . There was an inverse relationship between BMD and age (r= −0.254, P<0.0001) and a direct ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Regular Supplementation With Resveratrol Improves Bone ... 的相關結果
placebo, there were positive effects on bone density in the lumbar spine (+0.016 + 0.003 g/cm2) and neck of femur. (+0.005 + 0.002 g/cm2), ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density and bone microarchitecture assessment ... 的相關結果
Acromegaly patients had a signi cantly greater lumbar spine [(1.026 ± 0.180) g/cm2 vs (0.951 ± 0.108) g/cm2, p=0.014], femoral neck [(0.879 ± ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 骨密度_百度百科 的相關結果
在65岁年龄组中,BMD每降低1个SD,男性骨质疏松性骨折的危险增加1.41 ... 若以骨矿含量/骨横径(BMC/BW.g/cm2)对骨矿含量(BMC)进行修正,使同龄人正常曲线变异系数 ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density status and prevalence of osteoporosis in ... 的相關結果
Independent of age, for each 5 kg increase in body weight in Hong Kong Chinese women, BMD increased by 0.035, 0.026 and 0.022 g/cm2 at lumbar spine, ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Comparison of Bone Mineral Density of Dominant and Non ... 的相關結果
proximal bone areas and BMD of three different areas were calculated as g/cm2. Figure 1. Reference areas (for dominat and non dominant forearm). ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density precision for individual and combined ... 的相關結果
has been demonstrated to increase lumbar spine BMD by 0.008 g/cm2 (8). The ISCD recommend that vertebrae with a focal structural defect ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone Mineral Density in Short Individuals; How Can We ... 的相關結果
In short individuals, areal bone mineral density (BMD) (g/cm2) can be affected by body size, therefore bone mineral apparent density (BMAD; g/cm3)] is ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Combining Adapted Judo Training and pharmacological ... - CBJ 的相關結果
the DXA were the measures of BMD (g/cm2), and the. T-score with negative values in the bone sites: lumbar. L2–L4, neck of the femur and larger trochanter. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Impact of COVID-19 Severity on Bone Mineral Density ... 的相關結果
The mean BMI was 30.5±9 kg/m2 and mean duration of hospitalization was 7±8 days. Mean FN, TH and LS BMD were 0.82±0.19 g/cm2, 0.98± 0.21g/cm2 and 1.15±0.23 ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Ultrasound bone densitometry and dual energy x-ray ... - Nature 的相關結果
Table 2 BMD at the lumbar spine and femoral neck region of the proximal femur in a healthy reference population. BMD in healthy women (g/cm2). ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Forearm Bone Mineral Density: A Comparison Study ... - ThaiJO 的相關結果
The 33% radius BMD difference between the sitting and supine position was -0.005 g/cm2 (95% CI, -0.03 to 0.02) while that between the dominant and ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone Densitometry | Johns Hopkins Medicine 的相關結果
A bone density test is used to measure bone mineral content and density. It may be done using X-rays, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA), or a ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density and hormonal status in adolescent ... 的相關結果
BMD (g/cm2) and BMC (g) at the femoral neck (FN) and lumbar spine (LS) were measured. Venous blood samples were drawn to determine the concentration of ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density in well-trained ... - Repositorio UCSC 的相關結果
Objective: The association between sex hormones and bone mineral density (BMD) ... reported lower values of BMD in postmenopausal (1.13±0.07g/cm2) than in ... ... <看更多>
*Mayfair BMD technologist-specific precision error is 0.010 g/cm2 with LSC considered to be 0.028 g/cm2 for 95% certainty. When there is less bone density, ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 OSTEOPOROSIS 的相關結果
Lumbar Spine. Operator: JK. Model: Discovery W (S/N 81637) Comment: DXA Results Summary: Region. Area (cm2) BMC. (g). BMD. (g/cm2). T- score. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone Mineral Density Quantification from Localizer Radiographs 的相關結果
mended modality to measure bone mineral density (BMD) ... resented areal BMDs of 0.5 g/cm2, 1.0 g/cm2, and 1.5 g/cm2 if imaged with DXA. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection (HP) and ... 的相關結果
BMD g/cm2 in the spine and femoral neck did not differ between the two groups (P=0.19 and 0.22 respectively). The prevalence of osteoporosis did not also ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Documentation Dissection - AAPC 的相關結果
BMD = 0.917 g/cm2, T-Score * = -1.2, Z-Score ** = 1 |7|. Left Hip - Total Hip. BMD = 0.819 g/cm2, T-Score * = 1.01, Z-Score ** = 0.58 |7|. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Knogletæthedsmålinger - Lægehåndbogen på sundhed.dk 的相關結果
Knogletæthedsmåling måler massen af knoglemineral (BMD = Bone Mineral Density) i et defineret område af skelettet (BMD g/cm2 ). ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone Mineral Density Tests: Interpreting the Results 的相關結果
There are several types of bone mineral density tests, which can check the strength and solidness of the bones and diagnose osteoporosis. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 car technical standards for - bone mineral densitometry reporting 的相關結果
A follow-up paediatric BMD report should state the LSC in absolute. Page 12. 10 values (g/cm2 to 3 decimal places for BMD, g to 2 deci- mal places for BMC) for ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 above. Only central DXA measurements, i.e. in the lumbar ... 的相關結果
DXA measures. BMD using a two-dimensional calculation of the amount of calci ed bone present in the region of interest, set in g/cm2. Use of DXA T-scores. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Age-specific Bone Mineral Density Values from Multi-skeletal ... 的相關結果
g /cm2 rather than a volumetric expression like g/cm3. Bone thickness is not factored into the equation, which may cause some confounding in the values ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone density testing in general practice 的相關結果
standard in Australia for the measurement of bone mineral density (BMD). ... the make and model of the DXA machine used, BMD (measured in g/cm2), ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone Densitometry How to dictate a DEXA - Bonepit 的相關結果
1 g/cm3. DEXA Measures Areal BMD. Areal vs. Volumetric Measurement. Example: Female vertebral body Male vertebral body. BMC: 0.125 grams. Area: 0.250 cm2. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Quantitative ultrasound of os calcis BMD versus conventional ... 的相關結果
Methods:Two groups of adolescent females were recruited for assessment of BMD changes over an interval of 22- 24 months. These included full time. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Abnormal bone mineral content and density in people with ... 的相關結果
bone health, chromosome 18, dual x-ray absorptiometry, low bone density, tetrasomy 18p ... Bone mineral content (g), bone mineral density (g/cm2), and. ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone mineral density and body composition of the United ... 的相關結果
Whole body BMD (g/cm2) and relative body fatness (% fat) were assessed by dual energy x ray absorptiometry using a Lunar DPX-L unit with software version ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone density testing - Better Health Channel 的相關結果
Bone density measurements are reported as a value in g/cm2 and as a T-score or Z-score, which describes your bone density measurement in relation to other ... ... <看更多>
bmd g/cm2 在 Bone Mineral Density (g/cm2) by Gender and Age Group 的相關結果
1.02 ± 0.01 g/cm2, p = 0.032 in males; 0.95 ± 0.02 g/cm2 vs. 0.98 ± 0.01 g/cm2, p = 0.015 in females). Lumbar BMD significantly increased from the lowest to ... ... <看更多>