#關注疑似國安滋擾香港教會研討會 [Religious talks via Google Meet allegedly surveilled by CCP security agency in HK]
八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick:日前本港一間教會以Google Meet舉辦「紅旗下十架的歷史變遷」課程,有自稱【中國國安局香港分局】及深圳政府人員要求加入。
1. 眾新聞 reports the HKCCCC church held an online talk on Christianity in China via Google Meet on Aug 30, illustrating the history of religious policies in China.
2. Although the internal event was exclusively for members, three unknown users, respectively called “HK branch of China’s national security bureau”, “China’s national security bureau” and “Shenzhengovernment” made requests to join the talk soon after the talk started.
3. When the pastor tried to report the issue to all the participants, he was repeatedly removed by a third-party entity from the chatroom, more than 10 times, which making the talk forced to be suspended.
4. It is the first time ever that even religious activities in Hong Kong were allegedly surveilled by China’s agents two months after the new national security law has been put in place.
5. While Beijing's Hong Kong chief Xia Baolong is notorious for burning crosses & demolishing churches in China, not to mention that CCP long considers religious activities as potential threats to national security, it is worrying similar religious crackdown will soon extend to HK.
6. As a Christian in Hong Kong, I strongly aware of the erosion of press freedom. However, it is still our duty to be the salt and light in society.