特別感謝MV導演林龍吟與領銜演出的林慶台牧師,以及大島影像 TYDAL Productions 的團隊夥伴們,為我們帶來這座島嶼最迷人的山林地景,透過稜線、霧氣、獸跡...一同吟唱著生活在這塊土地的故事。
《 山盟 》
烏雲罩霧 惜別彼工
茫茫前程 陪咱驚惶
守護家園 決心顧佇遮啊
重新來過 更加認份過活
山盟海誓 約束傷重
牽手的伴 當時的夢
美麗島嶼 看咱代代變老
佇睏袂去的暗暝 飛去幽暗的山林
毋知終點佇佗位 揣無輕鬆的跤步
誰人咧喝阮的名 若有看著你形影
輕聲細說講袂煞 海是上深天上闊
條直的人行仝款的路 佇烏暗暝走揣啊
指路的星閃閃爍爍 行同齊來堅持啊
《 Vow of Mountain 》
Saw you off into the mountains deep
Through the misty drizzle, the Moon sneaks peeks.
The day we parted, heavy clouds rolled,
Our unsure faces right against the unknown road.
Guardians of Homeland, we now firmly stand.
Now that ordinary lives are no more,
Live this one to the fullest, for here’s a chance to restart
Vows, as heavy as mountains, too heavy to the tongues
Together and hands held, in dreams of days gone
Look over us, beautiful Island, as the generations age on.
Sleepless nights, into the dim woods we fly
Trying to find our pace, to push on with no end in sight.
Who cries out our names? o, how I long for your frame.
The soft touch of words shall never stop,
as the oceans deep and the heavens vast.
Honest folks all walk the same road,
in the darkness they search and they roam
Stars shimmering guide our way,
on the right course we firmly stay.
Those awake, lend me your voice, join my roar.
Come back, stay safe, someone’s here waiting for you
I am here, and so are you
《 揺るがぬ誓い 》
微かな風雨 お月様が時折のぞく
黒い雲、覆う霧 別れの日
先はおぼろげ うろたえる僕らと共に
故郷を守る ここで待つと決めたんだ
やり直し 運命受け入れ分をわきまえ
揺るがぬ誓い 約束は重すぎる
手をつないだ仲間 あの日の夢
麗しき島 世代ごとに老いる僕ら
眠れぬ夜 暗い山林へと駆ける
終点はどこだ 軽やかな歩調は見つからない
僕らを呼ぶのは誰 君の姿を見られるのなら
囁きは尽きず 海は最も深く空は最も広い
実直な人は同じ道を歩む 闇夜にあちこち探し回る
道を示す星が煌めく 共に諦めず進もう
目覚めている人 共に大声で叫んでくれ
守護 星 in safe hands 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
I like to let my imagination run wild when reading or listening to music. 這是我近期喜歡的一首歌 今天才知道 這首情歌 是歌手寫給自己女兒的 再過兩週就是父親節 先預祝爸爸讀者們快樂 謝謝你們像衛星一樣地守護著自己的寶貝女兒。
"Cecilia And The Satellite"
I locked myself in a hotel room
Then waited all night for the walls to move
I've loved some girls that I barely knew
I've made some friends, and I've lost some too
Crashed my car, I was seventeen
My mother in the seat riding next to me
The things I've learned from a broken mirror
How a face can change when a heart knows fear
For all the things my eyes have seen, the best by far is you
If I could fly, then I would know
What life looks like from up above and down below
I'd keep you safe, I'd keep you dry
Don't be afraid, Cecilia, I'm the satellite
And you're the sky
I've café crawled through Amsterdam
Been around the world with a punk rock band
And I've seen London, and I've played Japan
I've been knocked down, I got up again
For all the places I have been, I'm no place without you
If I could fly, then I would know
What life looks like from up above and down below
I'd keep you safe, I'd keep you dry
Don't be afraid, Cecilia, I'm the satellite
And you're the sky
I'm the satellite
And you're the sky
For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you
If I could fly, then I would know
What life looks like from up above and down below
I'd keep you safe, I'd keep you dry
Don't be afraid, Cecilia, I'm the satellite
And you're the sky
And you're the sky
I'm the satellite
And you're the sky
And you're the sky