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Why 為什麼手這麼輕就控制水腫了 ??
👩⚕️了解為什麼不使用介質(油, 凝膠, 乳液)前,
最近常常聽到個案跟其他人說,為什麼治療師只是輕輕摸一摸就消腫了 ???
❌所以不能再把觀念留在要有酸有痛才算治療 (No No No~ )
❌希望大家也不要再跟治療師說,手這麼輕有在治療嗎?? (這真的是經嚴格訓練過的,台灣很需要這個技術的治療師,希望大家真心了解原理!!!)
✅在這邊還是要跟大家解釋一下, 淋巴是需要非常大的耐心和體力的治療技術,絕不是手法很輕就輕鬆. 所以所有的治療師在學習過程都是經過相當大的壓力後才能完成訓練.
所以說”摸一摸”, 我想上過淋巴課的治療師都要哭了,因為學習淋巴課程時,真的是讓治療師的自信完全摧毀然後重建,但大多最後都會很開心很有成就感 (🙌是吧是吧)!!!
⭕淋巴系統: 80%都在皮膚淺層(真皮和皮下組織),只有20%深層管道是伴隨在深層血管神經或長骨周邊. 淺層和深層之間有連通管道,所以將淺層80%控制處理好,自然也會影響深層的淋巴系統. 所以處理淺層時,力道完全不需要大,而是要根據每一個個案的組織和皮膚狀況去調整治療時手給皮膚的壓力.
⭕(80%都在皮膚淺層,淋巴血管網狀交織在皮膚淺層, 所以壓力大多是延展到皮膚的力道,不需用重壓或按太深)
>>>>> 個案通常很想學習治療師的方式回家可以幫自己或家人處理,但通常以下幾項都無法避免. 所以我大部分會讓個案利用其他呼吸運動,關節活動,肌肉收縮或適當壓力的繃帶加壓,幫我維持水腫不增加和治療後效果.
個案想自己徒手治療相對難度過高. 所以還是讓專業治療師給予適當建議.
(1) “不是”No Pain, no gain.
❌處理水腫時,淋巴的任何技術都絕對不會造成疼痛 (會痛~力道都過量了)
(2) 絕不會讓手指印留在皮膚上太久不消失
(3) 絕不會讓皮膚產生紅紅的 (❌市面上有些廣告,處理淋巴的力道都過大,要延展皮膚而不會用力擠.推.壓.按或揉捏皮膚 )
(4) 絕對絕對不能留下指甲印
(5) 治療時不使用任何介質(油, 凝膠, 乳液)
(6) 不會用其他輔助工具取代手,因為治療師須隨時調整手的壓力
如果根據教科書上的理論,40mmHg的壓力是最適合組織的壓力.但這是理論,個案通常不會跟教科書寫得一樣. 所以一定要徒手直接觸診去確認個案狀況. 有的皮膚在延展過程中,很快就到達緊繃,那力道就要更輕. 若皮膚較為柔軟延展度大,那就要調整到皮膚能繃緊的程度. 所以所謂的”輕”是多輕 ,很難數據化.
例如: 運動傷害急性期(腳踝扭傷/急性拉傷),腫脹很立即,組織也會達到最緊繃. 這時候就要降低手的壓力. 若是關節退化的慢性輕微水腫,通常組織和皮膚還算延展度夠,力道就又會不一樣.
(影片中: 只延展strtch皮膚 , 而另一個影片,手加壓的力道過大,無法真正達到延展皮膚)
- 關於如何讓淋巴消腫 在 淋巴水腫專科物理治療師/陳品君物理治療師 Ping- Chun Chen Physiotherapist Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於如何讓淋巴消腫 在 77老大 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於如何讓淋巴消腫 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於如何讓淋巴消腫 在 專家的淋巴保健法「淋巴消腫茶、排毒漿」保護淋巴 - YouTube 的評價
- 關於如何讓淋巴消腫 在 如何讓淋巴消腫的推薦與評價,FACEBOOK和網紅們這樣回答 的評價
- 關於如何讓淋巴消腫 在 手護物理治療健康中心Lymph Care Physiotherapy & Wellness ... 的評價
如何讓淋巴消腫 在 77老大 Facebook 的最佳解答
🔸薏仁、玉米須、荷葉 各一錢
如何讓淋巴消腫 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
The Soup That Healed Me Again! (English version below)
文 / 林珍宇 女士 Written by Mdm Lim Zhen Yu
在2017年7月30日晚上,我為了媽媽的事求見師父。師父不但在他餐會後,挪出時間來幫助我母親, 在我還沒開口,師父就已經問我是否健康出現問題。師父一見到我,就說我的臉色不好。的確,我健康方面是有一些狀況,可是我因為是想問關於媽媽健康方面的事,也就沒向師父提起,只想著我回去喝涼茶應該會好一些。
師父一向都會關心他的客人和學生。他甚至能記得,他們向他提過關於他們家人的事,而師父也會同樣問候他們的家人。 如此真誠關懷他人的師父,到哪兒找得到呢?
我喝了湯過後,隔天真的有比較好,淋巴縮小了,人也覺得比較舒服。你們可能在想,這家常菜有這麼神奇嗎? 它就是可以,但不是每個人都適合喝這道湯。 那當然也需要一位很專業、很仔細和功力好的玄學師父,根據你個人的八字教導你,應該如何以飲食調理你的身體。
我本身喜歡追根究底,當醫生不能找出身體毛病的原因,我就會很懊惱,因為我不相信,也不接受找不出病因的結論。我覺得凡事都有起因, 不可能找不出原因。
師父證明了玄學不但超越醫藥科學, 也證實了師父是一名了不
如果您遇到什麼讓您困擾的事,何不找一個即專業和細心的玄學師父幫您和您的家人。如果有人要我介紹的話, 我肯定極力推薦玳瑚師父!
On Sunday, 30th July 2017, I sought Master’s help regarding my mum’s health condition. Not only did Master fork out his time to help my mum after his Learning Session ended, he also asked about my health condition before I had a chance to speak. He spoke of my sickly aura, the moment he saw me.
Indeed, I had been having some health issues. Deep in my heart, I did have the thought to consult Master but my main concern was my mum, so I did not mention anything to Master when I met him. I thought maybe I could drink some cooling herbal tea to ease the condition.
Master has always shown concern to all his clients and students. He even remembers what they told him about their family and he extends his concern to their family members as well. Where to find a Master who shows genuine concern nowadays?
I have been suffering from this swollen lymph node, located near to the back of my left ear. It had been giving me frequent headaches. I also had fever which comes on and off and this condition lasted for about 2 weeks. I have seen doctors and taken anti-inflammation tablets plus painkillers. My condition eased with the medication but never improved. Subsequently, my joints felt stiff for a few days. While it was not painful, it was uncomfortable. Initially I thought I was having some menopausal symptoms or rhinitis arthritis. After consulting the doctor, she suggested a thyroid function test, as she felt that I had the history and the symptoms did coincide, plus my joints were not swollen.
The test turned out negative. So what could have caused this?
With his Metaphysics knowledge, Master was kind enough to point out the true cause of my medical condition. He also reminded me to drink salted vegetable tofu soup. While I am thankful to Master's advice, I could not help but think, "Why is it this soup again?" It seems that this soup will be my saviour many times to come.
After drinking this soup, I felt better the next day, and the swelling in my lymph node subsided. I felt much more comfortable.
You may be thinking, how can such a simple home-cooked dish possibly work any miracle? It just can but not everybody is suitable for this dish. The key here is to have a professional, meticulous and skilful Metaphysics Master tailor the food therapy for your conditions, and teach you how to use it to nurse your health, based on your Bazi.
Previously, I have written a testimonial on this salted vegetable tofu soup (published on 30 Aug 2016). It had cured me of another unknown condition. Once again this unknown condition, which cannot be resolved by doctors, is resolved by Master. I felt much better the next day after I drank the soup, the node had shrank in size as well.
There are many medical conditions in this world that cannot be diagnosed easily and when all tests turn out negative, it would be classified as an unknown condition. I like to get to the bottom of things. As such when the doctors are unable to find the root cause, I would be vexed, as I do not believe and cannot accept something of an unknown condition. I always believe something must have caused whatever condition that I am suffering right now.
Once again, Master has proven that Chinese Metaphysics, while mysterious, is definitely not superstition. It can help in many different conditions like how it had helped me.
We need to welcome the ancient wisdom passed down. There are many things that cannot be explained by science and research. We need to keep our minds open to self research, understand and accept such knowledge, and not stubbornly assume that anything not proven by science must be superstition.
Just like my favourite coffee, some research says it is bad for health, then few months down the road. it is actually good. Whatever it is, I am sold!
If you are facing a problem at hand, why wouldn't you find a professional and meticulous Chinese Metaphysics Master, to give you and your family a helping hand?
Should you or anyone you know is at any crossroad or need a recommendation, I highly recommend Master Dai Hu!
如何讓淋巴消腫 在 手護物理治療健康中心Lymph Care Physiotherapy & Wellness ... 的推薦與評價
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如何讓淋巴消腫 在 專家的淋巴保健法「淋巴消腫茶、排毒漿」保護淋巴 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
專家的 淋巴 保健法「 淋巴消腫 茶、排毒漿」保護 淋巴 ,拒絕癌症!健康2.0. HEALTH 2.0. HEALTH 2.0. 1.5M subscribers. Join. Subscribe. <__slot-el>. ... <看更多>