25 oh vitamin d total 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

維生素D 是一種類固醇荷爾蒙,維生素D3 來源是陽光照射皮膚,維生素D2 則是由蛋黃、肝、魚類、牛奶等食物而來,兩者是同等重要,維生素並非先天具有活性。 ... <看更多>
8. 25(OH)D是維他命D的血清標記,不僅作為骨質健康的評估,也作為癌症和其他慢性疾病風險的獨立預測因子。因此25(OH)D的檢驗在歐美國家爆出大量。本實驗室特別選擇Diasorin ... ... <看更多>
#1. Vitamin D(25-OH),Total-檢驗項目內容 - 長庚醫院
血液中的25-羥基維他命D是在評估整體維他命D狀況時所必需檢測的代謝物,因為它是人體內維他命D的主要貯存型式。這種佔主要的循環型維他命D並不具生物活性,而其水平比血液 ...
#2. 25-OH-Vitamin D - 臺中 - 台中榮總
維生素D 是一種類固醇荷爾蒙,維生素D3 來源是陽光照射皮膚,維生素D2 則是由蛋黃、肝、魚類、牛奶等食物而來,兩者是同等重要,維生素並非先天具有活性。
#3. 25-OH Vitamin D Total - 東元綜合醫院全球資訊網
8. 25(OH)D是維他命D的血清標記,不僅作為骨質健康的評估,也作為癌症和其他慢性疾病風險的獨立預測因子。因此25(OH)D的檢驗在歐美國家爆出大量。本實驗室特別選擇Diasorin ...
具有活性的Vit.D-1,25(OH)2 可以促使腸道對鈣、磷、鎂之吸收效率增高,和促使鈣自骨骼蝕出,使血鈣濃度恢復正常。維生素D 缺乏有關的疾病,有發生於兒童的佝僂病、發生於 ...
#5. Vitamin D:25-(OH)D 維生素D - 花蓮慈濟醫院
維生素D是透過陽光的作用由皮膚產生或從飲食來源得到的一種脂溶性類固醇激素。維生素D對維持體內鈣及磷的平衡很重要。慢性重度維生素D缺乏,在嬰兒和 ...
#6. 淺談維生素D缺乏及不足
自食物攝取、日光照射以及肝臟的貯存轉. 化等的整體維生素D含量[3]。 維生素D缺乏. 維生素D 缺乏( vitamin D deficiency;指血清25-OH Vit D濃度低 ...
#7. 25-OH Vitamin D; 25-羥基維他命D - 義大醫院
檢驗項目. 25-OH Vitamin D. 院內醫令碼. LNT75093. 中文名稱. 25-羥基維他命D. 健保代碼. 無. 適用檢體別. 血液. 自費價. 850元. 建議採檢容器.
40-60ng/mL:Evidence that Vitamin D supplementation Could Reduce Risk of ... 要讓自己的25(OH)D提升,建議攝取維生素D3,D3比D2有效、作用好、 ...
Vitamin D 是一種脂溶性維他命,可以由食物補充的牛奶及身體合成膽固醇在經日光照射得到維他命D。Vit D是在肝臟中氫氧基化轉變成1,25-hydroxy D3,再到腎臟 ...
#10. 奇美醫院病理中心檢驗資訊表
25 -OH Vit. D Total / 25-OH 維生素D 總量 ... 維生素D3 及維生素D2 存在於維他命. 補充品中。 ... D 轉換至25-OH 維他命D。第二種羥基化作用在腎臟及許多其他身體.
#11. Vit D 25-Hydroxy - showmt - UNREGISTERED VERSION
Vit D 25 -Hydroxy 臨床意義:. 維生素D是一種類固醇荷爾蒙,維生素D3來源是陽光照射皮膚,維生素D2 則是由蛋黃、肝、魚類、牛奶等食物而來,兩者是同等重要,維生素 ...
#12. 維生素D與人體健康 - 台灣內科醫學會
Ercalcidiol (25(OH) D2). D2. 維生素D接受器促效劑. (vitamin D receptor agonist). Calcitriol (1,25(OH)2 D3). D3;自然的荷爾蒙. Doxercalciferol (1(OH) D2).
#13. 維他命D有哪些功效?過度補充會怎樣?專家圖文完整說明
根據2005–2008 年的國民營養健康狀況變遷調查,研究19 歲以上國人血清25(OH)D 的濃度,結果發現全國平均為18.1 ng/mL , 66% 以上的國人處於缺乏( <20 ng ...
#14. 檢驗資料總覽
檢驗表單. 放射免疫檢驗單(CM-310) ; 檢驗項目. 1,25-OH 維他命D3;1,25-OH Vitamin D3 ; 參考範圍. 15.9-55.6 pg/mL ; 採檢容器及檢體量. 最低採檢量:3 ml ; 採檢注意 ...
#15. 维生素D缺乏症 - 维基百科
^ Savage, L.; Widener, A. Study Finds No Connection between Vitamin D and Overall Cancer Deaths. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2007, 99 (21): 1561.
#16. 贝克曼库尔特Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total 闪耀上市
贝克曼库尔特Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total 闪耀上市. 维生素D 是人体必需的一种重要营养素,主要由皮肤经阳光中的紫外线照射合成,是机体内促进钙、磷吸收和代谢的 ...
#17. A Comparison of Measured and Calculated Free 25(OH ...
Adequate status is currently defined by total concentrations of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin vitamin D (25(OH)D) (4,–6) because this metabolite is hydroxylated to ...
#18. 25-OH Vitamin D Total ELISA Kit (Human) : 96 Wells ...
25 -OH Vitamin D Total ELISA Kit (Human) : 96 Wells (OKBA00028), Catalog OKBA00028. Tested in ELISA applications. Reacts with Human samples.
#19. 25-OH Vitamin D Total (Vit D-Direct) Test System - ReactLab
Vitamin D can be dietarily supplemented through the use of Vitamin D2 or vitamin. D3. The sum of the 25OH D(2 and 3) in serum or plasma is referred to as total ...
#20. VIDAS® 25 OH Vitamin D Total - clinical diagnostics products
VIDAS ® 25 OH Vitamin D Total is an automated quantitative test for the determination of 25-hydroxyvitamin D Total in human serum or plasma using the ELFA ...
#21. Total 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Kit - Crystal Chem
Crystal Chem's Total 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Kit (Catalog# 80987) is easy-to-use and highly-specific with a total assay time of under 2hrs.
#22. DRG 25-OH Vitamin D Total ELISA - DRG Diagnostics GmbH
The DRG 25-OH Vitamin D (total) ELISA is an enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative in vitro diagnostic measurement of total 25-OH Vitamin D (Vitamin D2 ...
#23. Vitamin D3 25-Hydroxyvitamin D - Medscape Reference
The major circulating form of vitamin D is 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D); thus, the total serum 25(OH)D level is currently considered the ...
#24. 維他命D的43種功效及副作用(5大使用禁忌要小心) - 營養新知
其主要的兩種亞型是維他命D3(膽鈣化醇)和維他命D2(麥角鈣化醇),它們 ... 慢性蕁麻疹患者,可能與血清25(OH)D濃度較低有關,而藉由補充維他命D可 ...
#25. 25-OH Vitamin D (total) ELISA RUO - DRG International, Inc.
The DRG 25-OH Vitamin D (total) ELISA is a solid phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on the principle of competitive binding. The microtiter ...
#26. 維生素D正常值 - 臨床筆記
維生素D,又稱維他命D(Vitamin D)是維持健康的必需營養素,也是一種具有多種功能的 ... A:攝取的不具活性維生素D,最後在腎臟轉換生成的''1,25-(OH)2-D3'',為具 ...
#27. Total 25-OH Vitamin D, quantitative - DIALAB GmbH
Diagnostics · Total 25-OH Vitamin D, quantitative · General information · Shelf life + Storage temperature · Package size · Downloads ...
#28. 25-OH Vitamin D 3 /D 2
25 -OH Vitamin D3/D2 is an ELISA-based, automated, in-vitro test system for the quantitative determination of the total concentration of 25-OH vitamin D3 and ...
#29. Human Total 25-OH Vitamin D IVD ELISA Kit RDKAP1971
25 -hydroxy-vitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) is synthesized in the liver and is the primary circulating form of vitamin D. Its blood concentration, which reflects 25(OH)D3 ...
#30. Complete D® 25-OH Vitamin D Control - Quantimetrix
The Quantimetrix Complete D 25-OH Vitamin D Control is now improved to be compatible, without the need for dilution, on major immunoassay platforms, ...
#31. Verification of Abbott 25-OH-vitamin D assay on the architect ...
The original Architect (Abbott Diagnostics, Lake Forest, IL, USA) 25OH Vitamin D assay (product 3L52) is a delayed 1-step chemiluminescence microparticle ...
#32. Vitamin D Test Price | Total 25 OH Method | Upto 50% Off | HOD
Also Known As. Vitamin D, 25 - Hydroxy; 25OH; VITAMIN D3; D3. The 25-hydroxy Vitamin D test measures the ...
#33. 成人维生素D缺乏症的定义、临床表现和治疗- UpToDate
维持骨骼健康所需的最佳血清25(OH)D浓度尚存争议。根据多项维生素D补充 ... Effect of aging on vitamin D stores and bone density in women.
#34. Performance characteristics of the VIDAS® 25-OH Vitamin D ...
25 -OH Vitamin D Total assay – comparison with four immunoassays and two liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry methods in a multicentric study.
#35. 25-OH vitamin D - Euroimmun
Vitamin D is hydroxylated in the liver to 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25-OH vitamin D) and in another hydroxylation step in the kidneys 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D ...
#36. Vitamin D Test: MedlinePlus Medical Test
Before your body can use vitamin D, your liver must change it into another form called 25 hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D. Most vitamin D blood ...
#37. 維生素D的補充 - 新北市藥師公會
維生素D的活性代謝物包含數種:Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) 、Calcidiol (25-hydroxyvitamin D3) 、Calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) 、 ...
#38. 25-OH Vitamin D total ELISA - DE1971 - Demeditec
25 -OH Vitamin D total ELISA. DE1971. Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and D3 (25OH-D2 and 25OH-D3) in serum ...
#39. LOINC 83071-1 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3+25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 ...
Term Description. This term was created for, but is not limited in use to, bioMerieux's VIDAS 25-OH Vitamin D TOTAL assay, which is intended for ...
#40. 25(OH) Vitamin D ELISA kit - ADI-900-215 - Enzo Life Sciences
The 25(OH) Vitamin D ELISA kit is a complete, colorimetric, competitive immunoassay kit for the quantitative determination of 25(OH) Vitamin D in plasma and ...
#41. 081950: Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy - Labcorp
The 25-D form of the hormone is the principle circulating reservoir in plasma and is generally the best indicator of overall vitamin D status. 25-D is ...
#42. Assay LIAISON® 25 OH VITAMIN D TOTAL - DiaSorin
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that is produced in the skin upon UV-B exposure or is ingested via the diet. The 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25 OH Vitamin D) is the ...
#43. 25-OH-Vitamin D ELISA - Ibl-international
The accurate assessment of a person's vitamin D status relies on the measurement of 25-OH-vitamin D total (25-OH-vitamin D2 + 25-OH-vitamin D3) levels.
#44. 25(OH) Vitamin D ELISA kit (ab213966) - Abcam
25 (OH) Vitamin D ELISA kit is a complete kit for the quantitative determination of 25(OH) Vitamin D3 and 25(OH) Vitamin D2 and was tested in human plasma ...
#45. 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Test: Purpose, Procedure, and Results
The 25-hydroxy vitamin D test is the best way to monitor vitamin D levels. The amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in your blood is a good indication of how much ...
#46. Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total Instructions For Use
quantitative determination of total 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH) vitamin D] levels in human serum and plasma using the.
#47. 25 OH Vitamin D Rapid Test - Global Diagnostics B
25 OH Vitamin D Rapid Test. A Rapid “Sandwich” Immunochromatographic Test for Quantitative Detection of total 25-OH Vitamin D in human finger-prick blood.
#48. Free or Total 25OHD as Marker for Vitamin D Status?
all hydroxylated vitamin D metabolites. Therefore, the free (ie, unbound to proteins) concentration of 25OHD or 1,25(OH)2D(3–5) is below 0.1% of their total ...
#49. Vitamin D Total 25(OH) - Cayuga Lab Test Catalog
Test Code VD25 Vitamin D Total 25(OH). Additional Codes. VIT D SCREEN. VITD (D2&D3). Test Performed By. Cayuga Medical Center, ...
#50. Mouse Rat 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA - Eagle Biosciences
The 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Assay Kit is intended for use in the quantitative determination of total 25-OH Vitamin D (Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3) in serum and ...
#51. Total 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Kit - Creative Diagnostics
The Total 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA kit is for the quantitative determination of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (D2 and D3) in human serum and plasma.
#52. VIDAS 25 OH Vitamin D Total - bioMérieux
VIDAS® 25 OH Vitamin D Total is an automated test for accurate determination of a patient's vitamin D status. Used as an aid in the assessment of Vitamin D ...
#53. 25OH Vitamin D Total, RIA CT, 96 tests | DiaSource Diagnostics
The DIAsource 25OH Vitamin D Total RIA is a competitive RIA assay, based on patented monoclonal antibodies, with a novel pre-treatment step performed inside ...
#54. Epitope Total 25-OH Vitamin D Combo Pack Elisa (96 T)
This test kit is intended for use in the quantitative determination of total 25-OH Vitamin D (Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3) in human serum and plasma.
#55. VIDAS 25 OH Vitamin D Total | bioMérieux India
VIDAS® 25 OH Vitamin D Total is an automated test for accurate determination of a patient's vitamin D status. Used as an aid in the assessment of Vitamin D ...
#56. 25-OH Vitamin D, Total ELISA, Gold Standard Diagnostics
This enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is intended for the quantitative determination of 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and D3 (25-OH D2 and 25-OH D3).
#57. 25-OH VITAMIN D (TOTAL) - Ecure Healthcare
25 -OH VITAMIN D (TOTAL). Test Details ... COMPLETE URINE ANALYSIS. Profile. 24 Tests | 342 booked. ₹ 300. View · Product image. COMPLETE VITAMINS PROFILE.
#58. 25-Hydroxy Vitamin Ds EIA Immunoassay - IDS
Find out more about the 25-Hydroxy Vitamin Ds EIA assay from IDS. ... assessment of vitamin D status provided by measurement of total 25(OH) vitamin D with ...
#59. Effect of Vitamin D Oral Supplements on 25 OH Vitamin D Levels
Controversy continues on the relative potency of vitamin D2 compared to D3 and of daily compared to weekly or monthly doses, in increasing/maintaining total 25 ...
#60. Decision Summary - REVIEW MEMORANDUM - FDA
25 OH Vitamin D TOTAL Assay uses chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) technology for the quantitative determination of 25- hydroxyvitamin D and other ...
#61. VIDAS® 25 OH Vitamin D TOTAL (VITD)
VIDAS 25 OH Vitamin D TOTAL (VITD) is an automated quantitative test for use on the instruments of the VIDAS family for the determination of ...
#62. Vitamin D - 25 Hydroxy (d2+d3) Test - Price, Preparation, Range
Vitamin D 25 -hydroxy test is conducted to detect the level of vitamin D present in your body. Vitamin D 25-hydroxy is a fat soluble vitamin, also known as ...
#63. 25(OH)vitamin D - Analyseoversikten
25 (OH)vitamin D. Relatert: Vitamin D, VD25, cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2), VITD.
#64. 25(OH) Vitamin D ELISA (SE120039) - Sigma-Aldrich
The sum of the concentrations of 25-OH Vitamin. D2 and 25-OH Vitamin D3 in serum or plasma is referred to as “Total 25-OH Vitamin D”. Accurate.
#65. B24838 - Beckman Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Reagent
The Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total assay is a paramagnetic particle, chemiluminescent immunoassay for the quantitative determination of total ...
#66. Vitamin D 25-hydroxy test: What to expect - Medical News Today
Vitamin D is essential for many bodily processes, particularly the development of healthy bones. A 25-hydroxy vitamin D test can reveal ...
#67. Determination of Free 25(OH)D Concentrations and Their ...
Total circulating 25(OH)D includes 25(OH)D bound to vitamin D–binding protein (DBP), estimated to be about 85% of total with about 10% to 15% bound to albumin ...
#68. Vitamin D, 25-OH, Total, IA | Diagnostic Laboratory of Oklahoma
Vitamin D, 25-OH, Total, IA · Test Code: 17306 · CPT Code(s): 82306 · Methodology: Immunoassay (IA) · Clinical Significance: Measurement of serum 25-OH vitamin D ...
#69. 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA | Calbiotech
Both dietary supplements of Vitamin D that are currently available in the market (Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3) are converted to 25-OH Vitamin D in the liver. The ...
#70. 【爆款】总25-羟基维生素D(25-OH Vitamin D) Elisa试剂盒
25 -羟基维生素D及其检测的意义:. 维生素D(Vitamin D)是一类脂溶性维生素,属固醇类衍生物,是包括人类在内的高等动物生命必需的重要营养素。
#71. Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy, Total, Immunoassay | Test Detail
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy, Total, Immunoassay - Measurement of serum 25-OH vitamin D concentrations provide a good index of circulating vitamin D activity in ...
#72. 25-OH Vitamin D Total (Vit D-Direct) Test System
Vitamin D can be dietarily supplemented through the use of Vitamin D2 or vitamin. D3. The sum of the 25OH D(2 and 3) in serum or plasma is referred to as total ...
#73. Vitamin D (25-hydroxy) Serum
Although 25-OHD is much less biologically active than 1,25(OH)2D, the measurement of circulating 25-OHD provides the best information to determine if a patient ...
#74. EIAgen 25 OH Vitamin D Total Kit - 1425OHVDT - Adaltis S.r.l.
Product: EIAgen 25 OH Vitamin D Total Kit - Ref: 1425OHVDT Subject: Improved Product. We are pleased to inform you that as of today we are offering a new ...
#75. Seasonal variance of 25-(OH) vitamin D in the general ...
25 -(OH) vitamin D (25(OH)D) level and parathyroid hormone (PTH) were ... were sent to a total of 402 subjects to participate in the study.
#76. 25OH Vitamin D Total ELISA - Amazon S3
The 25OH Vitamin D Total ELISA Test is intended for the quantitative determination of 25- hydroxyvitamin D2 and D3 (25-OH D2 and 25-OH D3) in human serum. The ...
#77. 高雄市立大同醫院-檢驗科
<<106.06.12-25-OH Vitamin D total變更參考值通知>>
#78. 25 OH, Vitamin D Total, Calibrator - ARKANLABS
Dear Customer: The items available in our warehouses are supplied immediately, and the unavailable are provided and imported from the manufacturer, ...
#79. 25-OH Vitamin D IR CLIA - Tosoh India
25-OH Vitamin D IR CLIA is a CLIA based test system intended for the quantitative measurement of total concentration of 25-OH-Vitamin D2 and 25-OH-Vitamin D3 in ...
#80. OH Vitamin D (total) TEST PRINCIPLE ELISA Kit SPECIMEN ...
2 5 OH Vitamin D (total). Elisa. Method. Enzyme Linked. Immunosorbent Assay. Detection Range. 2.89 130 ng/mL. Sample. 25 l serum. Total Time.
#81. Total and free vitamin D status among apparently healthy ...
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D (25-OHD), is a lipophilic hormone that plays essential role in maintenance of calcium and mineralization of ...
#82. Total 25-OH Vitamin D EIA Kit - Epitope Diagnostics, Inc.
Description. This test kit is intended for use in the qualitative determination of total 25-OH Vitamin D (Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3) in serum and ...
#83. Vitamin D Total 25 Hydroxy Test @Rs.349 in Delhi | Healthians
Vitamin D is necessary for a variety of reasons, including bone and tooth health. It may also help to prevent a variety of illnesses and disorders, ...
#84. 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA - BioVendor
antibodies, HCV and HBsAg and found to be negative. However, because no test method can offer complete assurance that infectious agents are absent, these ...
#85. LIAISON 25 OH Vitamin D TOTAL - CSV
TOGETHER Vit D2 and Vit D3 ARE the BEST indicator of vitamin D nutritional status. Vit D. 2 and Vit D. 3 are hydroxilated to 25 OH Vitamin D in the liver.
#86. 25-hydroxy vitamin D test | UF Health, University of Florida ...
Vitamin D helps control calcium and phosphate levels in the body. Alternative Names. 25-OH vitamin D test; Calcidiol; 25-hydroxycholecalciferol ...
#87. 25-OH Vitamin D Total ELISA Kit - (KA6138) - Products - Abnova
25 -OH Vitamin D Total ELISA Kit is an enzyme immunoassay for quantitative measurement of 25-OH Vitamin D (Vitamin D2 / Vitamin D3) in plasma (EDTA, ...
#88. Human Total 25-OH Vitamin D IVD ELISA Kit - Bio-Techne
7 Publications. Purchase Quantikine IVD In Vitro Diagnostic Human 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Kit (RDKAP1971) from R&D Systems, a Bio-Techne brand.
#89. Total 25-OH Vitamin D (ng/mL) Specimen CDC Target ...
total 25-OH vitamin D, 25-OH vitamin D2, and 25-OH vitamin D3 by measurement procedures used by participating laboratories. The reference target values ...
#90. Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy Blood Test - Walk-In Lab
The Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy Blood Test is often ordered for individuals that have symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. It may also be ordered before an individual ...
#91. 25(OH) VITAMIN D, (TOTAL) - Clinical Labs of Hawaii
Considered the optimal indicator of Vitamin D body stores, the assay detects both 25(OH) Vitamin D2 and D3 metabolites for the total estimation ...
#92. Crystal Chem Inc Total 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Kit, 96-wells ...
The new, and updated, Vitamin D (25-OH) Total ELISA is a highly sensitive assay that is used to quantify levels of total vitamin D (25-OH) in plasma and serum.
#93. Vitamin D Total Assay - Siemens Healthineers
Allows for improvements in mean bias among VDSCP participants when compared to non-CDC certified assays; Gives clinicians confidence in 25(OH)vitamin D testing ...
#94. 贝克曼库尔特Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total 闪耀上市 - 仪器谱
在「推进医疗服务至每一个人」的愿景下,贝克曼库尔特荣耀推出Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total 检测(25-羟基维生素D 测定试剂盒(化学发光法)),致力为 ...
#95. Vitamin D (25-OH VitD) - heftpathology.com
Measurement of 25-OH-Vitamin D3 assesses the principal storage form of the vitamin. Causes of low Vitamin D. Reduced production - lack of sunlight. Reduced ...
#96. Analytical validation of the Roche 25-OH Vitamin D Total assay
We evaluated the 25-OH Vitamin D Total assay in comparison to our in-house liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method [194 ...
#97. Search results for '25 oh vitamin d total elisa kits' - ALPCO
ALPCO has been a trusted provider of high quality research and clinical immunoassays in the greater Boston area for over twenty five years.
#98. Vitamin D (25-OH) total i serum - metodebok.
Metoden bestemmer serumkonsentrasjonen av både 25-OH Vitamin D2 og 25-OH Vitamin D3 hver for seg. Svar utgis som summen, atlså total 25-OH ...
25 oh vitamin d total 在 Vitamin D(25-OH),Total-檢驗項目內容 - 長庚醫院 的相關結果
血液中的25-羥基維他命D是在評估整體維他命D狀況時所必需檢測的代謝物,因為它是人體內維他命D的主要貯存型式。這種佔主要的循環型維他命D並不具生物活性,而其水平比血液 ... ... <看更多>