Aechmea is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Bromeliaceae family, distributed in Central America and South America. ... <看更多>
Aechmea is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Bromeliaceae family, distributed in Central America and South America. ... <看更多>
If you have stumbled upon this particular video, but you'd like to know more in general about aechmea fasciata and how to grow and care for ... ... <看更多>
Aechmea fasciata Primera – Urn Plant - This is my favourite Bromeliad with beautiful leaves and an amazing flower. ... <看更多>
#1. Aechmea fasciata - Wikipedia
Aechmea fasciata is a species of flowering plant in the Bromeliaceae family. It is commonly called the silver vase or urn plant and is native to Brazil.
#2. Aechmea fasciata - 臺灣生命大百科
Aechmea fasciata. 中文名 蜻蜓鳳梨. 物種屬性 栽培或豢養物種. 分類階層. 植物界Plantae » 維管束植物門Tracheophyta » 木蘭綱Magnoliopsida » 禾本目Poales » 鳳梨 ...
#3. 蜻蜓鳳梨Aechmea fasciata - 農業知識入口網
蜻蜓鳳梨Aechmea fasciata. 刊登日:2022-05-31. 錯誤回報; 推薦詞彙; 友善列印; 收藏文章; 我要發問. 點閱數 211. 留言數 0. 蜻蜓鳳梨_Aechmea_fasciata.
#4. 青色斑馬/Aechmea fasciata var. - 自由之森
商品詳情 · 1.水I冬天(澆水頻率4天到一個禮拜);夏天(大約1-2天一次),四季均從上往下澆水,至水滿自然從下方溢出。 · 2.環境I務必擺放在通風環境。 · 3.陽光I有穩定 ...
#5. 漫活雨林Aechmea fasciata var. 黃出藝蜻蜓/蜻蜓積水鳳梨 ...
漫活雨林Aechmea fasciata var. 黃出藝蜻蜓/蜻蜓積水鳳梨/觀賞/園藝. $300 - $380. 5.0. 23 已售出. 較長備貨(出貨天數5天). 運費: $60. 延長訂單撥款.
#6. TaiBNET - 臺灣物種名錄
Phylum Tracheophyta 維管束植物門. Class Magnoliopsida 木蘭綱. Order Poales 禾本目. Family Bromeliaceae 鳳梨科. Genus Aechmea 蜻蜓鳳梨屬. Aechmea fasciata ...
#7. 兩款最熱賣的入門積水鳳梨Aechmea fasciata... - 漫活雨林 ...
Aechmea fasciata var. 出藝蜻蜓側身有銀色斑馬紋.黃色出藝線條.兩種願望一次滿足! 1棵售300元運費另計. Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii 大白菜. H屬 ...
#8. Aechmea fasciata 蜻蜓鳳梨(萼鳳梨、粉菠蘿鳳梨) - 博視植物網
Aechmea fasciata 蜻蜓鳳梨(萼鳳梨、粉菠蘿鳳梨).. 貨號: P2036 分類: 單子葉植物, Bromeliaceae 鳳梨科 · 查看產品價格表 · 查看訂購說明. 描述. 描述.
#9. Aechmea fasciata | BBC Gardeners World Magazine
Aechmea fasciata is also known as the urn plant, as its rosette of stiff, silver-blue leaves form an 'urn' or well at the centre that collects rainwater.
Aechmea is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Bromeliaceae family, distributed in Central America and South America.
#11. Bromeliad "pup" propagation- aechmea fasciata/urn plant/how ...
If you have stumbled upon this particular video, but you'd like to know more in general about aechmea fasciata and how to grow and care for ...
#12. Bromeliad Aechmea Fasciata Care guide and Speceies Review
Aechmea fasciata Primera – Urn Plant - This is my favourite Bromeliad with beautiful leaves and an amazing flower.
#13. 蜻蜓鳳梨(Aechmea fasciata Baker) 微體繁殖之研究
以蜻蜓鳳梨(Aechmea fasciata Baker)的新芽為試驗材料,切取高約2~3mm莖頂,置入含有arginine,glutamic acid及aspargine各25mg/l,citric acid 150mg/l,NAA ...
#14. 4411 Aechmea Fasciata Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Bromeliad (Vriesea) tropical plant. Aechmea fasciata, Urn Plant, Bromeliaceae, guzmania. Bromeliad or vriesea flower in farm garden.
#15. Aechmea fasciata - NParks
Aechmea fasciata ; Family Name: Bromeliaceae ; Common Name: Urn Plant, Silver Vase ; Growth Form, An epiphyte, it has a clumping growth form. ; Foliage, The leaves ...
#16. Aechmea fasciata (Urn Plant) - Gardenia.net
Urn Plant, Silver Vase Plant, Silver Vase Bromeliad · Grows up to 1-3 ft. · Performs best in part shade in humus-rich, gritty, well-drained soils. · Average room ...
#17. Bromeliad , Aechmea fasciata , Urn Plant, BROMELIACEAE.
圖片庫的Bromeliad , Aechmea fasciata , Urn Plant, BROMELIACEAE. 圖片Image 85486662.
#18. Aechmea fasciata @ DRAGON的部落格 - 隨意窩
鳳梨科的植物一覽Bromelioideae 鳳梨科Aechmea 尖萼鳳梨屬/光萼荷屬/蜻蜓鳳梨屬Aechmea fasciata 蜻蜓鳳梨葉片綠色~ 葉緣有鋸斷狀的小尖刺~ 葉背細小白色鱗片~ 有著 ...
#19. Aechmea Fasciata Pictures, Images and Stock Photos - iStock
Aechmea fasciata (Silver vase or Urn plant) is a species of flowering plant in the bromeliad family, native to Brazil.
#20. Aechmea fasciata - Wikidata
Aechmea fasciata. especie de planta. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Chinese. 蜻蜓菠萝. 凤梨科附生凤梨属多年生附生草本.
#21. Plant Finder - Aechmea fasciata - Missouri Botanical Garden
Aechmea fasciata, commonly called urn plant or silver vase plant, is an epiphytic bromeliad that is native to southeastern Brazil. In its native habitat, ...
#22. Urn Plant - Aechmea Fasciata - Silver or Pink Vase Plant
The Aechmea fasciata is a bromeliad flowering type plant which is grown outdoors and indoors depending on the climate. View on Amazon ...
#23. Aechmea Plant Care Tips: A Beautiful Bromeliad with the ...
Aechmea fasciata (Urn Plant or Silver Vase Plant) makes a great houseplant because it's beautiful and low-maintenance. These Aechmea plant ...
#24. Aechmea fasciata - LLIFLE
Aechmea fasciata Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr Flowering habit at Kula Ace Hardware and Nursery, Maui. September 06, 2007.
#25. Micropropagation of bromeliad Aechmea fasciata via floral ...
Micropropagation of bromeliad Aechmea fasciata via floral organ segments and effects of acclimatization on plantlet growth. Ping Lung Huang, Li Jen Liao, ...
#26. Aechmea fasciata (Lindl.) Baker, 蜻蜓鳳梨(世界植物區系)
Aechmea fasciata (Lindl.) Baker (蜻蜓鳳梨). 科Bromeliaceae. 屬Aechmea. 世界植物區系.
#27. Buy Aechmea fasciata with Canarius
Buy online a living plant of Aechmea fasciata of the best quality from Canarius.com. Worldwide shipping from Europe.
#28. Aechmea Fasciata (Urn Plant / Silver Vase Plant) Guide
The Aechmea plants (pronounced EEK-me-uh) are popular Bromeliads, with the Urn Plant or Silver Vase Plant (Aechmea Fasciata) being one of the most popular ...
#29. Aechmea fasciata 蜻蜓鳳梨 - 植物圖片集
Plant Image Collection 植物圖片集 [A-C] [D-L] [M-Z]. Aechmea fasciata 蜻蜓鳳梨鳳梨科(2008-10-01)
#30. Aechmea fasciata - VERTUOSE
The Aechmea fasciata is native to Brazil, like all its Bromeliad siblings. It produces a rosette of leaves, in which grows a flower.
#31. Aechmea fasciata var. (無刺) 銀斑紋系列(有貨)
Aechmea fasciata var. (無刺) 銀斑紋系列(有貨) ... 辨別特點: 中型款,葉面厚偏硬,正反面皆有銀斑紋,反面較為明顯,長大後視環境,葉面嫩青會變暗,葉緣帶刺.
#32. Aechmea fasciata 'Silver King' - GardensOnline
Aechmea fasciata 'Silver King' or The Urn Plant is a very popular bromeliad that produces broad, stiff , silvery grey leaves that arch out from a central ...
#33. Aechmea fasciata | Bromeliad | silver vase
Aechmea fasciata | Bromeliad | silver vase · Family: Bromeliaceae. · Origin: Brazil · Watering: · Ambient humidity: High. · Type of soil: Rich and well drained.
#34. Tips On Growing The Aechmea Fasciata - Plant Care Today
Aechmea fasciata [EEK-mee-uh fash-ee-AY-tuh], a member of the Bromeliaceae family (Bromeliad plants), is also known by its common name, Silver Vase or the ...
#35. Aechmea fasciata: Growing Guidelines - Bromeliad Plant Care
Display Tips: Grow Aechmea fasciata in its own pot near plants with lush green foliage, such as ferns or flowering houseplants that need abundant light.
#36. Aechmea fasciata - Monaco Nature Encyclopedia
English translation by Mario Beltramini. Aechmea fasciata, Bromeliaceae, living vase, silver vase plant, urn plant. Aechmea fasciata is one of ...
#37. Aechmea - Bromeliad Paradise
Aechmea blanchetiana 'Orange'. No reviews ... Aechmea wittmackiana (Large Cultivar). No reviews. Sold Out ... Aechmea fasciata. No reviews. Sold Out.
#38. Aechmea fasciata 'Primera' - Flowering plants - Vida-Verde
We use these cookies to make the experience better every day. However, we cannot do this without your help. We learn about these cookies and use them to improve ...
#39. Αιχμέα (Aechmea fasciata) - Λουλούδια Λευτέρης
Aechmea (Aechmea fasciata). €14,00. One of the most impressive houseplants found in homes and business premises. The most distinctive feature of the spike ...
#40. Urn Plant | Aechmea fasciata 'Griffe' - Bloombox Club
Find all the care information you need about the Urn Plant (Aechmea fasciata 'Griffe') on our Bloombox Club A-Z of plant care. Find this indoor plant and ...
#41. Aechmea fascinata | Bromeliads Online - Ladybugs
The Aechema fasciata Bromeliad hails from Brazil. The Aechmea (pronounced EEK-me-uh) is a tropical beauty and makes a great indoor houseplant as well as ...
#42. Aechmea fasciata_百度百科
Aechmea fasciata 是凤梨科植物。 ... Aechmea fasciata的树高是1-3英尺,树幅是1至2英尺,季节性开花,养护成本中等。
#43. Aechmea fasciata 'Primera' - Urn Plant (4.5" Pot)
Aechmea fasciata 'Primera', commonly referred to as Urn Plant or Silver Vase Plant, is an attractive Bromeliad featuring grey-green, arching strap-like ...
#44. Aechmea fasciata|urn plant/RHS Gardening
Aechmea fasciata ; Genus. Aechmea are evergreen perennials forming funnel-shaped rosettes of strap-shaped leaves, with a terminal spike of tubular flowers often ...
#45. 蜻蜓鳳梨(Aechmea fasciata) 照顧,種植,繁殖,開花時間
蜻蜓鳳梨(Aechmea fasciata). 成熟的蜻蜓鳳梨於夏季開花時會長出貌似鳳梨頭的粉紅色苞片及紫色小花,不過這跟我們平常吃的鳳梨毫無關係,這粉紅色的鳳梨頭下並沒有可以 ...
#46. Aechmea fasciata (AEMFA)[Overview] - EPPO Global Database
EPPO Code: AEMFA; Preferred name: Aechmea fasciata; Authority: (Lindley) Baker. Notes. Brazil (eastern). Widely cultivated elsewhere as an ornamental pot ...
#47. Aechmea fasciata - Plants Rescue
Aechmea fasciata - Common name: Silver Vase, Urn Plant, Silver Urn BromeliadFamily: BromeliaceaeSynonymous: Tillandsia bracteataPlatyaechmea ...
#48. Aechmea fasciata - Auckland Botanic Gardens
Flowers and foliage. Wide strap-like arching grey leaves with silver bands grow in large rosettes to make an urn shape. From the centre, a dense pyramidal spike ...
#49. Aechmea fasciata (Lindl.) Baker - GBIF
Citation (for citing occurrences, please see guidelines). Aechmea fasciata (Lindl.) Baker in GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset ...
#50. Aechmea fasciata - Singapore - Toh Garden
Aechmea fasciata is a bromeliad that makes for an attractive houseplant or tropical floral display. Aechmea are hardy and easy to grow and maintain.
#51. Aechmea fasciata 蜻蜓鳳梨 - 展卉花苑- 痞客邦
鳳梨科蜻蜓鳳梨屬的多年生草本植物。 學名Aechmea fasciata 英文名Urn Plant、Silver Vase Bromeliad、Silver Vase 日文名エクメア・ファスキアタ、
#52. Aechmea fasciata - Fitzroy Nursery
Hardy Bromeliad suitable for bright indoor spaces or shaded locations outdoors. Plants currently in a 200mm pot and will be happy in this size for 2 or so ...
#53. Aechmea fasciata 4in Silver Vase Urn Bromeliad - Cornell Farm
Aechmea fasciata 4in Silver Vase Urn Bromeliad. Regular price$26.00. /. Shipping calculated at checkout. Store Pickup & Local Delivery Available.
#54. Constitutive Expression of Aechmea fasciata SPL14 (AfSPL14 ...
Here, we characterized the SPL gene AfSPL14, from Aechmea fasciata, a popular ornamental flowering bromeliad. Phylogenetic analyses showed that ...
#55. Aechmea fasciata - Wiktionary
TranslingualEdit. Aechmea fasciata blooming. Proper nounEdit · Aechmea fasciata f. A taxonomic species within the family Bromeliaceae – urn plant.
#56. (5440)紫色型無刺蜻蜓鳳梨變異種─Aechmea fasciata ...
學名, Aechmea fasciata purpurea- spineless, 原產地, 園藝栽培種(cv. of Aec. fasciata), 品種簡介, 蜻蜓鳳梨(Aechmea fasciata)是一款市面上非常受歡迎的積水鳳梨, ...
#57. Aechmea Fasciata Primera Silver Vase Urn Plant ...
Aechmea fasciata Also known us Urn Plant and Silver Vase is an exotic-looking flowering plant from the bromeliad (Bromeliaceae) family.
#58. Aechmea fasciata Baker - World Flora Online
Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Aechmea fasciata Baker. Published on the Internet;http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000337629.
#59. Potted Bromeliad Aechmea Fasciata - Lilia Flower Boutique
A showstopping, easy to care for plant with a huge pink bloom hidden within its tiger striped grey and green leaves. We pot these in our super chic, modern.
#60. Aechmea fasciata: Silver Vase Plant | Portland Nursery
Native to Central and South America, Aechmea fasciata is a beautiful bromeliad with a sculptural form that looks great shown off as a specimen plant in the ...
#61. Aechmea Fasciata - MyBageecha
Silver Vase Family Bromeliaceae Origin Brazil Description Aechmea fasciata, commonly called urn plant or silver vase plant, is an epiphytic bromeliad.
#62. Aechmea Fasciata Plant - Ugaoo.com
A flowering member of the bromeliad family, it is more popularly known as the Silver Vase or the Urn Plant. It sports leathery arched leaves, ...
#63. Aechmea fasciata (Lindl.) Baker - Plants of the World Online
Aechmea fasciata (Lindl.) Baker. First published in J. Bot. 17: 231 (1879). This species is accepted. The native range of this species is Brazil (Rio de ...
#64. Bromeliad (Aechmea fasciata) - The Plant Company
Aechmea fasciata is a colourful Bromeliad that features both showy flowers and foliage. The leaves are thick and leathery, and striped with silver…
#65. Report: Aechmea fasciata - ITIS
(Download Help) Aechmea fasciata TSN 803799. Taxonomy and Nomenclature. Kingdom: Plantae. Taxonomic Rank: Species. Synonym(s):.
#66. Urn Plant - Aechmea fasciata Picture, Care Tips
Aechmea fasciata grows in a rosette of stiff, arching leaves that form an urn. In its native South American rain forest, the leaves gather rain water in its ...
#67. Aechmea fasciata (red) - Bird Rock Tropicals
Aechmea fasciata (red). $18.00. ( 0 Reviews ). Green leaves with bright red flower (Boggy Creek). Current stock: 0. Qty: Share: Add to Cart. Add to Wishlist.
#68. Aechmea fasciata var 'Primera' - Silver Vase Bromeliad
Aechmea fasciata var 'Primera' is a beautiful Bromeliad with a long lasting lolly pink flower purple centered bracts. Silver banded foliage.
#69. Aechmea fasciata 'Primera' - Superbotânica
Originally from Brazil, Aechmea is a bromeliad of exotic beauty, with its mardated leaves of green with silvery gray. A. Fasciata 'Primera' is a cultivar ...
#70. FPS 16/FP016: Aechmea fasciata Silver Vase
Aechmea fasciata Silver Vase. Edward F. Gilman, Ryan W. Klein, and Gail Hansen. Introduction. The attractive silver-grey, banded foliage ...
#71. Featured plant: Aechmea fasciata
A native of Brazil, Aechmea fasciata (silver vase, urn plant) is a member of the bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae), the same family as ...
#72. Aechmea Fasciata - Buy Plants Online
Aechmea Fasciata are indoor flowering houseplants that can add great color and texture to your indoor garden. They are traditional Bromeliads, ...
#73. Ectopic expression of the Aechmea fasciata APETALA2 gene ...
As subtropical and tropical flowering plants, these bromeliads, among with Aechmea fasciata, have significant economic importance.
#74. How to care for an Aechmea fasciata (Urn Plant) (2023)
The Aechmea fasciata, also known as the urn plant or Silver vase plant, is a stunning tropical houseplant from the Bromeliads family.
#75. Growth of Aechmea fasciata plants in function of substrate ...
Keywords: bromeliads, leaf fertilization, substrate. RESUMO. Crescimento de plantas de Aechmea fasciata em função da saturação. por bases e formas de aplicação ...
#76. Aechmea Fasciata Silver Vase - Chlorophyll
Pair text with an image to focus on your chosen product, collection, or blog post. Add details on availability, style, or even provide a review.
#77. Urn Plant (Aechmea fasciata) - iNaturalist
Aechmea fasciata (silver vase, urn plant) is a species of flowering plant in the bromeliad family, native to Brazil. This plant is probably the best known ...
#78. Aechmea Fasciata Images - Free Download on Freepik
Find & Download Free Graphic Resources for Aechmea Fasciata. 69000+ Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD files. ✓ Free for commercial use ✓ High Quality Images.
#79. Silver Vase Bromeliad (Aechmea fasciata) Durango CO Florist
This rare beauty is just starting to bloom a gorgeous powdery pink blossom. Product ID: Silver Vase Bromeliad. Silver Vase Bromeliad (Aechmea fasciata).
#80. The genome of Aechmea fasciata provides insights into the ...
Aechmea fasciata is one of the most popular bromeliads and bears a water-impounding tank with a vase-like rosette. The tank habit is a key ...
#81. The Brightly-Flowered Aechmea Fasciata - Article on Thursd
If you're drawn to bromeliads and would like to grow one of your own, the aechmea fasciata might be a good plant to start with.
#82. Growth of Aechmea fasciata plants in function of substrate ...
This research was conducted with the objective to evaluate the development of Aechmea fasciata plants according to the substrate base saturation and the ...
#83. Aechmea Fasciata Pink Bromeliad | Silver Vase Plant (M)
The Aechmea Fasciata Pink Bromeliad is a beautiful and low-maintenance plant that thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Water the plant once a week, ...
#84. Aechmea fasciata - Hortipedia
Aechmea fasciata is a species in the genus Aechmea which contains between 285 and 310 species and belongs to the family of the Bromeliaceae (Bromeliad Family).
#85. Photo Aechmea fasciata 'Griffe' - Global Flowers
Aechmea fasciata 'Griffe'. Flower color distribution: Unicolored; Flower color: Pink-UPOV Blue pink-RHS 062A; Inflorescence diameter: 10 - 15 cm ...
#86. aechmea fasciata (1982) 绘画由Mario Fanconi - Artmajeur
从Mario Fanconi购买艺术品(免费送货, 有保障的直接购买): 绘画标题为“aechmea fasciata”
#87. Aechmea Fasciata 'Primera' (6" Pot) - Sundance Orchids
239-489-1234 · Aechmea Fasciata 'Primera' (6″ Pot).
#88. Aechmea fasciata - The Plant Lady SF
A plant with a pop of color, like a blooming bromeliad, surprises the eye in a delightful way. Aechmea fasciata grows both indoors and out in the Bay Area, ...
#89. Caring For An Urn Plant - Gardening Know How
Aechmea fasciata, the urn plant bromeliad, comes to us from the South American rainforests. It is an epiphyte, commonly called an air plant, ...
#90. Aechmea fasciata - Conservatory Of Flowers
Aechmea fasciata is perhaps the most popular decorative bromeliad in cultivation after the pineapple. There are a variety of cultivars ...
#91. Silver Vase Bromeliad - Live Plant in a 6 Inch Pot - Aechmea ...
We do not currently ship to AK,AZ,CA,GU,HI,PR Grown, packaged and shipped exclusively by Wekiva Foliage. Aechmea fasciata [EEK-mee-uh fash-ee-AY-tuh], ...
#92. Bromelia Aechmea Fasciata - Online Store
This product is not available for purchase online. * Prices are in Canadian dollars. Taxes and shipping not included. AddThis Sharing Buttons. Share to Facebook ...
#93. Pink Aechmeas Bromeliad | Indoor Plants - Lively Root
This Aechmea fasciata, with a flower head that is predominately pink, is one of the most popular bromeliads on the market....
#94. Aechmea fasciata | CABI Compendium
First report of leaf rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum and Pythium aphanidermatum on Aechmea fasciata in Hainan Province, China. Plant Disease. 87 (5), 599.
#95. Aechmea fasciata - PalDat
Aechmea fasciata. Taxonomy: Angiospermae, Poales, Bromeliaceae, Aechmea. Published: 2016-04-05. Pollen Description. Shape, Size and Aperture.
#96. Aechmea fasciata - Plant Pono
Aechmea fasciata (urn plant, silver vase). Family: Bromeliaceae. Urn plant is an herbaceous bromeliad with striking pink flowers. Native to Brasil, the urn ...
#97. 花叶美叶光萼荷Aechmea fasciata cv. Variegata - 植物智
花叶美叶光萼荷(huā yè měi yè guāng è hé). PPBCCVHColTPLIPNIDuocetCFHCUBGGBIFiDigBioEOLBHLWFOPOWOBingBaidu生物志库. Aechmea fasciata 'Variegata'.
#98. Aechmea Fasciata Silver Vase Or Urn Plant - Garden Answers
Aechmea Fasciata Silver Vase Or Urn Plant ... This is a bromeliad, a direct relative of the pineapple. In your area it will be a house plant ...
#99. Aechmea fasciata - Botanics Stories
RBGE Accession number:19982583 Living plants of this accession Aechmea fasciata (Lindl.) Baker 19982583BG11Rainforest Riches Aechmea ...
#100. Bromeliad Aechmea Fasciata - Plant Nursery
Aechmea Fasciata is an evergreen perennial with funnel-shaped rosettes of grey leaves. A dense, central, terminal spike of purple tubular flowers is formed, ...
aechmea fasciata 在 兩款最熱賣的入門積水鳳梨Aechmea fasciata... - 漫活雨林 ... 的推薦與評價
Aechmea fasciata var. 出藝蜻蜓側身有銀色斑馬紋.黃色出藝線條.兩種願望一次滿足! 1棵售300元運費另計. Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii 大白菜. H屬 ... ... <看更多>