“Save me. It hurts.”
4 years ago, I nearly made one of the silliest decisions to end my life. I was going through one of the darkest times of life. I felt so lost and did not know who to go to. I didn’t want to hear comforting words anymore. I needed something more. An answer that could save me and free my mind from the pain I was going through.
I was in my own place all alone, far away from friends and family. I took my phone and texted my mother. I had no idea about what I was going to say or how exactly to explain my pain. All I texted her was, “save me, it hurts.”. Nothing else!
I cannot describe how powerful a mother’s instinct is. She just knew somehow. My mother liberated my mind with just one word. The word that changed my life forever. That very word that brought life back into me.
“It happened. Accept that it happened. The more you resist, the more your mind suffers. The more you deny the past, the harder it is to let go. You cannot be free if you are still trapped in the past. Let the past flow through acceptance. You can only be free in the NOW. And in the NOW, there is no yesterday or tomorrow.”.
I was struggling with accepting the past and things that had happened. I didn't want to believe that certain things happened the way it did and I don't know how my mother knew. I immediately burst into tears, screamed and cried that very night, over my past, for one last time. Believe it or not, the next day, I woke up feeling absolutely empty (in a good way). I knew I flushed out every toxic emotion and thought from the past and felt like I was reborn. I could smile again.
That night that I got the answer from my mother was the night that I discovered one of the biggest secrets to conquering life. Acceptance towards life brings peace. Resistance towards life brings suffering. I am here today, breathing in gratitude and joy because of my mother. When people ask me if I believe in God, I immediately say yes and tell them about my mother. I live with a Goddess whom I am fortunate enough to call Maa. Happy Mother’s Day to every mother whose strength, love and grace keep the Universe warm. Post a picture of anyone who embodies a motherly figure for you and let the world know about them. ✨💕
#withGalaxy #GalaxyS20 #MothersDay
a liberated mind 在 Janell Tan Facebook 的最佳貼文
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”— Dr. Seuss
Ever felt like trying something new but didn’t because you were too afraid of what others might think?
Well I have. I’ve always wanted to try an undercut, cut my hair real short. But I was afraid that I couldn’t pull it off. More afraid of what others may say.
Growing up, I had a boy cut in primary school and was often associated to being a tomboy. I envied the girls with the more “girly” hairstyles.
20 years later, with much persuasion and reassurance from @nicksee, I finally found the courage to say fuck it. Let’s do it. So I cut my hair short, got an undercut, got some red highlights and embraced the edgy style I’ve always wanted to try out. While it did take some getting used to, I woke up this morning feeling liberated.
I think it’s about time our generation learn to cut the stereotypical bullshit and practice the open-mindedness that we crave and preach.
If a woman does not actually identify as a butch, don’t call her that just because she has short hair, muscles, tattoos, or whatever it is that you may perceive to be too “manly” for a woman.
Ladies, if you’ve ever wanted to try something bold. I say do it. Care less about the haters, care more about the love you have for yourself.
✌🏼 & ❤️
a liberated mind 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
(English version below)
Frankly speaking, as both a Chinese Metaphysicist and spiritual cultivator, I do not give much thought to the term “Destiny”. Needless to say, the origin of it does not leave any visible trace in my thinking too. In this age of technological prosperity, people's exploration about one’s destiny seems to be increasing rather than going down. Why is this so? This phenomenon points to the feeling of unease as well as a sense of curiosity in them. Therefore, fortune telling, both online and on the streets, has flourished in a riot of colours, contending with one another in beauty. How lively. Ha...
Every person has different levels of thought patterns and comprehension. Likewise for one’s affinity and opportunities in life. Knowing this, you will not be moody all day long when a person that you all along wish to groom, be it an adult or a child, does not live up to your expectation.
Another important point is to understand the person’s life magnetic orientation, also known as Bazi, before cultivating him/her. It is not too late to act on your intention after getting a better understanding of him/her.
Previously, I mentioned that everyone has a different level of spiritual awareness, thus there are obstinate people, people who misunderstand religion, and misers etc, and the numbers are sizeable. Such people are miserable because their mindsets are not all-encompassing, and as a result, implicate the people around them to suffer as well.
I wrote this article to bring salvation and benefit the sentient beings plunged in ignorance and sufferings. The main reason one person is misled by another is the lack of the Right Knowledge and Right View, which can only be gained via practising the Dharma. This is why I have always been advocating, that you must learn the Dharma, you must practise spiritual meditation to realise the Truth. The place that you are living in now is called the human realm. To resolve and improve things, all the obstacles you face in this human world will definitely require solutions available in this realm. And in this mortal world, Chinese Metaphysics is a very amazing solution to help us turn the tide.
Our destinies have been evolving since numerous lifetimes ago. In many lives ago, most of us had sought guidance from accomplished masters. Many lives later, the same us are still looking for such accomplished masters to resolve our troubles. These affinities transcend many lifetimes.
However, have you ever wondered:
1. Why are you still here in this human realm?
2. Why do you have so much worries and troubles?
The reason is because our negative karma of the body, speech and mind has yet to be eradicated. Hence, we do not have the wisdom to realise that the origin of our destiny is our own habitual patterns accumulated over countless lifetimes.
Only when we eliminate such negative habitual patterns, then will we be thoroughly liberated.
a liberated mind 在 行雲讀書會社團| 《A Liberated Mind》(直譯:自由解放的心) 的推薦與評價
《A Liberated Mind》(直譯:自由解放的心) 這是由接受與承諾治療(ACT)創始者寫的ACT自助書。 ACT的宗旨是引導人過著符合自我價值觀的充實人生,所有人都能在生命 ... ... <看更多>