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Canon M6
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Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/hkfreeminder
instagram : freeminder_emi
Email contact : hkfreeminder@gmail.com
Thank you for watching my youtube channel, my name is Emi (Emily). I give reviews on all things about beauty, travel, lifestyle. I really hope you find this channel useful. Enjoy !
Disclaimer :
Unless stated nothing in the video is sponsored or a paid advertisement. Please note that I do sometimes include affiliate links. These do not effect the price you pay for products but allow me to make a small commission on sales if you do purchase. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you.
Freeminder / Emi / 決戰Bangkok / 再戰bangkok / 潮遊朝鮮 / 北韓 /
貓島 / 快閃東京 / 仙台 / 獨遊日本 / 柬埔寨 / 吳哥窟 /日本自由行 / 我愛夏日熱辣辣推介 / HENNA / 染髮 / 網購 / 速戰Bangkok / 賞楓 / 賞銀杏 / 秋遊東京 / 倫敦東京聖誕新年之旅 /倫敦 /巨石陣 /大英博物館 / 褔袋 / 無印良品 / 聖誕節 / 香港youtuber /明治神宮 / 立教大學 / 古早味蛋糕 / 本地消費 / NMIC
京速pay泰國 在 Freeminder Emi Youtube 的最佳貼文
今次 Emi 除左試坐曼谷機場快線之外,仲去探路搵黎好多人都推介嘅老字號 榮泰魚蛋粉,果然名不虛傳!另外都試埋一直想試好耐嘅 Savoey平民泰國菜餐廳,個咖哩蟹係好掂呀⋯希望大家睇得開心!多謝收看!
旅遊日期 2019年7月24-27日
酒店住宿﹕Holiday Inn Express (Siam)
想收到出片第一手消息,記得「訂閱」同㩒著埋隔離個「? 鐘仔」,一有新片佢就會提你睇㗎喇!
歡迎為我的影片提供字幕,讓我的影片可以有更多人認識,我會非常感謝你的 :
Shop That's Mi Beauty
- 任何消費滿HK$500即減HK$50
- 購買任何2件商品免香港順豐站運費
接受銀行轉帳 /Credit card / Paypal付款
Equipment I use :
Canon M6
Follow me !
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/hkfreeminder
instagram : freeminder_emi
Email contact : hkfreeminder@gmail.com
Shop Freeminder :
Facebook beauty : https://www.facebook.com/ThatsBeautyHK/
Facebook jewellery : https://www.facebook.com/thatsjewelry/
Facebook shop : https://www.facebook.com/FreeminderShop/
Thank you for watching my youtube channel, my name is Emi (Emily). I give reviews on all things about beauty, travel, lifestyle. I really hope you find this channel useful. Enjoy !
Disclaimer :
Unless stated nothing in the video is sponsored or a paid advertisement. Please note that I do sometimes include affiliate links. These do not effect the price you pay for products but allow me to make a small commission on sales if you do purchase. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you.
Freeminder / Emi / 決戰Bangkok / 再戰bangkok / 潮遊朝鮮 / 北韓 /
貓島 / 快閃東京 / 仙台 / 獨遊日本 / 柬埔寨 / 吳哥窟 /日本自由行 / 我愛夏日熱辣辣推介 / HENNA / 染髮 / 網購 / 速戰Bangkok