A little while ago, after watching Jenna Marbles's video "Corn on the Cob But Instead of the Corn Bone It's A Hotdog" at https://youtu.be/4VosRKPBGE8
we thought to ourselves: "This is a trick corn on the cob recipe... we have to do it!" So finally, we took up the challenge.
More than we had anticipated, attaching the corn proved to be really difficult, but we pulled it off.
(We met Jenna Marbles in 2015 at YouTube Space Tokyo. She was overflowing with love!)
1. Peel off the skin of washed potatoes (we used the May Queen variety this time.) Produce a net weight of 300 g.
2. Heat them for about 6 minutes in a 600W microwave oven.
3. Add 20 g of potato starch, 10 g of Parmesan cheese, and 2 pinches of table salt. Mash the potatoes.
4. Wrap 3 sausages (90 g) with #3. A little of #3 was left over.
5. Attach 275 g of canned corn to #4. The work was quite difficult. There wasn't enough corn, so we were able to make only 2 corn on the dogs.
6. Lightly spread salad oil onto some aluminum foil. Tightly wrap #5 with the foil.
7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.
8. It's done. Writing that in letters took hardly any time at all, but the work was super difficult.
When attaching the corn, we were somehow able to do the work by wrapping the corn on the dogs with plastic wrap and holding the corn on the dogs down. With its sweetness, the corn will stick to your hands and the plastic wrap and then drop off, so we should have dampened our hands and the wrap with water while working.
ちょっと前に、ジェナ・マーブルズの動画“Corn on the Cob But Instead of the Corn Bone It's A Hotdog”を見てから
(ジェナ・マーブルズとは2015年にYouTube Space Tokyoで会ったことがあります。彼女は愛に溢れていました。)
1.洗ったじゃがいも(今回 メークイーン)は皮を剥き切る。正味 300gにする。
3.片栗粉 20g、パルメザンチーズ 10g、塩 ふたつまみを加え、じゃがいもをつぶす。
4.ソーセージ 3本(90g)を3で包む。少し余りました。
5.缶詰のコーン 275gを4にさす。結構作業が大変だったのとコーンが足りなくなったので2本しかできませんでした。
#TrickRecipes #CornontheCob #JennaMarbles #なんちゃってトウモロコシ #Thanksgiving

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