去了一趟本週末的快閃市集 "Remodelista",除了紐約在地身體護理/香氛類品牌如Apotheke、Hudson made向來是各大市集常客外,另見到許多獨立手作,或者京都選物/紐約販售的品牌。難以想像那麼有限的空間如何置入50多個攤位,加上連日陽光賞臉,說什麼也要趕上春日前奏的紐約客全都猛虎出閘,場內迴轉半徑頓時只剩半身,我於是眼明手快的剪了兩塊餐巾布後轉場到隔壁west elm查看有無新品。這偌大的城市總有逛不完的市集,錯過或價高下不了手都無所謂,不急於一時吶。(我的動機更像是快速瀏覽各攤,將感興趣的品牌歸檔並作為日後開立線上選物平台的data)。
The pop-up market Remodelista that takes place this weekend includes lotion/perfume brands like Apotheke and Huston Made, as well as indie crafts from Kyoto. It's hard to imagine how this limited space can fit in more than 50 vendors. Many New Yorkers came out to enjoy the sunlight in early spring and packed the whole space. If you didn't get to visit the market, no worries, there is always more pop-up shops in the near future.