(MIS 英文整堂課與大家分享)I am sharing the MIS video with you.
we have been in a covid lockdown in Taiwan for a while but the good news is that it gave me the opportunity to do this video for you🙏❤🙏
ashtanga intermediate series 在 Corey The Man Yoga Facebook 的精選貼文
Kino在出版的阿斯坦加第二級(The Power of Ashtanga 2), 非常優雅的解釋了這些另人害怕第二級後彎體位法存在的意義。
"對於許多瑜珈練習者來說,阿斯坦加第二級像是花一輩子也無法跨越的障礙。 特別是這些後彎體位法,許多瑜珈練習者,將會在這裡遇到他們最大的挑戰。
阿斯坦加瑜珈透過這些有挑戰性的體位法,去激發心裡最深層的負面思考模式, 進而重新訓練神經系統對於壓力的反應,換句話說,這些體位法的目的 就是為了激發,放大這些慌張恐懼的感覺, 幫助你學習用平常心去對待"痛苦"及"愉悅"的生命經驗。
我們也許會感受到驚慌失措,壓力以及其他非常強烈的情緒化反應, 這些體位法也許會帶領我們到一些今人害怕的地方,但會訓練我們保持處變不驚,平順沈穩的態度。 幫助我們養成一顆瑜珈者的勇者之心。" ~Kino
(2020 4月) All Yoga 台北週末200小時師資訓練
🌊Yogi Ocean 瑜珈海洋 專業瑜珈教室:
❤非學員歡迎加Line 詢問點數方案!
♥ 來電 02-2516-9991
地址: 松江路315號4樓(捷運行天宮站3號出口)
Great read form Kino's latest book. The Power of Ashtanga 2.....
For many yoga students of the Ashtanga Yoga, Intermediate Series seems like an insurmountable hurdle that they may strive a whole lifetime to master.
It is in the backbends of this series that many practi- tioners meet their greatest test. Ashtanga Yoga uses these challenging postures to trigger deep-seated negative patterns in an effort to retrain the nervous system's response to stress. In other words, the poses themselves are actually meant to bring up heightened feelings of distress so you can learn how to bal- ance your mind and meet pleasure and pain with equanimi .
The physical yoga practice is designed to create scenarios in which you experience panic, stress, and other strong emotions so you can build the brave heart of a yogi, to go directly into those scary places and remain calm and steady.
ashtanga intermediate series 在 Corey The Man Yoga Facebook 的最佳貼文
Kino在出版的阿斯坦加第二級(The Power of Ashtanga 2), 非常優雅的解釋了這些另人害怕第二級後彎體位法存在的意義。
"對於許多瑜珈練習者來說,阿斯坦加第二級像是花一輩子也無法跨越的障礙。 特別是這些後彎體位法,許多瑜珈練習者,將會在這裡遇到他們最大的挑戰。
阿斯坦加瑜珈透過這些有挑戰性的體位法,去激發心裡最深層的負面思考模式, 進而重新訓練神經系統對於壓力的反應,換句話說,這些體位法的目的 就是為了激發,放大這些慌張恐懼的感覺, 幫助你學習用平常心去對待"痛苦"及"愉悅"的生命經驗。
我們也許會感受到驚慌失措,壓力以及其他非常強烈的情緒化反應, 這些體位法也許會帶領我們到一些今人害怕的地方,但會訓練我們保持處變不驚,平順沈穩的態度。 幫助我們養成一顆瑜珈者的勇者之心。" ~Kino
(2020 4月) All Yoga 台北週末200小時師資訓練
🌊Yogi Ocean 瑜珈海洋 專業瑜珈教室:
❤非學員歡迎加Line 詢問點數方案!
♥ 來電 02-2516-9991
地址: 松江路315號4樓(捷運行天宮站3號出口)
Great read form Kino's latest book. The Power of Ashtanga 2.....
For many yoga students of the Ashtanga Yoga, Intermediate Series seems like an insurmountable hurdle that they may strive a whole lifetime to master.
It is in the backbends of this series that many practi- tioners meet their greatest test. Ashtanga Yoga uses these challenging postures to trigger deep-seated negative patterns in an effort to retrain the nervous system's response to stress. In other words, the poses themselves are actually meant to bring up heightened feelings of distress so you can learn how to bal- ance your mind and meet pleasure and pain with equanimi .
The physical yoga practice is designed to create scenarios in which you experience panic, stress, and other strong emotions so you can build the brave heart of a yogi, to go directly into those scary places and remain calm and steady.